New Warning System

Well sense we can set the amount of days a person gets an infraction point … I say we make 5 the limit. If you see someone making trouble give them an infraction for x amount of days. If they continue then shit happens. So if any person gets five point (feel free to issue warnings which dont count as point) then he/she will be banned. Death to all spammers but besides that if someone is reapeatedly not obeying your commands then you must act. So if everyone is in favor of the 5 point system let me know??? Then I will inform the members so that they know the rules. I have alreadly let them know there is a new system but as of yet (thank god) no active members has recieved an infraction point.

sure, that would be a great idea

I’m ok with anything that is both sensible and reasonable.

I’m on.

System is now in effect and the point limit is 5. You should have no trouble spotting this out. Feel free to test it on IRONMAN or someother poor sap who garbage hangs out in the A&M archive room.

Here is the annoucement.

FW, you impressed me! Wow!:smiley:

haha, i just want to test the warning system on him:P

i think if there are enough warning points, there should be a temporary ban for the users.

Agree with all the writen above ( that is conformism :mrgreen: )

No, really I like the system.

Maybe. This one I banned yesterday. Let’s check on the next spammer.
(FW it’s better to move the spamming threads into Admin Archive instead of soft deleting).

why? i mean those message are pretty much garbage, the reason i go for soft delete is because i cant physically delete in that section for some reason.

It was brought to my attention that we had a bad spam problem so…Ive now set the conditions so that when a person reaches 5 infraction points he or she is automatically banned. Ive decided to do this because im gone for the most part and Dani cant always be around. So if you need to ban someone you will have to set the reason and points…just put 5 and move time to never. User will be banned. I trust all you guys so this will be the system for now and we will see how it goes.


[/b]Please pm me if you have any questions.

FW you can delete posts from the A&M archive room??? Sorry didnt understand your above problem.

Along with the stuff mentioned above you might want to think about somekind of rotation system. Dont know ill let you all figure that one out.

Well, as you probably know, I need at least one post of the spammer in order to ban him.

Edited: after banning the thread(s) could be deleted.

Well maybe you should try to refer all people to Dani for banning unless its an emergency. Otherwise just set points to 5 and that will move them to the banned group.

I don’t understand what you mean by “rotation system”. Rotation on who should warn?

Well if you feel there is a major threat from spammer’s then start a watch system…meaning that each staff member watch the site for awhile. We have 2 staff members in Europe and 2 in North and South America. So point being is that there are only brief periods where a mod is not online. Just an idea…seems to me that you all are on quite a bit so…however you want to work it. This is more of an emergency idea.

Plus watch this killerkiller123 guy. He made a double post concerning soviet uniforms. If he makes another go ahead and ban him.

No, he didn’t. I just moved his thread from Russian to Off-topic General.
After that I tried to edit the title as well. I failed and I moved to Admin Archive.