Next US President!

And how do politicians get to be so rich?

Hillary pumped millions of her own money into her campaign when it ran out of cash. Where did that come from? Whitewater?

Down here we have had a succession of prime ministers (sort of equal to US presidents, but with their fingers in the ring of a hand grenade rather than on the Armageddon nuke button :D) who leave politics as rich men when they didn’t enter it with anything to suggest such a wealthy exit, nor could their salaries as politicians explain their improved financial circumstances.

Yes, kids, but remember what Nick the Safety Sausage always says.

Don’t try this at home! :smiley:

Actually, the Whitewater stuff is largely bogus politically motivated crap. The $40 million felicio investigation pretty much showed that…

I believe she got rich(er) with Bill on the many speaking engagements that are quite lucrative. In fact, many thought the exhausting legal process was going to bury poor William Jefferson after his term ended. On the contrary, a very successful book coupled with absurdly priced speaking engagements put him WEELLLL into the black.

Down here we have had a succession of prime ministers (sort of equal to US presidents, but with their fingers in the ring of a hand grenade rather than on the Armageddon nuke button :D) who leave politics as rich men when they didn’t enter it with anything to suggest such a wealthy exit, nor could their salaries as politicians explain their improved financial circumstances.

Yes, kids, but remember what Nick the Safety Sausage always says.

Don’t try this at home! :smiley:

Mmmm. Well, you have bookstores and universities paying big bucks for the lecture circuit as well I think…

The small fees payable by our bookstores and (largely taxpayer funded) univerisities could not begin to explain our politicians’ improved fortunes.

Our lecture circuit ain’t anything like the US one. We might pay them to shut up, not to speak.

America, however, seems to encourage little turds like our last PM to clatter around the country frantically exhausting the limited interest in him on the neo-con US speaking circuit. (Not a bad thing, as it keeps him out of my country, while he is unnoticed in yours. :smiley: )

We had a bloke by the name of Hawke a couple of decades ago who spent his whole life as a salaried employee of trade unions before going into politics and becoming PM so he could shit on the union members who foolishly elected him. Retired a multi-millionaire. Not explicable by his salary at any point. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with his government and his union history favouring certain heavyweight capitalist interests, such as as paralysing the nation with an airline strike and calling out the military to solve that problem, could it?

All politicians are shits. Some just stink more than others, and are harder to get off your shoe.

Nick the Safety Sausage?

Is this an “AIDs Awareness” Campaign I’ve not heard of?

Got this in an email from a friend.

"Homer Hickam made an interesting comment on TV this morning. In case you don’t know who he is, Homer was a poor West Va miner’s son who worked his way up to being an employee/scientist for NASA. He wrote a book called “Rocket Boy” which was later made into a great movie called “October Sky.”

This morning he was interviewed and said this, about the one-shot shoot down of the crippled satellite: “If this country’s head was on straight, they would be holding a ticker tape parade for the Crew of the Cruiser, USS Lake Erie…”

“This one rocket firing boosted our National defense 100 fold . N Korea, Iran, China, Russia, all know now that we have a safety net that can accurately stop their incoming missiles even if they are out of the earth’s atmosphere.”

“Of course, that was the plan all along, and it was a dandy plan. I just hope that the next person in the White House doesn’t scrap the system and begin baking cookies for the enemy.”

If the wrong person wins they may do just that, and that makes me a little nervous."

“At any rate, Kudos to the Officers & Crew of the USS Lake Erie. WELL DONE, BLUE JACKETS!!”

Funny, just last week Obama reiterated how when he’s president of the US, he will stop all missile technology and push for nuclear disarmament. If he were president now, we wouldn’t even have been able to shoot that satellite down AND show the world that we CAN protect ourselves and will do so if the need arises.

Obamba doesn’t want the rest of the world threatened by the creepy US of A. Something to run through the think-0-matic before you vote.

Jack S. Shipley, USN "

Firstly, I’d like to see the actual supposed quote by Obama (knowing the complete bullshit that often infests chain e-mails).

Then I’d like to know who is far more vulnerable to having their satellites shot out of orbit: the US or China. Or any other potential adversary…

Here is a nice video of Omamma telling us how he would like to make America weaker.
The GOP should run this on an endless loop:

The chinese wouldn’t even have to target military satellites to win a war. All they’d need to do is kill the TV satellites from the major networks. I’d guess the US public would get pretty cranky without american idol and the simpson and demand an immediate peace settlement as the price of war was too high :mrgreen:
(This works for us as well, hehe)

Some of us in other parts of the world would regard the disappearance of those programs as a very good reason for continuing the war. :wink:

Was watching a biography of John Wayne, yesterday. He was reported to have commented that ‘ethnics’ should not want to be involved in politics until they become educated enough to become involved and lead.

I wonder what he would think of Obama?

He was also reported to have complained about people using a hyphenated-American, and asked what was wrong with plain, old American.

Obama in Father’s Day sermon reminds dads that parenting doesn’t end at conception

By Jeff Long and Christi Parsons

Tribune staff reporter

6:56 PM CDT, June 15, 2008


In a Father’s Day address heavy with personal and political meaning, Democrat Barack Obama told worshipers at a Chicago church Sunday that government must do more to help families—but he also exhorted parents, especially fathers, to play their part by raising healthy children.

In a popular South Side church, Obama (D-Ill.) decried the shortage of police on the streets and money for schools, as well as a proliferation of guns in the wrong hands.

But America needs more than jobs and opportunity in its communities, the presidential candidate told the hometown congregation.

“We also need families to raise our children,” he said. “We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception. We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child. It’s the courage to raise one.”

Obama sounded a theme familiar from previous Father’s Day speeches in which he called on fathers to rise to their duties.

But the story of fatherhood–never a simple one for Obama, abandoned by his own father when he was very young–was especially poignant on Sunday.

It came in the aftermath of a painful separation from Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., a father figure who, as Obama’s longtime pastor, played a crucial role in his spiritual maturation as a young man. A few weeks ago, Obama publicly broke relations with Wright after controversy about the minister’s strident sermons turned into a personal disagreement over their divergent views.

As the first stop in Obama’s quest for a new religious home, Chicago’s the Apostolic Church of God offered a symbolic new beginning.

Obama, who often speaks of a “Joshua generation” standing ready to take over the mantle of leadership from its civil rights forebears, stood in a pulpit that Bishop Arthur Brazier, who marched with Martin Luther King Jr., recently handed over to his son, Byron.

A month ago, as the Wright controversy unfolded painfully for Obama, the elder Brazier organized a gathering of black pastors in a show of support for him. Obama chose the Braziers’ church as the place to revisit a key message of his campaign on Sunday.

“Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important,” Obama said. “And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation.”

But, "if we are honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that too many fathers also are missing, missing from too many lives and too many homes.

“They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men,” he said. “And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it.”

The theme of fatherly responsibility is important for Obama, especially now that he is the presumed Democratic nominee for the White House. While his dogma is decidedly liberal, his talk about personal responsibility crafts an appeal to religious conservatives and political centrists.

And while he clearly aims the message at Americans of all races, he has chosen more than once to broadcast that message from black churches.

In his recent speech on race relations, Obama spoke of a historic lack of economic opportunity for black men and the “shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one’s family,” which he said contributed to the erosion of black families.

Welfare policies didn’t help, he said at the time.

As he has in the past, Obama on Sunday preached about the individual’s responsibility to leave that legacy behind.

Two weeks ago, Bishop Brazier, 86, who led the influential Pentecostal congregation for 48 years, handed his church to his only son, Rev. Byron Brazier, 58, a business executive who left the corporate world to follow in his father’s footsteps.

As pastor, Bishop Brazier refused to speak politics at the pulpit. Nevertheless, his influence and clout became well-known in Chicago’s political circles, and the church is now an obligatory campaign stop.

Similarly, although the bishop never spoke of Obama at the pulpit, it is widely known that he supports his candidacy.

In choosing to speak at Apostolic, Obama chose a somewhat more conservative church than Trinity United Church of Christ, where the senator from Illinois was a member until recently.

Both churches are on Chicago’s South Side and are predominantly African-American congregations.

Trinity is part of the United Church of Christ, a liberal Protestant denomination that, for example, ordains gay ministers.

For decades, Apostolic Church of God had been part of the conservative Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. Though Bishop Brazier broke away from the PAW last year, his church is still solidly conservative when compared to Trinity.

Tribune religion reporter Margaret Ramirez contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune

I think that that is what they call Political-Rhetoric, Nick.

We in the UK have similar problems. We’re all aware of them as we have to live with them on a day-to-day basis. What we want to hear is what our leaders are prepared to do about them, how far are they prepared to go to address the problems, by getting to the root of them and making decisions which might make themselves unpopular?

Politics and paranoia

SMEAR: Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape
LIE: Rush Limbaugh says a tape exists of Michelle Obama using the word “whitey” from the pulpit of Trinity United

LIE: Blogger Larry Johnson writes “New and dramatic developments. This is a heads up. I’ll post the news Monday morning by 0900 hours.”

LIE: Proven GOP sleazemeister Roger Stone says he has “credible evidence that some indelible record exists” of a tape of Michelle Obama using the term “whitey.”

LIE: Blogger: “Tape was filmed between June 26th - July 1st 2004 in Chicago, IL at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Conference at Trinity United Church: specifically the Women’s Event.”

Newt for Prez…Check out this video…and Ol Homie BHO wants to weaken our military…

President Barack Obama - A Gun Owner’s Worst Nightmare
National Politics
Gun Grabbers
by Dean Rieck

If you’re not thrilled with the idea of having John McCain as the next President of the United States, you’re not alone. He’s angered gun owners for years with nonsensical anti-gun votes and support for so-called “campaign finance reform,” which has done little except limit free speech and curtail grassroots political activism.

But would you prefer President Barack Obama? Obama is without doubt the single most anti-gun candidate to ever seek the office of President. By word and deed, he has consistently, without exception, worked to trash the Second Amendment and do away with guns and gun rights altogether.

I know you might not like either of these candidates. But politics is about dealing with reality. And the reality is this: The next President of the United States will be McCain or Obama.

Does that irritate you? It irritates me. But that’s the way it is.

Buckeye Firearms Association has presented plenty of information about John McCain and his less than perfect record on gun rights. He has called for GOP “tolerance” for closing so-called gun show loopholes, supported bans on “cheap guns” and certain assault weapons, and sought to restrict gun access for youths.

But he’s not a hopeless case. He voted against holding gun manufacturers liable for gun crimes, voted against the Brady Bill, voted against background checks at gun shows, and opposed D.C.'s gun ban.

Whatever you think of John McCain, he’s not a gun owner’s worst nightmare. Barack Obama is.

In his short political career, Obama has worked overtime to crush gun owner rights. Would-be President Obama …

Endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership in Illinois.
Supports gun bans in any city that wants one, including Chicago and Washington, D.C.
Wants to totally eliminate the right of concealed carry nationwide.
Voted to make it possible to prosecute innocent citizens who use firearms in self-defense.
Voted to allow predatory lawsuits intended to bankrupt the firearms industry.
Wants to bring back the failed Clinton assault weapons ban, discredited even by Clinton’s own supporters.
Voted to ban virtually every type of rifle ammunition used for hunting and sport.
Supports gun registration for law-abiding gun owners.
Refused to sign a friend-of-the-court brief affirming that the Second Amendment refers to an individual right.
Served on the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the number one source of funds for anti-gun organizations.
Supported a ban on gun stores within five miles of any school or park, which would practically eliminate every gun store in the country.
Voted to prevent gun owners from knowing when the state of Illinois ran record searches on them.
Supports forcing gun manufacturers to embrace micro-stamping, a financially ruinous and technically absurd farce.
Wants to create and enforce mandatory waiting periods, under the assumption that only angry people buy firearms.
Supports the ludicrous one-gun-a-month rule on gun sales.
Supports banning cheap handguns, which would affect black and poor Americans the most, constituencies he claims to champion.
Supports banning police departments from reselling firearms, even if the money raised would help purchase new equipment.
Supports mandatory firearms training for all gun owners regardless of the cost or consequences.
Supports a ban on gun ownership for anyone under 21 years of age, which would help weaken the American hunting tradition.
Add to this the fact that he would be in a position to nominate wildly liberal Supreme Court judges and negotiate with ravenously anti-gun activists seeking to ban gun ownership worldwide, and you begin to see the nightmarish direction America could take under an Obama presidency.

I won’t tell you who to vote for. As an American, you must cast your own vote for your own reasons. Just remember that like it or not, no third party candidate has any chance at all of winning. Virtually all the votes will go for either McCain or Obama. Polls indicate this could be a close race. A handful of votes, including yours, may decide the outcome.

And as of the time I’m writing this, there is still a chance that Obama will choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate, putting Obama, Hillary, and Bill in the White House - a terrifying anti-gun hat trick.

Think about it long and hard. President John McCain or President Barack Obama? The decision is yours.

Obama must be stopped! He’s regime will enact a genocide against guns! Fuck the Housing Crisis, America’s decline as a superpower, and skyrocketing fuel prices. Let’s all get obsessed over single issues and become single issue voters…

BTW, exactly what will Obama do in regards to firearms, again? Most of those listed points are complete bullshit…

The the military thing is just a joke. The past administration has done more harm to the military than any in recent memory save for the LBJ/Nixon era…

Wow…as a MOD you sure are sensitive and sure like to throw out the curse words but heck ive come to expect that from some. Tell me what your man Obama is going to do about the housing crisis? What’s your man Obama going to do to keep us a super power? What’s your man Obama going to do about fuel? I can show you video of him saying he doesn’t mind fuel going up this high he just wished it wouldn’t go up so fast. Besides him raising taxes on everything…what’s his plan?
Its cut and paste Nick…you should know how that is you do it enough. Take a chill :slight_smile:

LOL Um. me cut and paste? You’re the one spoofing with factually incorrect chain e-mails and partisan videos that prove nothing and are completely irrelevant to the real issues. You can show an out-of-context video? Congratulations…

Um, who’d you vote for in 2000 again? I’m betting you had videos and chain e-mails on McCain too…

And how is Obama “raising taxes on everything” when he voted to lower them on the middle class a year or so ago?

But in specific response to your questions, Obama has espoused support for a Bill that would limited the damage done by foreclosures and would provide federally backed guarantees for owners having troubles making ends meet. As far has fuel, he has also support a “windfall” tax geared towards forcing big oil to seek out new sources and alternative fuels such as solar and wind power as well as regulating oil and gas market speculators that have been at least as problematic as dwindling supplies in regards to gas prices.

Now, are you going to answer mine or just post another oped from people doing your thinking for you? And do so without the least amount of analysis or criticism?

BTW, when I do “cut and paste,” I at least post articles by sources that have at least the pretense of being unbiased and self-critical, including a cut and paste that was very favorable towards McCain…

Um…I don’t try and convince you anymore Nick…I know how you operate…I’ve seen behind the scenes in your private MOD room when it has been open.
Um…I seen paragraphs in my threads disappear when they were aimed at someone…I guess some people can pitch but they cant catch, go ahead…say it doesn’t happen but I know better.

Um…I wonder what obama plans to do about terrorism or do you think this video is out of contex too?