That would be just Sergeant Major, Command Sergeant Major, and the top enlisted man in the US Army is SGM of the Army…
Company Sergeant Major (job and description varies) Warrant Officer class 2;
Company First Sergeant, or “Top” --if you know him well enough…
Colour Sergeant (usually company quartermaster sergeant);
Usually the supply sergeant is a Master Sergeant (E-8). I’m not sure there is a direct equivalent to “color sergeant.”
Sergeant (platoon).
Usually a Sergeant First Class (SFC or E-7), but sometimes Staff Sergeants (SSG or E-6) perform the job as well…
The same would apply to squadron and troop etc.
Warrant Officers are considered to be ‘almost’ officers in the USA, and therefore have no direct equivalent in enlisted rank and are ranked WO1-WO4 with a WO4 being pretty close to a Colonel or even Brigadier in real terms, and a person that you do not want to piss off…