Panzer Mark IV: The Workhorse?

For the western front the Pz IV enhanced would be okay, but for the east some heavy tank was definately needed.

Yhea, like the TigerI or E-100.
<Hey, The E100 wasnt even completed!

it is understood heavier armours are necessity, panther should actually suffice for the needs, or even tiger. however, in the blitzkrieg speed is the essence, western allies and russian seems much aware in this. Tanks should become a shock force, they move in a fast pace to the rear area of enemy and close a circle, they should NOT become a tank hunter, like germans did during second half of the war. The job of killing tanks, should be let alone to Tank killer unit. Germans got plenty of these.

Yea, teorically but is a mistake to believe that you deploy a tank for a single purpose in the battlefiled, unles it is some engineer vehicle.
The combat vehicle should be capable of perform two task, just note the heavy troubles experienced in the British military with his purpose designed tanks, like the infantry and smoke screen tanks.

The panzer Iv born actually as infantry support with the howitzer ( even it was capable to shoot AP shells)
The fact is you going to need a armored vehicle able to defeat armor and support the infantry as well.

This is how the enhanced panzer IV would look…if the long gun was not needed.

Henschel VK 30.01.

On September 9 of 1938, Henschel received the permission to continue their work on new medium tank in continuation with DW development. Work on VK3001(H), which was further development of DW II, started. Two similar designs were created, lighter (32 tons) VK3001(H) and later on heavier (40 tons) VK3601(H). Both resembled Panzerkampfwagen IV in their hull design but their running gear was of a new design that consisted of overlapping road wheels. Medium VK3001(H) tank and heavy VK3601(H) tank had many common parts what would make their production and service much more easier.

Only four VK3001(H) prototypes were produced, two in March of 1941 and other two in October of 1941. All were completed in 1942 by Henschel. In the early 1942, one prototype VK3601(H) was build along with 5 prototype chassis. Originally, it was intended to mount VK3001(H) with a turret armed 75mm L/24 or 105mm L/28 gunm but none of the prototypes were actually fitted with turrets. VK3601(H) was to be armed with 75mm KwK 42 L/70 (Gerat 725), 88mm KwK 36 L/56 (mounted in VK4501(P) turret) or 105mm L/20 or L/28 gun, but just as VK3001(H), it was never armed with any weapons.
VK 30.01 turret in defensive emplacement.
DW to Tiger I, Jentz/Doyle.

It is correct that Tanks should not perform only one task,… it has to be multi role, they have to able to dominate the battlefiled, but not necessary superior in every aspects. Understood that Pz IVD was for infantry support role and PzIII to fight against another armor.

Video: Full check for a panzer IV ausf G including repairing the leaf spring bogie with electric arc welding.

few pic’s of various Mk IVs and a panzerjaeger


…And I could have sworn I saw Aly J :mrgreen::mrgreen:

i would say it is one of the best tanks in the was with its 75 mm gun and its great infantry support weapons it could go tank on tank or help the boys in the trenches it was a great tank the the armoured side skirts helped it against the american AT round the APDS round that burned threw armour and exploded the side skirts allowed it to burn threw the side skirt and explode between the side skirt and the actually armour thus protecting the crew inside from harm.