Panzer projects & prototypes.

Hi Lancer44,

Thanks for the info mate and it is a shame that they scraped them and did not preserve them.

Great info mate.


its not a model shot - from what I ve seen in the schiffer panther book these photos were taken at an event where most of the workable panthers (13?) which had only just started production then
were displayed to Speer. It was a bit of a fiasco with about half dropping out and/or having to be towed due to mechanical failures - as it was a new vehicle at the time I guess they were just starting the learning curve. the track tensioning wouldnt have helped reliability much though

Aditional pics of the Porsche Maus.

V1 with fake turret.

The Daimler Benz sufer to move the 190 tons of Panzer, check the exhaust gases.

Rare pic, maus V1 passing a KV-1 captured in 1941, the soviet tank is demolished by several shots from AT guns and hollow charges , place of the pic is the test fields of Kummersdorf.

V1 Con applied camo, in the Boblingen test grund.


Some field test.

Even quiet slow seems a funny trip.

Cleaning …check the deep tracks and the fire extinguishers.

Close up to the definitive 128mm turret, the thickness of the armor is evident.

Source : Maus und Andere Panzerprojekte-Waffen Arsenal.

A funny little vehicle… “From 1936, the RR7 was developed by Saurer as an artillery tractor for the Austrian army. Testing was completed and in 1937, an order was placed for the tractors which were manufactured in 1938. About 12 vehicles were made prior to “Anschluss”. After Austria was incorporated into Germany in 1938, the vehicle continued to be manufactured. Records indicate that a total of 140 units were built. The new designator for Germany was Sd Kfz 254. Notable features of this tank were it’s wheel-cum-track layout and a diesel motor.”

Ke snížení obrovské početní převahy ruské obrněné techniky se Němci rozhodli využít levných a snadno vyrobitelných samohybných protitankových děl. Snaha o jejich co nejmasovější produkci je nutila využívat jako nosiče těchto zbraní všechny dostupné podvozky. Vedle podvozků vlastních tanků tedy samozřejmě i podvozky všemožných kořistních strojů. To vedlo ke tříštění výroby a ve svém důsledku k jejímu prodražování. Neefektivní byla rovněž nutnost držet velké množství různých náhradních dílů v polních dílnách stejně jako učit mechaniky i posádky rozumět mnoha různým strojům. Totéž platilo i pro klasická samohybná děla.

Není tedy divu, že se již roku 1942 začaly objevovat požadavky na vývoj jednoho univerzálního podvozku pro nesení zbraní všeho druhu. Oficiální objednávka na vývoj takového stroje však přišla až počátkem roku 1944. Zbrojní úřad formuloval požadavky na nový stroj a obeslal jimi všechny významné německé výrobce tankové techniky. Nosič měl spočívat na plně pásovém podvozku, jehož konstrukce by v co největší míře využívala prvků již vyráběných tanků. Stroj neměl být vyzbrojen jednou konkrétní zbraní, ale měl být použitelný pro nesení více druhů kanonů. Čili na jeden univerzální podvozek mělo být možné, bez jakýchkoliv složitějších zásahů do jeho konstrukce, lafetovat některou z více volitelných zbraní.

Přitom měly být vyvinuty dvě odlišné verze tohoto podvozku - lehčí a těžší. Volitelnými zbraněmi pro lehčí nosič měly být protitankový kanon PaK 40 L/46 ráže 75 mm, rovněž protitankový PaK 44 L/70 stejné ráže, houfnice FH 18/40 ráže 105 mm nebo 120-ti milimetrový minomet. Těžší podvozek potom měl být schopen nést buď protitankový kanon PaK 43 L/71 ráže 88 mm, 150-ti milimetrovou houfnici FH 43 nebo kanon K 43 ráže 128 mm.

(Can’t translate).

Nice pics of the WaffenT 88, sadly no polish speaking, can you rewrite a little of this in english.?

There’s no Polish, there’s Czech…

I tried to help but had to give up… It’s one thing to “talk” with Czech friends drinking beer and quite another translating technical lingo.
Maybe Jasa “the bolshevik” can help?
He is from Prague.



I couldnt translate that article, but i found more information…
"One vehicle saw action in April of 1945, near Berlin at Brandeburg
with 3rd Panzer Jaeger Abt. attached to Infantry Division “Ulrich von Hutten”.
Second photo was taken in May of 1946 at Kubinka during tests of captured vehicle.
Today. this vehicle is on display at the museum at Kubinka. "
and more pictures…

anyways, there is a tank that they rebuild from spare part
this is chinese site, but i just want to show the picture (post 1 from that forum)

Has anyone got info of this vehicle also known as Bussing NAG HKp 902 it was a halftrack , 3 chassis built , 2 sent too Afrika Korp armed with 75m L40/8 gun in revolving turret on a armoured body of a 5t halftrack pictures have appeard in Rommels Funnies by Tom Jentz, Enc German Tanks chamberlain and Doyle, Sdkfz6 by Rue, I have front and side views but no views of the REAR engine compartment or plan views from above these vehicles were the 3rd prototype versions with full mudguards front to rear the third vehicle was used as a one off V2 command vehicle, FCM have produced models of the earlier types but it is the ones sent to NA I am interested in.

Have just bought Tamiya 1/35th Char B1 bis want to convert to the above vehicle has anyone got rear and interior ammunition stowage arrangements have Speilbergers book Beutepanzer but no rear views any help gratefully received. Also does anyone know of a kit of AMR35 in 1/35th scale?

In Polish. Our Polish friends might help.

Nice Waffentrager, I didnt know this.

Some additional pics.



Also check Type A:

I think I going to ad this to the topic of the projekts and prototipes.

in revolving turret on a armoured body of a 5t halftrack

Seems a limited traverse turret to me.

“The series of 4 vehicles was built on the chassis of 5-ton tractor with the engines mounted in the back and armed with 75 mm guns. The vehicles were driven by the Maybach HL 45 engines (carburetor, 6-cylinder - power of 110 kilowatts). Two of these were in combat use in Africa, one of them was damaged and captured by the British. The third was reconstructed for mobile and armored V-2 rocket launcher and fourth was tested with mounted Flak 41 5 cm AA gun. The other name of this vehicle is Büssing-NAG HKp 902.”


Guys, its just physics / gravity in action. The increased tension is due to

weight transfer and the track reaction is sort of like pulling on a rope. Initially

the tracks ‘get tight’ as you increase the ‘load’ on them. As the vehicle load

either is reduced the tracks return to their ‘normal’ position. If you look

closely at photographs or film footage you will see this phenominom. This

photo just happens to show a situation where the track tensioning due to

load is more extreme because of the slope.
