Partisans in Yugoslavia

Operation Rösselsprung May 1944.
Sure, attempted attack on town of Drvar to capture partisans leader Tito. In that time HQ for partisan operations was in Drvar. After that HQ moved to island of Vis with airport that later had RAF support. The failure of this german/croatian action with 500. SS falschirm batalion was that Tito was not inside the Drvar town, but in a cave just upon hill next to town, so he managed to escape into mountains. All german forces got was Tito’s new uniform that was at tailor shop.
There is a quite good movie about that attack called “desant na drvar” b/w
many links in all languages:össelsprung+drvar&btnG=Traži&hl=hr

The Stoat has nothing against you. We all like to see where things come from. It is also helpfull if we want to further read on the site that you have taken it from. :smiley:

Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok I always put URL :wink:

I am born in Croatia we had our own goverment known as the NDH - leaded by Ante Pavelić (they wher allies of Hitler at the end of the war the british sold out the escaiping wimen and children to the partisans which lead to a masacre on the Bleiburg field (thear is a table today) Because oif that partisans after 60 jears of tirany the croatian people decided it is best do get out of Yugoslavia which lead to the war on the Balkan 1991-1995 today the main people who killed Croatians in great numbers are siiting in the Haag tribunal…[/img]

Bleiburg is that when Croatian try to get away into Austria and allied dont give them,partisans kill all that people :shock: first time i heard that,mate do you have any URL or site,agian sorry for english i am been inactive few months and i forgot what i learn here i apologise. :oops:

yes, that’s right, croatians were going to bleiburg field to surrender to allies (britain), but they send them back to Tito who slaughtered them about 120,000 on the way to serbian working camps - the most of partisans who did that weren’t croatian partisans but chetnicks who joined partisans…

another event that was also done by chetnicks is liberation ov Zagreb (capitol of Croatia), 10th Zagreb corpus (croatian partisans of zagreb and it’s surrondings) were ordered (by Tito) to wait 3 days… in the meantime - chetnicks-partisans marched trough Zagreb burning parts of it down and killing innocent people…

i will try to find some web sites about it if you are interresed

Tnx yes i am interrested if you an find some link’s. :wink:

i found this for now…

150.000 peoples :shock: really sad ,communists revenge bastards. :x

well most of them weren’t comunists but chetnicks and serbian nationalists, but yes there were comunistst that commited crimes… my grandfathers brother and uncle served in NDH military, and they were killed by chetnicks in spring 1942 and april 1945.
brother of my grandfathers sister served in partisans, he was killed by NDH military… sad but true…

in croatia, ww2 not only had been world war, but civil war also :cry:

Before war all lived in same country,when war is started brother is kill brother :frowning: and all army’s killed civilians,and innocents.

Well not quite, before the ww2, or better, after ww1, there was created a state so called SHS (kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians). Croatia as part of Austro Hungarian empire and a loser in the war must accept terrible conditions of surrender etc. After ww1 serbs dominated in this kingdom (king was also Serb), and therefore hurting and tiranizing croatian people. National simbols was also been forbidden. Some few movements to democracy was Vlatko Maceks Banat Croatia (Banovina Hrvatska) - 1939 but as part of Kingdom Yugoslavia… Another movement for croatia independence was dr.Ante Pavelics Ustasha movement who declared independence state croatia (NDH) on 10. april 1941 with help of italian and german army. Croatian people saw salvation in this event, teritory was expanded on ethnical borders (where corats lived) - bosnia, herzegowina, vojvodina… But soon they become a quisling state, and they started building concentration and working camps… irronicaly, this state was not so independent as croatian people thinked…
There was a few (rather big) events in that NDH (not partisans, but ustasha) fought for her teritory and people - even against germans and italians :shock:
i will tell you about it ofcorse, if you are interresed :smiley:

Yeah thats innteresting keep posting please,that independed Coatia Germans have all power and domination there isn’t it just like the others countrys in Europa,your goverment and president was just a marionete in Germans hands,is that true. :?

well croatia was formaly (or just in name :lol: ) independent state, it had its goverment, money, public services, education sistem etc. - everything that independent state has - but all under german (and italian - until 1943.) supervision and influence. To me - it is significant that it carried name CROATIA (HRVATSKA) - not yugoslavia, not serbia, not SHS but croatia… Ustasha movement wasn’t so bad in the start, they fought for the right thing- libereation and independence of croatia - and in that time, it seems, it was only possible if u had army power - so they joined with mussolini and hitler - and that was bad - but only way to achive they’re goals…

for return (for help from mussolini and hitler) croatia gived (that was pretty bad) an Istria, parts of Dalmatia, and most of the islands to Italia - this teritorys were returned after capitulation of italy…

if u like, i’ll scan some maps of croatia before, during and after ww2 that i have

Tnx good info i see map’s of Croatia i am exploring on google and find some map’s.
Also i am find info about war-crimes in Croatia in ww2 and kamps for jews,serbian,gypsies…just like nazis in Germany. :frowning:

Those camps where made in later wars so that is not so sad andf those camps where just something to calm down Hitler because he requested that Germany should be a role model for Croatia!I mean i dont support it but there where killed mauch les people then Staljin killed in Sibir!!! :cry: