
Call of Duty is all sorts of fun. 8)

For Sure!!! I love the mission in United Offensive when you are in the RAF, and then you become British Cammandos. Shooting down those planes are so much fun!!!

I haven’t really played single player except for the first one I am mainly online. 8)

(i know, i still havent completed the Russian one entirely…)

You really should try PC games dude. They are fun. Smetimes I enjoy them so much that I get sentimental about my guns, and pull all of them out of the closet to wipe them down with a lightly oiled rag. :wink:[/quote]

I get enough real military experience to keep me happy, if I want to play games I will, but ive seen enough of the real stuff not to get confused between the two!.

Any one else on this site delusional, thinks they have been to war?
quotes computer game manuals as war stories passed down from their fathers?
Take that oily rag and leave it festering in the corner of your bedroom, with any luck it will spontaneously combust and burn you to death in your sleep.


Call of Duty is indeed an extraordinary game for multiplayer. I usually rank no 1 on my team no matter how many are playing on the server, but some of the time I rank in the in the top 3, rarely lower than that. I don’t normally brag, but I was the no. 1 Quake II CTF player in the world for 3 years straight (during it’s heyday) until I quit playing the game. I was 38 yrs old when I started playing it multiplayer. And teenagers? Forget it. They simply can’t keep up with guys my age, especially when you’re a lefty. PC games are one of my favorite passtimes, along with photography, chess and shooting firearms. Like most soldiers, I rarely shoot at anything more than 200-300 yards away though.

I’ve been thinking of building a new site for the Chosin Few, but need great pictures for it. There are not as many great pics of the Korean War as of WWII, so finding exaclty what I want is difficult.

Truly those pictures at the front of this thread should be reproduced and sent to some museums.

Like most soldiers, I rarely shoot at anything more than 200-300 yards away though.

Then you’d know at that range they’re too fking close and are able to absolutely fk you with MGs at close range, nice going! Of course we wouldn’t want to engage the enemy further away to make sure they don’t get too close until we want to close with them, course not why that would be most unsporting. We should let the enemy close in and bring more firepower down yes that would be really sensible, considering that most of our enemies use a AK47 variant which is only really effective at the 300m range. What a great plan tinwalt! lets not use our advantage of longer ranged weapons! c*ck :evil:

In the game or in real life? :lol:

You’re also giving the impression now that you’re a soldier!!! :lol:

It has been noted that you haven’t posted anything in the “what WW2 era firearms have you fired”, therefore by implication you have fired none.


Number one quake player in the world.
Let me check this is quake right, where a nail gun and a single barreled shotgun are amongst the choices of weapon with which to engage opponenets.

Right, incidentally next time you are “at war” tell me whether nail guns are really an assault weapon would you. I can imagine you ahve used them to assault, King Grill Lord of the UNDERMENSCH

So now you’re claiming that most combat with small arms takes place at a range of more than 275m? Especially since the 20th century? I suppose the concept of the assualt rifle came about because combat with small arms typically takes place at 600m eh? :lol:

There has not been a war since WWI where the a large percentage of the combat with small arms has taken place at ranges of over @ 300 yards. And you’re in the British Military eh?

Get a freaking clue kiddo.


Call of Duty is indeed an extraordinary game for multiplayer. I usually rank no 1 on my team no matter how many are playing on the server, but some of the time I rank in the in the top 3, rarely lower than that. I don’t normally brag, but I was the no. 1 Quake II CTF player in the world for 3 years straight (during it’s heyday) until I quit playing the game.[/quote]

Two words for you Ironman,


Surely you must be able to prove such a simple thing. If you did this, we might be inclined to treat other claims you make with more than the disdain that they get now.

Not true but also irrelevant.

It only requires one firefight at 400m to make you pointless and a trained soldier wins.

If you wait until an enemy section is 275m away you seriously need to kill them all, instantly. Very quickly they will be in cover moving around you. Because you let them get so close expect to see shining bayonets near your chest soon.

Soldiers in the UK engage targets at 300m with Ironsights and 400m+ with optics. When firing as a section increase this to 600m. There is a reason this is taught.

Choice is yours “kiddo.”


Call of Duty is indeed an extraordinary game for multiplayer. I usually rank no 1 on my team no matter how many are playing on the server, but some of the time I rank in the in the top 3, rarely lower than that. I don’t normally brag, but I was the no. 1 Quake II CTF player in the world for 3 years straight (during it’s heyday) until I quit playing the game.[/quote]

Two words for you Ironman,



You remember me in those old Quake II days eh? How many times did I frag you with a Super Shotgun while you were waiting for your aimbot to be able to fire another round from your railgun?

You remember me in those old Quake II days eh? How many times did I frag you with a Super Shotgun while you were waiting for your aimbot to be able to fire another round from your railgun?[/quote]

As I said, prove it! If you were World Champion 3 years running there should be some record of it somewhere. Therefore you should be able to prove it.

Thank you for responding directly for once, now respond directly to the many questions that I have left for you all around the site. Reading your PMs might help.

You remember me in those old Quake II days eh? How many times did I frag you with a Super Shotgun while you were waiting for your aimbot to be able to fire another round from your railgun?[/quote]

this proves your doolaly tap :twisted:

Not true but also irrelevant.

It only requires one firefight at 400m to make you pointless and a trained soldier wins.

If you wait until an enemy section is 275m away you seriously need to kill them all, instantly. Very quickly they will be in cover moving around you. Because you let them get so close expect to see shining bayonets near your chest soon.

Soldiers in the UK engage targets at 300m with Ironsights and 400m+ with optics. When firing as a section increase this to 600m. There is a reason this is taught.

Choice is yours “kiddo.”[/quote]

The maximum range of infantry small arms engagements, however, has shrunk significantly over the past century. Some of the standard infantry rifles of World Wars I and II had sights that ranged out to more than 2,000 yards (1800 meters), and infantry soldiers trained to engage area targets even out to those ranges. But with the adoption of the smaller caliber, higher velocity .223 bullet as the infantry standard for many nations, the maximum training–and hence effective–range of infantry, small arms has dropped off to 300 meters or less.

When will you learn, Dingbat? Check out the bolded type in my original post, then the proof. :lol:

It might be nice if you guys could prove any of your claims this way, but alas, you cannot. You spout bullsiot instead. You did not know the above? And you are in the british Military? Yea, keep the Gurkhas. You need them.

must be old who uses .223?

I still think your doolaly tap

From you own source.

It is no secret that the anti-Coalition forces in Iraq possess mainly outdated Russian equipment. The enemy’s equipment is most effective at close range in hours of good visibility. The enemy attempts to use terrain to his advantage in maximizing the effect of his weapon systems by establishing engagement areas with covered and concealed positions from 75 to 300 meters away from the kill zone. The enemy prefers to use IEDs or RPGs to initiate contact followed by a volley of machine gun fire to exploit any damaged or thin-skinned vehicles.

I still think your doolaly tap

And this:

(Let me amend that: perhaps 300m as the average maximum distrance of most modern combat with small arms)

…is correct. Even Janes says it. More drivel.

So now you’re claiming that most combat with small arms takes place at a range of more than 275m? Especially since the 20th century? I suppose the concept of the assualt rifle came about because combat with small arms typically takes place at 600m eh?

There has not been a war since WWI where the a large percentage of the combat with small arms has taken place at ranges of over @ 300 yards. And you’re in the British Military eh?

Get a freaking clue kiddo.

Yes damn straight i’m in the british military nutjob (but only on weekends :lol: ) A large percentage of combat has taken place at ranges of over 300yds? b*llshit, that maybe true if you are the average third world soldier armed with an AK47 and can’t shoot straight. But not if you’re armed with a modern assault rifle, the clue’s in the name. Engage the enemy at long range, i don’t know say 600m, then close up with the enemy and switch to automatic and ‘assault’ his position. The assault rifle is a combination of sub-machine gun and rifle! The idea is to use both elements! doh! That’s why you engage the enemy at 600m.
Also think about this the minium safety distance of a 81mm mortar round is 250m why would so many field commanders call upon mortar fire for support when engaging the enemy in a firefight if they were going to endanger their own blokes? Doesn’t make sense does it? That’s why you engage at 600m so you can safely mortar the enemy and pour down fire with out risking your men.
BTW before you try to question my knowledge and wether or not i’m in the brit. military i’m doing TA officer training at the moment so i’m slightly more clued up than you and have to know weapon ranges etc to pass my MOD 2 course which i did. And funny thing is one of the questions asked Q:what is the section level range of the SA80 A2 rifle?