Posters Who Claim to Be WWII Vets

Well, are there really that many elderly WWII vets on internet forums? I’m speaking of “leer” specifically in the photos section who somehow knows everything about something because he was “there”. I’m certainly not saying it is impossible, as I believe one of my long time nemesis at Armchair was banned for questioning a poster claiming to be a RN vet, who managed to provide proof. But it does seem to be rather easy to be anything on the internet you want to be…

As far as I remember “leer” claimed to have served as an artilleryman in the 28th US Infantry Division during the Battle of the Bulge. I have know doubts about him being genuine.
He’s around for years, has never told any heroic tales. A cranky old fella if I might say.

'Kay. He jumped on me a bit for my comments on Gen. Creighton Abrams…

I read it, as I mentioned sometimes he can be a bit short fused…
After all it’s indeed hard to imagine a nearly 90-year-old (probably) commenting here…

Interesting anyways, I’m sure he must have help…

I’m necro-bumping this thread. There seems to be a bit of flaming on in the Photo side. This is the pic link:

Leer and John Rutledge posted (almost a decade ago) some doubts about claims the particular soldier served in The Battle of the Bulge and a user yesterday said he doubted Lee was there, I personally do not doubt he was there based on his posts.

In any case, it appears Lee R. Christensen has not posted in 8 or 9 years making it likely he is dead or no longer able to post…

Incidentally, an IP trace leads to Seattle, WA, and there is a record of a Lee R Christensen there that is 98 yrs. old!

Incidentally he checks out, there is a Leer from Seattle, WA that is 98 years old, assuming he is still alive…