Prominent Russian Reporter Shot to Death

I’ll tell you for the last time.
Respect the rules of this board. Don’t respect and you’ll be warned and end banned.

The users also agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, racist, xenophobic, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate applicable laws. Doing so may lead to the authors of such posts being immediately and permanently banned (and their service provider being informed).
Is that clear or I have to spell it louder?

As for my “pitiful attempts” I think that the staff of this board may judge when, where or if are some racist posts, comments, remarks. Clear?

Thirdly: for your information (even if you should find already in the 2005 archive) I am Catholic.

Lancer, you know already the answer. It’s the same answer throughout the history (not only in 20 and 21st centuries).

My bold
Sneaksie, since when if somebody is anti-Putin obviously he must be anti-Russian? Or maybe it’s once again a misunderstanding?:smiley:
Please enlight me!

Mate, I can only speak for myself. I post at a site dedicated to a “Jewish” :wink: rock star, and have posted more than one thread in the politcal forum attacking the terrorists in Chechnya, including a celebratory thread when Basayev (Belsan school mastermind) was killed by Russian Intell. Nobody has glorified the Chechen terrorists, which U.S. and NATO troops have also fought, and killed, in Afghanistan.

Nobody has any sympathies for them. The problem I have is that pro-gov’t Chechen security forces and the Russian paramilitaries/Army have a documented track record of making people disappear --of using death squads to abduct & extra-judicially kill their opponents. And I don’t defend US actions in Iraq either, which is essentially supporting a Shia gov’t doing the same.

Few days ago Russian Foreign Minister visited Warsaw. Before his visit, during press conference, one of the journalists asked Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman about official support of Poland for Chechen rebels.
An idiot spokesman answered that support for Chechens has got nothing to do with Poland’s relations with Russia…

Next day Russian Embassy send letter to Polish FM asking why Poland as a NATO member is interfering in Russia’s territorial integrity.

And Russians were right!

Just imagine if Amish community in Pennsylvania would start to gather weapons, fight with US federal troops, kill local FBI agents and demand independence.
What would happen?

You know that’s not the same thing. The Chechen are culturally distinct, and have been dominated by Russians in various insurrections since the Tsars, whereas the Amish settled in Pennsylvania and actually live side-by-side with other Americans. And the US Federal gov’t has cracked down on NeoNazis and the Branch Dividians actually. Nobody is happy with those results either (innocent people killed in the crossfires’) Again, I in no way “support” Chechen terrorists that murder school children.

Can we start discussion now without mentioning Jewish conspiracy?

If only there weren’t always some other conspiracy to blame. Maybe someday people can admit that their gov’ts are often dishonest, have made terrible errors, or , and not fight over every detail using denials and lunatic conspiracy theories. But this is the internet…

Chevan, I know your family is religious, you are christened, try to think that we are all Jews just like Jesus Christ.
Anyway, you never know what your great grandma was doing when your great grandpa was busy…



Ha ha! :smiley:

Or you never know if your great-great-great grandfather “converted” in order to be saved. Many German soldiers that honestly thought themselves Christian found this out in WWII actually, when their long-lost Jewish heritage was traced by psychotic officers of the Gestapo.

OK, come back to the Politkovskaj

Specialy for you and Dani:
Official Russian Jewish Site called she as the jwish girl:

…those arre the activists from the “memorial”, people from The sakharovskogo center, participants and the activists of human rights organizations, the members of Russian Pen- Club, soldier mothers, human rights activist Sergey Kovalev, some daring deputies of the Duma: Nemtsov, Yavlinskiy, some journalists - it is certain, Anna Politkovskaya.

note: The Names of Jews in thiste are marked with blue colour

another source:

book of Josef Molare :“Jewish world in the calendar of history”

…However, during the first day Yuri Luzhkov reported the demand of the terrorists: they not will talk with the Russian truce bearers. …
. The talks between Islamic martyrs and orthodox Moscow conducted through the peoples of Jewish origin. Let us calculate: Kobzon, Nemtsov, Khakamada (jewess according to the mom), doctors Roshal, woman journalist Anna Politkovskaya … . All negotiators were Jews!

I know she was born in USA in famaly of ukrainian diplomats.
But the jews themself called her as the jewish girl.
So gentlemens , do somebody want to say that jews are lie and named Politkovskaj as the Ukrainian :wink:

Oh, so she didn’t condemn Chechen terror? And what about the other 43 or so Journalists that have been killed in the last ten years? the gov’ts shocking incompetence at catching the murderers? and the fact that Russia is the third most dangerous nation on earth for journalists?

I told you already thet the reason of Blody illegality (killing the peoples and jornalists) was the “Yeltsin command” doing sinse 1992. And certainly with comming of Putin in 2000 the situation could change the rapidly ( slowly but its changed today)

LOL You deserve to live in the unstable, backward land with statements like that…

poor Nick, I’m forced to distress you :wink:
According the forecast of the economists( by the way western) Russia will expect economic increase up 8-10% per year during 2007-2015.( also like and China and South-Eastern asia at all).
I would be live in “unstable, backward land” as you wish but i can’t, sorry . I’m doomed to live in the being revived powerfull country. :slight_smile:

Dani you are very interesting person.
Whan Nickdfres poster about “Russian jornalists” i just correct him and explain my point why she was not objective ( and called some examples with murdering of western sitizents by bandits).
Tell me please did i called the jews ( as nation) the worst words?
And what you did?

So actually she was right, wasn’t she? Most of the Russians thinks so racist?

You mean “all the russian” as the racists?( i.e. me and Sneaksie)
You forgot about rules of forum, or may be you think this rules not for you?

Thirdly: for your information (even if you should find already in the 2005 archive) I am Catholic.

No i don’t read the arhive, OK thank’s Dani.
May be i was to sharp to the jews , i have noting against them as the people.

In any case this cruel killing was the crime agains Russia ( agree with Sneaksie)

Read once again my post there, Sneaksie’s reply and my apologies after.
Nothing more to explain.

That’s not the point. The point is that you keep focusing on the fact that she is Jewish as if it has a greater meaning, as if that means she was part of some Jewish media conspiracy you seem so upset about --that you’ve basically stated you think exists indicative in some of your previous posting.

Were the ‘oligarchs’ that controlled the Russian media at one time Jewish? Are there any Russian Orthodox conspiracies?

I told you already thet the reason of Blody illegality (killing the peoples and jornalists) was the “Yeltsin command” doing sinse 1992. And certainly with comming of Putin in 2000 the situation could change the rapidly ( slowly but its changed today)

The facts clearly don’t bear that out…

poor Nick, I’m forced to distress you :wink:
According the forecast of the economists( by the way western) Russia will expect economic increase up 8-10% per year during 2007-2015.( also like and China and South-Eastern asia at all).
I would be live in “unstable, backward land” as you wish but i can’t, sorry . I’m doomed to live in the being revived powerfull country. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m happy Russia’s economy will supposedly boom. But I thought you yearned for the “good old days” of Communism…

October 12, 2006
Slain Reporter’s Last Story Bares Chechen Torture

MOSCOW, Oct. 12 — The Novaya Gazeta newspaper today published the last article of its slain special correspondent, Anna Politkovskaya, and posted images from videoptapes she had obtained of Chechens being tortured.

The article, a column that presented new allegations of torture by government security forces, appeared on the same day the European Court of Human Rights issued a ruling holding Russia responsible for the executions by Russian police officers of 5 Chechen civilians in early 2000.

The victims of that incident included a one-year-old boy and his young mother, who was eight months pregnant. All of the victims were shot, and the mother’s jewelry was stolen, the court said.

The article also appeared as the federal prosecutor’s office in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, said it was checking into reports of the disappearance of another prominent Chechen — the mother of the last wife of Shamil Basayev, the terrorist leader who died in an explosion in June.

The woman, Rita Ersenoyeva, has been missing since Oct. 2, human rights workers say, and had spent the last several weeks searching for her daughter, who had been kidnapped as well — after what her mother had described as a forced marriage to the terrorist leader.

Mr. Politkovskaya, one of Russia’s most well known journalists and human rights advocates, was fatally shot on Oct. 7, the victim of an apparent contract killing. Today’s events together served as a sort of coda on her life, reminders of the lingering chaos and human cost of the war in Chechnya, a conflict Russia insists has been won.

Ms. Politkovskaya, 48, was a leader among the shrinking group of Russian journalists who dared to keep challenging that thinking, by writing frankly about the violence and disorder in the republic. Chechnya, her work said, remains a place where open fighting has slowed but murky police and military operations continue, and chilling behavior by Russian forces and the Kremlin’s proxies is a dark norm.

Her final article, under the headline “We Declare You A Terrorist,’’ presented allegations of the use of torture to exact confessions and manufacture good news from the war.

“When prosecutors and the courts work, not for the sake of the law, but on political commission and with the only goal of providing good reports for the Kremlin, then criminal cases are baked like pancakes,” Ms. Politkovskaya wrote. “An assembly line producing ‘open-hearted confessions’ effectively guarantees good data on the war on terror.”

She asked: “Are we, the lawful, fighting against the unlawful? Or are we battling ‘their’ lawlessness with ‘ours?’

The article described the case of Beslan Gadayev, a Chechen migrant deported from Ukraine to Chechnya, where he claimed in a letter to Ms. Politkovskaya that he was asked if he had committed certain unsolved murders.

When he said he had not, he wrote, he was punched near the eye, beaten, tied up, handcuffed, hung from a pipe and then connected to electric cable, whose current was switched on. In time he confessed, he said, and the next day was told to confess again in front of journalists, and to say his injuries were the result of an escape attempt.

The article was also accompanied by images from videos that Ms. Politkovskaya had obtained of an armed Chechen —presumably a member of the Chechen armed forces, her newspaper said — torturing at least one man.

Not long after the newspaper was published this morning, the European Court of Human Rights released a unanimous decision blaming Russia for the deaths of five members of the Estamirov family in Grozny in early 2000, a period when Russian forces had just wrested control of the capital from separatists.

It also found the Russia had failed to adequately investigate the killings, which were part of a sweep operation that Human Rights Watch, the American-based organization, investigated and called a massacre.

At least 60 civilians were killed, shot at close range, human rights workers said, apparently by enraged police units from St. Petersburg and Ryazan who were looting the neighborhood.

Nobody has ever been charged for the crimes. The court today ordered Russia to pay about 230,000 euros — $289,OOO — in damages to the victims’ relatives.

Ole Solvang, director of the Stitchting Russian Justice Initiative, a private organization that has helped survivors of the Chechen war seek justice in the European Court, said the evidence showed that the deaths were deliberate. For example, he said, the slain year-old boy, Khasan Estamirov, was shot multiple times at close range. At least one shot was to the head.

“They just went completely nuts that day,” Mr. Solvang said. “It was horrible.”

Russia, which earlier this year also was found responsible by the court for the summary execution of a young Ingush fighter at about the same time, made no comment on the case. It has three months to appeal.

Later in the day, Valery Kuznetsov, the top federal prosecutor in Chechnya, said by telephone that his office was looking into reports of the abduction of Ms. Ersenoyeva, the mother-in-law of the man who was once Russia’s most feared terrorist leader.Kidnappings, both to gain ransom and to kill suspected rebels and their supporters, have been a part of life in Chechnya for more than a decade. Human rights groups say Russian forces or Chechens loyal to the Kremlin premier are often responsible.

Ms. Ersenoyeva disappeared on Oct. 2 after being summoned by telephone to an administration building in the village of Stariye Atagi, according to Tanya Lokshina, chairwoman of Center Demos, a human rights groups. Neither Ms. Lokshina nor Mr. Kuznetsov said they had found witnesses to the abduction.

But Ms. Ersenoyeva has not been heard from since she left for the meeting, Ms. Lokshina said, adding that Ms. Ersenoyeva had left eagerly after a caller told her that they had good news about her daughter, who in August had vanished as well, after gunmen seized her from the street.
