Rank and Unit question

Well, Bart, I definitely do not see a Red Cross on the armbands. Also the soldiers are carrying rifles, totally uncommon for medics. Hiwis (hilfswillige) mostly have been ex-Red Army soldiers, not so much civilians. There was no special order for them what do dress. Some had their old russian uniform, some wore civilian clothes, some had Wehrmacht uniforms with armbands or modified wehrmacht uniforms. Look here for a picture of ukrainian hiwis:

They aren’t in action so they may carry a weapon. Besides that Medic Companies had MG companies also… These are German soldiers (-Foreign) totally no HiWi’s. Just look to the under left soldier, you’ll see something like a Red Cross.

Please watch the link to Imi’s caption of the picture. Like Imi, the guys on the photo are hungarian, not germans. Medics did bear pistols yes, but an MG company of medics??? Kinda paradox!

No, MG companies in Medical Compagny or regiment or how you say it. As far as I know Medics may carry weapons only not in combat otherwise they’ll be seen as soldiers not as doctors (except for a pistol). That’s why America forbid their soldiers to bear pistols and other weapons.

The biggest medical unit was the Sanitätsabteilung (~ battalion strength) assigned to a whole army. This “Sanitätsabteilungen” contained two motorized companies and six mobile army surgical hospitals.
I never heard or read about those MG companies assigned. Do you have a source?

Flame,they are german soldiers!
They coming from the eastern front,to Hungary,to my grandfather neighbourhood,at the war