Reason US planes didn't coordinate attack well at Midway?


Perhaps, but apart from my expressed concerns about Tweaker’s discourtesy to R Leonard and Tweaker’s baseless whingeing there is the independent view of another mod at #3.

Tweaker’s posts from now on, if any, will determine how he deserves to be treated.

Tweaker’s posts from now on, if any, will determine how he deserves to be treated.

Tweaker has only made 5 measley posts. Previous members made over a dozen before being at the rath of the Mods. Don’t you think Tweaker deserves some time to blossom? I mean you put up with me for well over 2 dozen posts when I first joined, and see how well I have matured from your nurshering!..I mean, I think we all need tme to get comfortable with this site. Just seems a bit harsh to me…We need new members and shouldn’t scare them off. Lately its beena bit dry and not much action except for Guest visitors who view our site. Personally I like the views of new members. It gives the site some kick, like tobassco, if you know what I mean:)

And three of them began threads on the same theme: why didn’t such and such do better some how?

That’s not appropriate thread starting, especially when he posts them and then has little or nothing to offer in the threads.

This isn’t “Wiki answers” or something.

And this is but my 25th post. I don’t ask a whole lot of questions; but when I do post, I make sure I know something about the subject of which I write; try to avoid the open ended; and never, never, never play “what if”. I don’t recall that I’ve been the butt of a thrashing from the moderators, not here anyway.

I agree asking What if questions are perhaps discouraged but I don’t agree that we should be scared to Ask questions, as long as they are not too stupid.I mean, a question to me might be a little stupid and a question by you might be never stupid, but sometimes young minds ask questions stupid not knowing they are stupid cause to them its a fair question. Sometimes I think that anything I post is stupid because the Mods are so SMART, but then I limit myself to the off topic sections. Also, I learn from asking questions cause I don’;t have the time to read as much as I use to when I was younger. Some members may also be a bit illiterate and maybe have that reading diseae caused Dilexis so they want to learn from this forum.I don’t know, but sometimes small stupid questions are ok because it opens up different views, although I agree totally stupid questions should not waste our spit to respond.All in all , I think lately its been a bit slow on this forum with only a few hits a day so maybe the stupid questions can slide until we get more busy? I think the Mods should post more stuff so we can read and enjoy and comment on. Lately the Mods are reclusive and not giving a lot of input like they use to. We need more WW-2 stuff on this site. Pls input everyone! We need more stuff!!!:army:

Posters like RLeonard are considerate, good posters trying to add to the conversation. That doesn’t mean that I have a particular problem with novices asking specific or hypothetical questions in a thread.

The problem here is the poster isn’t really a poster, but a thread starter. I think that someone should at least post a few times before starting question threads, and when I see a posting to thread-starting ratio showing that a member has done almost nothing but start threads, it does make my moderator “Spidy-sense” tingle and that often has troll written all over it. Especially when the member has the gaul to complain and make silly claims about “testing” a messagboard by quizzing it with crap threads. There are indeed some with an agenda of joining forums like this, and lowering the quality by posting crap or redundant annoyances. I’m not saying that that is the case here, but it has happened in the past.

That being said, I see no reason for this thread remaining open as it is useless and off-topic, and we already have a Midway thread here that’s active…