Mate i think this theme is demand of the new separated thread.
I’ll begin it.
We need to talk about it seriously.

And not everything in NKVD archives or at Stalinist sites is true…

You have to agree that if you will denie the Archive datas ( NKVD or something else) and will believe just “writer” who write his books on base of other authors and memours - this is pointless position.
In this case you can’t use any source indeed as reliable. And i don’t think that " your sources" is better them my.

I don’t necessarily believe either, and admittedly I do not know enough about this subject. But I will say that gov’ts do not like to allow the tidy records of the people they kill to see the light of day.

But then again, there was no shortage of Nazi cruelty to Soviet POWs no doubt, so I imagine any true numbers to be difficult to ascertain in any case.

Here are some links to the treatment of Soviet POWs by their German captors (from a noted Holocaust site):


[i]…Yet for Nazi Germany this attack was not an “ordinary” military operation. The war against the Soviet Union was a war of annihilation between German fascism and Soviet communism; a racial war between German “Aryans” and subhuman Slavs and Jews. From the very beginning this war of annihilation against the Soviet Union included the killing of prisoners of war (POWs) on a massive scale. German authorities viewed Soviet POWs as a particular threat, regarding them not only as Slavic subhumans but as part of the “Bolshevik menace” linked in their minds to a Jewish conspiracy.

The brutal treatment of Soviet POWs by the Germans violated every standard of warfare. Existing sources suggest that some 5.7 million Soviet army personnel fell into German hands during World War II. As of January 1945, the German army reported that only about 930,000 Soviet POWs remained in German custody. The German army released about one million Soviet POWs as auxiliaries of the German army and the SS. About half a million Soviet POWs had escaped German custody or had been liberated by the Soviet army as it advanced westward through eastern Europe into Germany. The remaining 3.3 million, or about 57 percent of those taken prisoner, were dead by the end of the war. Second only to the Jews, Soviet prisoners of war were the largest group of victims of Nazi racial policy.

This death toll was neither an accident nor an automatic result of the war. It was the Nazi state’s deliberate policy. German treatment of Soviet POWs differed dramatically from German policy towards POWs from Britain and the United States, countries the Nazis regarded as racial equals to the Germans. Of the 231,000 British and American prisoners held by the Germans during the war only about 8,300 – 3.6 percent – died in German custody.[/i]

Thanks for the links Nickdfresh

Yeah it is true that they would shoot their own POW’s.

what happened to the other 33249 :confused: