SDK Carbine

Love the expression “social work” :mrgreen:

The .25 had its only advantage in conceability, I remember some years ago a guy scaped from a kidnapping killing 2 of its 3 captors with a Star Starlite .25, he had it in a pocket but the criminals never noticed .

Other rarity. The four barrel 7.65mm belt gun, an small series weapon purchased by some SS officers.

Thats pretty spiffy! I have read about them, the one in the articles was a .32 cal.w/ bronze 2 barrel arrangement, the pics were not so nice as this example though.
Many years ago, (the 50’s) a toy company marketed a kids cowboy belt that had a small derringer set into the buckle. If you pushed out your stomach a bit, the pistol would flip out, and send a plastic bullet toward who was in front of the wearer. The bullet was pressed into a spring loaded case, and the action of the hammer striking the case would loose the plastic bit to fly about 3 feet. sold well too.

buckle 1.jpg

buckle 2.jpg

Many , Many Thanks, Muchas Gracias, Panzerknacker!:smiley:
Really really Good info!
(Now I want one of the Kolibri’s, even though they are illegal in NZ.)
The impracticality is part of why I’d want one for a collection.

Regards, Uyraell.

My fascination with weapons like this is really an extension of my fascination with the art of technique in their manufacture. That they were able to be designed, produced, manufactured and at times used: smalescale precision engineering, there’s the fascination.
As I understand it,there’s also a .25 by Tokarev, employed by certain persons of the KGB persuasion, for close range situations.
Tis truly a pleasure to see these though.
Again, Panzerknacker, many many Thanks,
Tankgeezer, Thank you too, for some cool pics.

Regards, Uyraell.

[FONT=Georgia]Many , Many Thanks, Muchas Gracias, Panzerknacker!

Anytime, you welcome.

My fascination with weapons like this is really an extension of my fascination with the art of technique in their manufacture. That they were able to be designed, produced, manufactured and at times used: smalescale precision engineering, there’s the fascination.

Well, note that the austrians did not breaked their brains with the kolibri, as it is very difficult to rifle a small diameter bore they simply left the barrel as smoothbore.

Today pistol offers portability and conceability without sacrify caliber, like the Walther TPH.


For us Japanese, smaller is better, even if its Swiss!

I have cigarette lighters that size!:D:mrgreen:
Would enjoy having that little item in your posted pic in my collection.

Regards, Uyraell.

Now, there’s a gun I’d like to own :smiley:
Truly a nice item.
In NZ though, no such chance :frowning:
Any defence of oneself is supposed to be by hand until the Policia arrives, usually only after the cup of tea, creamcakes, and siesta have taken place, by which time the person needing their help is usually safely dead or about to be.
Still, all the more reason to know hand-to-hand stuff.

Many Thanks Panzerknacker :slight_smile:

Regards, Uyraell.

For us Japanese, smaller is better, even if its Swiss!

I guess that is because some geographical limitations :rolleyes:

[FONT=Georgia]Now, there’s a gun I’d like to own :smiley:
Truly a nice item.
In NZ though, no such chance :frowning:
Any defence of oneself is supposed to be by hand until the Policia arrives, usually only after the cup of tea, creamcakes, and siesta have taken place, by which time the person needing their help is usually safely dead or about to be.
Still, all the more reason to know hand-to-hand stuff.

Unfortunately it is in that way in most of “occidental” countries but USA. There are some exceptions however, the italian parliament had passesd a law recently wich allowed the armed self defense in home.

In Argentina we got something called “legitimate defense” wich allows the use of firearms in case of life treath situations like an armed robbery.

by the way my favorite .22 is this, for obvious reasons.

Not only in Italy and in Argentina you have such law , we have the same thing here but only for self defense otherwise you can get from 15 to whole life jail . :wink:

Now, that is a nice piece. Two, for Christmas, please, with ammo and suppressors,:mrgreen:
Thank you, my friend, very nice weapon indeed.:slight_smile:

Warm Regards, Uyraell.

Here, same. Thing is though: actually use that right and you can still be jailed for injuring the person attacking you.:rolleyes::confused:

Tell me how that makes sense?:rolleyes:

Regards, Uyraell.

Not only in Italy and in Argentina you have such law , we have the same thing here but only for self defense otherwise you can get from 15 to whole life jail

Okay, evidently I do not pretend to know every european country laws. The truth is that in some of the most prominents the right to armed self defense for civilians is to all purposes inexistant. In Spain and England if you defend yourself with a gun you go to jail, simple as that.

[FONT=Georgia]Now, that is a nice piece. Two, for Christmas, please, with ammo and suppressors,:mrgreen:
Thank you, my friend, very nice weapon indeed

Interested in supressors ?, here an argentine aficionado showed some Mossad replica silencer emplaced in a Bersa .22lr. Really cute.[/FONT]

Very nice clips, Panzerknacker!
Muchas Gracias:)
I’d heard some had been made, it is indeed interesting to see them. From what I am able to discern, very neatly made, too.
One I’d like very much to see, I do not know the technical designation of. A Vietnam veteran friend had seen one, used by an NVA officer.

Recall I mentioned the Tokarev .25 earlier? The suppressor fitted was “a 9-baffle, ‘pill-box’ silencer”. My friend went on to explain that instead of being cylindrical, this particular suppressor, seen from the front, was oval, as in (o) to look at.

Of his own equipment he tells little, but has mentioned the following: Swedish “K” smgs in 10mm, not 9mm, every third weapon fitted with a suppressor, as in Sten special.

Warm Regards, Uyraell.

I recall it and is quite a quandacy because the Tokarev is a .30 caliber ( 7,62mm)

If was in vietnam there are chances it cold be the chinese type 64.

Other similar to it coud be the russian PSM, but again is a 5,45mm ( .218) and not .25.

It may well be, 7.62 mm, I have to admit, I was a little nonplussed because I do not have in my own memory details as to a Tokarev in .25, other than what I’ve already given, ie: no independent source.
As to the PSM, again likely, for the same reason as above, no independent data.
The Type 64 is one seen by my veteran friend, but he took care to distinguish in his narrative between that and the Russian weapons.
All in all, I’m thinking it has to be one of the Russian pistols, and inclining to believe it the PSM.
At any rate, my warm thanks for the extensive information you have given.
Thank you, Panzerknacker, my friend.

Warm Regards, Uyraell.

At any rate, my warm thanks for the extensive information you have given.
Thank you, Panzerknacker, my friend.

Oh, no worries is my pleasure. :slight_smile: