While their Arab neighbours have understandably been trying to wipe them out as brutal terrorist invaders for that period, the Zionists / Israelis have actually succeeded in expelling most of the Arabs from Israel during the same period, frequently violently and almost always by abusing the human rights of the Arabs which human rights the Israelis demand for themselves as victims of the Holocaust and as the Chosen People etc etc whinge whinge whinge moan moan moan while shitting on everyone around them and refusing every peace initiative which fails to enlarge Israel in some fashion.
Which ain’t bad for a bunch of European and other Zionists / Jews who muscled into Palestine in force about 60 years ago and subsequently, although the thin end of the wedge went in long before WWII thanks to the circumstances which gave rise to the Balfour Declaration.
All this without any legimate claim to occupyng Israel apart from biblical bullshit and nobody wanting them in their country, which is becoming quite understandable in view of their conduct over the past 60 years once they got a country of their own.
I’m with Schuultz:
They want a Jewish state and claim it THEIR homeland/lebensraum (sound familiar?). They treat Arabs in general with disrespect, and don’t accept a joined solution because they want a Jewish nation. Does it get any more racist than that?
And, just for the record, I’m not anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish per se, but I am anti-Zionist, as are many Jews in and out of Israel who are appalled by the evils done by the Zionists and ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel.
Similarly, I am as opposed to Jews in my country who support Zionism as I am to Muslims who support Islamo-fascism. There is no difference between these rabid elements apart from their preferred brand of religious idiocy and the violence it permits.
And, no, I don’t see any difference with the Christians either, except that they seem to control the major Western powers which enables those powers to embark on their own forms of religiously inspired idiocy and violence, except that they can’t see it as such.