I can’t agree here.
At first- there vere no proved direct relation between the a-bombing and the Japanes surrending.
There were also the OTHER VERY IMPORTAINT reasons for that.
I/ve told about it above- the sudden attack of USSR ( the Japnese stuff were sure it was no soon as in mid 1946) .
Indeed the victims of a-bombing ( for the first days) were even LESS then the victims of firebombing of Tokio in 13 march of 1945 ( about 80 000).
So from the pure psihologicol side- the a-bombing look NOT as much terrible for the desperately Japane as the previouse firebombing raids.
The Holocaust had no military effect whatsoever.
MAy be you don’t know BUT EXACTLY this is the first reason of why the Holocaust deniers tell that the death-camps never exists;)
They simply asked - why was it need to kill the millions if the Nazy could use its slave hard work WITH MUCH more profit for the GErmany.
In fact among the jews there were a lot of specialists of the specific fields- We know a much of examples when Germans forcesd the jews work for them - but they were not killed till the end of war.
This isn’t to say that the nuclear bombings were morally OK (I’m deeply ambivalent about that one, and thankful we live in a world where they are no longer likely to happen) but rather they have an arguable case for legality. The Nazis did not have one for the Holocaust, and I think you’re wrong to compare the two even as a debating position.
The “BOMBERHOLOCAUST” - did ever hear of it?
This is that some of Germans right-wing parties try to express for the answer of continuous charges of Germany in the Holocaust.
Perhaps they have a point- how do you think.
As we know the Strategical bombing of German cities had the DIRECT AIM - destruction of cities and ONLY INDIRECT - the decrease of the military production.
Moreover as we know the some of Strategical attack had NO ANY MILLITARY EFFECT AT ALL but was the reason of death of the tenths of thousands civils peoples ( for instanse Dresden).
The overal victims of firebombing/a-bombing in Germany and in Japane were atl least 1 mln of peoples.