Should the atomic bombs have been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Oh my god mate this Brothel queues is really amazing- this mentioned me the giants queue from the american Cold war propogandic films “Moscow in Hudzon”.
They showed the one kilometers queue to the soviet shop for the toilet paper;)( good propogandic focus)
Now i understand where they got the idea of the such great queue:D
If serious, thank you for the infro that i/ve even never heared- the Brothel in asia for the allies:)
I/m wondering - how this stopid soviet propoganda did not noticed this great material.
Stopid as…ls.
West balimed the Red army in the raping of germans woman in the last mounth of war - but in asia where the US has a whole cheap sex-industry for the pleasure of its soldiers for the years.
That’s right that stopid communism fall down - those bas…ds in Politburoo were not able even to think right , idiots.

Great prepartions to resist an invasion? Did not Japanese defend with the bamboo spears in Kvantung army? :wink:

Arhhhh… of course! They only prepared on the islands but not in Manchuria? Right?

Ok. Seriously. IMO, a good manger has to have evaluate short term and long term aims according to they importance and other factores. Japan was a short term aim for USA in 1945. USSR was a long term. I believe that USA goverment were good manager and they invested accordingly into the acheivment of its long term aims. That is why it can in no way be 5%-10%!

Besides USA could not drop the the bomb on USSR. USA is a peace loving country, do not you know!

I didn’t realise they had toilet paper in the USSR. Or, for that matter, toilets. Things must have been a lot better there than we thought in the West. :smiley:

If serious, thank you for the infro that i/ve even never heared- the Brothel in asia for the allies.

It didn’t stop with WWII.

The brothels for UN troops in Korea during the Korean War got some of their women in exactly the same way as the Japanese did for some of their comfort women in WWII.

The US Congress got all wound up about Japan’s comfort women recently, but it could be embarrassing for it to look closer to home about the Korean War.

I/m wondering - how this stopid soviet propoganda did not noticed this great material.
Stopid as…ls.
West balimed the Red army in the raping of germans woman in the last mounth of war - but in asia where the US has a whole cheap sex-industry for the pleasure of its soldiers for the years.
That’s right that stopid communism fall down - those bas…ds in Politburoo were not able even to think right , idiots.

If you’re interested in this issue, it’s worth reading the book I mentioned earlier.

The Hawaiian brothels were a perfect example of what capitalism can achieve in a Christian and moral society. It’s one of the things the West was fighting to preserve during the Cold War, which made us superior to the godless and immoral commies. :wink:

The Hotel Street prossies weren’t raped or forced to be prossies in any way, although their madams could be demanding. In fact, more wanted to come (in the sense of go to Hawaii :wink: ) than were allowed in. They could make a huge amount of money, far, far better than anything available to working women on the US mainland, even with wartime pay rates.

They were tightly regulated by a crooked police and political system that controlled them and where they could live and go. Couldn’t go to a lot of public events like dances and films, to avoid upsetting the decent citizens. Sort of a sexual gulag for voluntary inmates on high pay.

One renegade prossie set up her own operation outside the permitted areas but was eventually forced back into line by the cops.

Then there was the race issue. No queues for the negroes. No brothels for them at all. I don’t know what the USN thought they would do when they got ashore. Nor did it care, any more than any of the US armed services generally cared about men they regarded as much lesser people than white people.

The only reason Stalin didn’t think of it was that he worked on five year plans. This was a three minute plan. :smiley:

Of course it is.

Its commitment to peace is demonstrated by its isolationist policies and the fact that it has been in a peaceful hot war, not to mention an even more peaceful cold one, somewhere on the planet for most of the time since 1941. Or earlier if you want to get into Cuba and China and stuff before WWI, and other peaceful operations like the Moros in the Philippines.

America is so committed to peace that it even allowed a peaceful war at home 1861-65.

There were, however, some ‘not peaceful’ events such as the War of 1812 which resulted in the Canadians burning the White House in 1814 in an unprovoked act of wanton destruction after the Americans peacefully burnt the Canadian Parliament buildings. This is why the present iconic White House is a newer and better building than the original. Although the Americans didn’t seem grateful for this architectural gift and have never forgiven the Canadians for it.

Be that as it may, Canada is one of the few countries the Americans haven’t been at war with since 1814 to show just how peaceful they are.

The lesson is: If you want lasting peace with America, burn the White House.

Now I’ll just sit back and cop flak from the Yanks. :smiley:

It’s not wondering the nobody in the west did not guess about the toilets in the USSR;)
Why it need in the Syberia - the wild taiga around with bears.
And certainly the western molly-coddles did not guess about multifunctional soviet newspapers - the “Pravda” was the best for that ( but some of inteligencia prefered “Soviet Russia”- the second popular soviet press). :smiley:
Good toilet paper - it get the double pleasure- reading of the new soviet archivements ( i mean the victories of the Soviet hockey team, startimg the new soviet space-ships and certainly - the fierce critics of world imperialism in head with USA). Then it could be used for the other pleasure way .

The brothels for UN troops in Korea during the Korean War got some of their women in exactly the same way as the Japanese did for some of their comfort women in WWII.

The US Congress got all wound up about Japan’s comfort women recently, but it could be embarrassing for it to look closer to home about the Korean War.

thet’s exactly what i mean about lack of soviet propoganda.

If you’re interested in this issue, it’s worth reading the book I mentioned earlier.

The Hawaiian brothels were a perfect example of what capitalism can achieve in a Christian and moral society. It’s one of the things the West was fighting to preserve during the Cold War, which made us superior to the godless and immoral commies.

The Hotel Street prossies weren’t raped or forced to be prossies in any way, although their madams could be demanding. In fact, more wanted to come (in the sense of go to Hawaii ) than were allowed in. They could make a huge amount of money, far, far better than anything available to working women on the US mainland, even with wartime pay rates.

They were tightly regulated by a crooked police and political system that controlled them and where they could live and go. Couldn’t go to a lot of public events like dances and films, to avoid upsetting the decent citizens. Sort of a sexual gulag for voluntary inmates on high pay.

One renegade prossie set up her own operation outside the permitted areas but was eventually forced back into line by the cops.

Then there was the race issue. No queues for the negroes. No brothels for them at all. I don’t know what the USN thought they would do when they got ashore. Nor did it care, any more than any of the US armed services generally cared about men they regarded as much lesser people than white people.

Yea the soviets missed it too. This could be the great propogandic material- i could imagine the slogan in Pravda -“the violation of sexual right of black mens in the USA army”
Unfortinatelly in the USSR no one newpaper wrote about sex…

The only reason Stalin didn’t think of it was that he worked on five year plans. This was a three minute plan.


He He
Well mate if watch after 9’11 when for the only two towers the Americans washed out of two states- Afganistan and Iraq. I wouldn’t be so glad for arabs who wanted the lasting peace with America;)
I think the long time peace ( or at least non-agression relations) could be only during the Cold war when the USSR particulary hold the agressions of USA( and vise werse) and did not let them to destroy the entire states.

Just to bring together your themes about toilets, bears, and newspapers.

A rabbit is having a shit in the woods, reading one page torn from a newspaper before using ‘for the other pleasure way’.

A bear comes up beside the rabbit and squats down for a shit. The bear doesn’t have a newspaper, so the bear starts talking to the rabbit.

The rabbit is terrified that the bear will eat him, but after they talk for a while the rabbit decides the bear is friendly and okay.

The rabbit wipes his arse with the page he’s been reading, and throws it away.

They keep talking.

The bear says “Say, rabbit, does shit stick to your fur?”

The rabbit says “No.”

So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his arse with the rabbit.

Ha Ha Ha :wink:
Thanks the RS for the anecdote, i’ve already heared it.

MAD = Mutual Assured Destruction

It kept both sides in check.

You don’t get into a fight if you know you’re going to get wiped out.

America’s problem is that, despite getting a lot of bloody noses, it still hasn’t worked out that while being able to nuke the planet makes it a big boy, it keeps getting into fights with pygmies who keep punching it in the balls while it’s geared up to fight someone the same size and can’t reach down to the pygmies.

I thought you might have.

Bears being Russian and all. :smiley:

That’s right;)
the MAD was the real thing - you will wonder but diring the cold war the war conflicts were more rare then today.( althout it was the more biggest ones). In fact after the Cold war the peace in Planete has bacame more unstaible in this sense.

And who was the rabbit in this way;)

Hard to know.

Pick a country between Russia and West Berlin? :smiley:


The big boys never fought each other but did it in proxy wars in Vietnam etc.

Now they’re not proxy wars, just big countries getting the shit knocked out of them in little countries like the Soviets and, probably in time, the West in Afghanistan.

The problem with asymmetric warfare is that the little guy has the big guy on the ropes a lot of the time.

All the more reason for big guys not getting into those sorts of wars.

Not something the West has been any good at since about 1945.

Oh so hard to guess What state could be betwen Russia and Germany?
So this is anecdote about poles as i ask you?

It was a real war crime )especially at that period and should have been persecuted as well as the Nazi crimes.

The US was bombed by Japan in pearl harbor, in result I think that they had every right to retaliate and at the same time end the war.

Now that I think about it was a quick and easy way to end the war without the US losing any of its men in the attempt.


Since when “quick and easy” is the criteria to judge about the morality of the action?

I love the spin on my comments most are wrong so let me explain my comment:

We had a CIVIL WAR (1861-1865) here in the United States by the way the worst war we were EVER involved in. It was one of the first MODERN wars to direct war against civilians.

William T. Sherman said to President Abraham Lincoln on his way to Atlanta
to conduct his 60 mile wide march to the sea said “Ill make them so sick of war they wont want to wage another one for 100 years”.

Thats the thinking behind the bombing of all major enemy citys, the atomic bomb wasn’t a statement just to Stalin but to the world. If you want to conduct agressor wars THIS is what its going to cost YOU !!

ask anyone who lived in Hamburg,Dresden,Berlin,Dusseldorf,Dortmund,Frankfurt,Cologne,Munich,
yokahama well you get the Idea…

The lesson: live in peace and harmony or face total destruction.

My favorate American Passage:
and I Quote:

" When shall we expect the approach of danger ?
Shall some trans atlantic giant step the earth and crush us at a blow?
All the armys of Europe and Asia could not by force take a drink from
the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand
If Destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author
As a nation of free men we will live forever - Or die by suicide …"

Abraham Lincoln (1837)

War is all hell - William T.Sherman ← the guy the tank was named after
Sniper18 is correct ! 1 bomb 1 plane great results it was and still is my weapon of choice…

And Today Germany #6 and Japan #3 are two of the most peaceful nations on earth.. Time Magazines quote of the UN's 100
most peaceful nations on earth... #1 Norway

Robert McNamara’s The Fog Of War Check out the video.

Cavalry Gunner

m 103 number1.bmp (323 KB)