Show Your Original WWII German Helmets

Nice drawings. You actually just call those quick sketches?! I don’t think I’d be able to draw that well if I had hours of time. :smiley:

Ok, I was confused by the image, I thought the bullet hole was in the back of the helmet, not the front.

ahhhhh… ok, I see. Yes, the hole is just on the curve of the front of the helmet, central to the vertical axis (i.e. right above the wearer’s nose).

Glad you like the drawings… thanks :smiley:

Yeah, they’re pretty cool. What program did you use (I just assume this isn’t drawn by pencil/pen)?

I assume you’re using one of these pen tabloid things?

It actually is drawn in pen (the black linework anyway)… a Sharpie to be exact, I then scanned the sketch, then added the red rifle shots in Photoshop.

I don’t own a Wacom graphics tablet, although I do know a lot of people (other illustrators) who swear by them. I’m strictly an old school analogue kind of guy. :smiley:

That’s quite the impressive gallery you have there!

I have one of these tablets, too, but I mainly use it for photoshopping images - not drawing.

They’re quite tough to get used to, if you ask me, and I think I’m sitting wrong, because whenever I used it for an extended period of time my back hurts like hell:mrgreen:

But once you’re used to it, it makes working on pictures a lot easier - especially when you can change the color, density, etc of the picture with the click of a button :smiley:

Oddly enough, whenever I’m drawing I have less problems with the ‘typical’ tough points (hands, faces), but rather getting the torso right… I’m never happy with the way the shoulders and waist area looks…

EDIT: You did a crossover between Aliens and Batman!? Why have I never heard of that?! How old is it?

We’re really getting off-topic here, so apologies to anyone who’s looking at this hoping to see some new pics of German helmets.

But the Batman/Aliens 2 book came out around 2002 I think, here’s the Amazon listing.

I know what you mean about back pain though, I know lots of artists who have ended up with poor posture & back problems after years of sitting hunched over a drawing board… & now over a computer too I guess.

Very true.

So let’s get back to helmets:

Does anybody own the mid/late war M1940 Fallschirmjaeger helmet?
I know I’ve seen one in my Grand-Uncle’s basement, and I hope I can get it this summer and post pics in here, but I just wondered if anybody else had them.

I understand it they are relatively rare?

Oh yes…Please check into that. depending on condition ORIGINALS are approx. $4000 and up…with decals better…camo…better

Another update…picked up a DD Heer combat worn. You can see around the rivits…it has been white washed at one time

DD Heer 001.jpg

DD Heer 002.jpg

DD Heer 005.jpg

Dang, that’s a beauty! My aunt and her husband had some items brought back from Germany. One was a helmet looking like that. (with the decals) After he died, all that disappeared in the divvying up of the estate. My cousins don’t know what happened to it (stupid them, not knowing/caring what they had, probably).

I think we’ve got one in our squadron bar, picked up from when the regiment was in italy. I’ll try and get a picture next time i’m there. We’ve got quite a few helmets, including 2 or 3 german ones again picked up during the regiment’s travels in WW2, i’ll try and get some photos of these too.

Cool, thanks! What regiment is it? The Royal Yeomanry one you talked about in your other thread?

Wrong yeomanry, but yeah the one in the other thread. We’ve got quite a bit of WW2 kit about i’ll see what I can get photos of and post it up.

My bad. But yeah, you should definitely do that. I’m curious to see what you got :smiley:

My most recent buy. An officer named Luft. with the G.I. bring back tag. Previous soldiers name was scratched off and the new soldiers name painted on. Nothing like holding history in your hands.

Luft Helmet 001.jpg

Luft Helmet 005.jpg

Luft Helmet 007.jpg

Ah yeah, well lads what happened was…

I had every intention of taking a few photos ('onest guv) but I was collared by the duty screw and spent most of the evening sorting out minging kit from the last weekend we were out, so didn’t really get a chance.

I’ll try to get some next time :oops:

Okay…no one wants to play so here is my Toned Heer NS…Just came in the mail today, with belt.

tooned heer 016.jpg

My most recent lid. A SD M42 Heer all came from the same Vet.

I take it that’s a new shaft on the M24 ?

No…This is a matched set dated 43, it just has a light colored wood. Stick looks to be maked with an eagle 43 Fcc, same as the head.

heer group 023.jpg

heer group 025.jpg