Site comments

The SS!!! (they aren´t the same as waffen ss!!!)

what kind of background music you want, please suggest it in here and we will consider it

paul oakenfold,he has great techno

Rommel in Africa.

I love oakenfold but i would prefer something closer to the era.
Something like the Mohaa soundtrack. :idea:

but,mohaa is a game of ww2,i don´t thing it will be original for an animation,but,good taste man! :smiley: ,i love the battlefield 1942 soundtrack when the mission loads,and there is the sherman tank,i have it on mp3.but,it isn´t very original.

what do you think fw?

i already add to the list before you suggest it, can you add something else?

the oackenfold songs in disco feel aren´t for ww2,but,if we do the movie in a prison of the ss,the tecno will sound great,but i can choose a movie soundtrack from paul,for example swordfish soundtrack by oackenfold(im not suggering that mp3)

Sorry i thought we had to pic one from the list :oops:

o its my fault
i should have say it more clearly
yeah, i want more ideas, and if you think my ideas is not good enough, please do not hesisate to say it, thanks

K So we have are own room now…kinda thinking where we go from here. Just sit here and bullshit is always fun.

So whats going on in your guys section of the world? Im ready to get the fuck out of the US for awhile and back to school. Hot Norwegian girls will be a plus. :smiley:

You guys like the name and symbol. I can have it made smaller so we can stick it in our sigs. Im kinda hoping this take off and we can kinda have teams or something. If it really works out will maybe we can add some unit citations to the award program. What do you think?

I think the Medal of Honor soundtrack would work nicely on this :smiley: , just my oppinion.

If we do decide on the MoH soundtrack, I have it and can put it up or send it to you guys if necessary.

Pearl Harbour perhaps? Or are we trying to stray away a bit from the Pacific Theater and focus on the European Theater a little more?

Just thought I might chuch my 2 cents in…What about somekind of comedy with the world leaders of the time. Each is easy to make fun of in his own way. How long are you planning to make this? It would probably be helpful to have somekind of Storyboard. Like they do with real movies. So you make like a cartoon of the important shots and then flow them all together. Also you will need a script.

Here is a good one I always thought was funny. Is this kinda along the lines of what you would like to do FW?

Here are some ideas i had for patches we could shrink to stick in our sigs.




Let me know what you think. Or maybe you have a better one.

:lol: the end of the world flash is one of the funniest slightly political animations I have ever seen


i know its funny, but we still havent discuss that should be a comedy or not?
would someone take that as an insult if we make it comedy?
you know families dying from that event is an serious issue, i dont know if that is alright to make it comedy

I prefer serious,but depends on your animation,if you do an animation like that o like a normal animation,with low graphics detail,it´s more suitable for comedy,and if you do a 3d or high detail animation,by far it will be a great serious animation.