Site comments

what is that neo-nazi suppose to mean??

Neo Meaning New…and you know the rest? Since he appears to be from California I would assume he is a skinhead. Radical Neo-Nazi’s[/quote]

He has admitted that he is a neo - nazi, so we should keep a close watch on all of his posts to make sure they’re not too deragatory towards others, especially any jewish or african members of this site.

I have changed my avatar into something less irritating to the members. Credits to Charles for providing me with it.

Yes. Thank you Kallan. Everyone should be informed not to bring it up anymore or hold it against you.

Yes, i agree
this thread would be delete after two days

Well he has removed the Neo Nazi bit and does seem to be lucid and able to string a sentence together, which is more than most neo-Nazis usually manage, I say give him a chance but watch in case he brings any of his friends here with him.

I would like to say that if you think the argument gets heated here from time to time you had better be prepared for Armageddon if you have an Iraq war forum, in my experience this is a real touchy political subject that does not bring out the best in people for obvious reasons.

well it would give us something to took after from time to time… almost nothing to moderate around here since SS Kallen changed his avatar.

I have great hopes for him, he has shown he can adapt and change, and even though he is 16, he is not stupid I think.

However it will be a hard task to Mod an Iraq war site, and I think it will just bring a lot of people here for a political discussion.

Mind you if it does go ahead I am prepared for the task, having been there I can spot the fools…

Now you are a mod, what do you think the admin or mod should improve?
If you dont’t have an idea yet, its okay

I have two questions, 1) would the iraqi war be on the same site as WW2incolor? and 2) Are the current moderators expected to be moderating in the iraqi war site? I don’t have much knowledge on the iraqi war, and so we need to get more people like Firefly to be moderators.

Thanks FW. I think the Forum in general has been tightened up lately by you guys, which is a good thing.

A lot of the newer members seem to post some good stuff as well, and becuase you Mods have been doing a good job people like our neo-Nazi have been quickly pointed in the right direction.

As for suggestions:

Maybe we should have at least a Mod for each area? By that I mean world area so that the chance of a Mod being online is greater.

Thats all I can think of right now. I realise you guys have been doing quite a bit of work behind the scenes after reading all through the Mod area and Id just like to say a big thanks for all of it.

K ive appointed mods in all area’s except awards (coz chief mods and admins can give awards) and ww2admins anounement section. This is in case of emergency. However I would like to form a section(s) that each mod is responible for.

Yeah, would our current moderators assume duties of the Iraqi War site or would we elect others to become moderators there?

Yeah, would our current moderators assume duties of the Iraqi War site or would we elect others to become moderators there?[/quote]

Well lets wait and see what ww2admin thinks

I think you got me wrong General. By Areas I meant areas of the world, I maybe should have said timezones. I think its a good idea toi have Mods from diffrent timezones. However most of the members that post here seem to come mainly from The Americas and Europe, Cdo-J should be Modding the Aussies, he has strangely vanished though, that post on 7 Nov was his first for about a month too I think.

Yeah, would our current moderators assume duties of the Iraqi War site or would we elect others to become moderators there?[/quote]

Well lets wait and see what ww2admin thinks[/quote]

Ok :slight_smile:

I just had a thought, would such a site draw in even more of the dreaded AARSE members, its bad enough having them flock here when one of them feels slighted, imagine 40 of them talking about Iraq? How would this affect the other guys here?

strange, there is a new post and the website didnt notice me for that

I think its a good idea to have mods from different timezones as well, but its kind of hard to make it practical because not every mods would come to this site everyday, so if a troll decide to come when there is no mods around, the stupid message/thread would still be around for a long time before another mod spot it

and sorry, i forget to welcome you:)

When you look at the user HG he has about 18 posts. However when you go to look at them all you get the statement no topic os posts by user HG. Any ideas why?

Interesting, I just had a look myself. It could possibly be a glitch, but I think ww2admin would have the best answer to that question.