Site comments

Erwin using pictures of people without their permission will piss people off. Glad you removed it!

excuse me,i don’t use to do this,but stoatman is a nasty person,i think he is the worst person that i have ever seen,he always try to piss me off and im tired,mods and admins are sleeping,nobody does nothing,who is the briber?.

excuse me,i don’t use to do this,but stoatman is a nasty person,i think he is the worst person that i have ever seen,he always try to piss me off and im tired,mods and admins are sleeping,nobody does nothing,who is the briber?.[/quote]

That may be so but two wrongs don’t make right, instead of trying to piss him off just drop a PM to one of the adims or mods and let them deal with it. I’m sure the admins and mods are reasonable and will deal with it as they see fit.

mate,i did it,and i think mods and admins don’t consider me enough important :frowning: .

Well still don’t strike back against people so often and the mods will soon see that you are not the guilty party and then they will take action.

well,i will try only because you are saying,but i don’t believe in all the autorities (of course general sandworm and ww2admin and a few more are exceptions)

I didnt see any image of anyone. Why the hell Stoat would give his images to Erwin is beyond me. But if Stoat put them on the web, well, more fool you mate.

I would ask Erwin to remove them, but as I cant see them, I assume he already has.

To the two of you, please stop acting like 5 year olds, you both have more to bring to this site than this as you have both demonstrated many times.

I end with this, act like a 5 year old, get treated like one, as I often say to my kids!

Guys, the picture is removed. Problem is solved. It is irrelevant at this point how Erwin obtained that picture, but since he has removed it at the request of MoS, it would be best to let it slide now. Moderators have enough to worry about before listening to two grown men bitching about someone’s signature. If you don’t like it Stoat, give a moderator a PM, don’t open a thread about it. Hope that this clears this up for the time being.

Sincerely Yours,
PzKpfw VI Tiger

Topic closed.

Have a look at this.

I am afraid that we couldn’t do anything. In this summer I made a request to Gen. Sandworm and/or FW in order to delete useless accounts (empty accounts, double accounts, etc). The answer at that time was “we can’t do anything”.

I am curious what about now, because as ww2admin said, will be an update on forum’s software.

Is it me, or does anyone else think that we have recruited the madest bunch yet. All these threads about Flying Saucers and stuff, I almost wish we had IRONMAN back, at least I learned about weapons then.

Some of the dumbest topics! We need more mature guys to post!

SS Tiger is an UFO believer as you might see.
It’s easy to be stopped posting there by asking for evidence from independent sources (like we done with “sinking” of HMS Invincible).

I thought it was just a joke at first, but he is serious and some of the younger lads go along with anything childish that Erwin does, we shall have to change our name to ww2 in Kindergarten soon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Really. Misinformed at best, at least Frionpan didnt go off ranting about flying saucers and the Nazi base that they constructed in Antartica, and of course, the 13 multi billion dollar naval vessels the US abandoned there because they froze!!! :roll:

It’s done:

Problem solved (at least I think so…).

Well, my attitude there wasn’t quite a normal moderating attitude. A moderator is supposed not to take sides, but the site “mental health” ( :lol: ) requires sometimes this kind of attitudes that bypass a normal moderating behaviour.

More philosophy on “moderating” will follows as soon as Gen. Sandworm will come back in force. Anyway, I take this opportunity to thanks both of you for moderating so well in the past 3 weeks. Good job, mates! :smiley:

Thanks Dani, and good locking post there. Sometimes as a Mod you just have to be the voice of sense I think.

If its true, it will lead to madness!

In fact Ive noticed that, that whole topic is weird, I can only quote there, cant edit or see an IP, very strange.

No I mad a mistake by leaving the forum open to the public