Skorzeny vs Chruchill

I honestly did not know that Jan. :oops: I just thought he milked his capture and escape for all its worth then went home.

You have enlightened me. :slight_smile:

Still not as Impressive as John Simpson, he liberated Kabul, as a reporter without a Commission - Dontcha Know!

You are partially right. He wanted to get into his father’s footseps and go into politics. But he figured that as a politician he should have an independent income, so that he wouldn’t be depending on lobby groups. He knew that he was good with the English language and could write, so he wrote several books, including his autobiography and lived of the revenue his books generated (he actually won the Nobel prize for Literature for some of his historical work). Even later, when he was home secretary, he got himself actively involved in the Sidney Street siege on January 3rd, 1911, there exists a famous picture of him peering around a corner, where a gang of anarchists holed up in a house and London police and Scots Guards (involved on Churchill’s orders) were battling it out.

Churchill is the highlighted person with the top hat on the left.


He did however for a time command a unit at the front in WW1.

Yes, this was after he lost his job as the First Lord of the Navy after the disaster of Gallipoli. He rejoined his old regiment and became a frontline soldier.
