Slavic Language Discussion - split from 'Soviet Propaganda'

Clauss you know and speak full German language mate?, and speak little slavic? :slight_smile:

the Skopajan language is almost identical to the Bulgarian language with a few Serb-Croat words in it

for the Russians

Kek Tee Proshavaezsh

Politically corect you should say FYROM 's language. UN (which means United Nations) agreed at Greece request that the Republic of Macedonia to be called The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia either you like it or not.

Quoted from
Bulgarian and Macedonian share typological similarities with Romanian, Greek, and Albanian. These five languages make up the Balkan language league, even though they are all from different language families (Romanian is a Romance language, while Greek and Albanian comprise their own branches in the Indo-European family). Bulgarian is an Indo-European language, a member of the Southern branch of the Slavic languages. ā€¦ The Serbian language is one of the standard versions of the Central-South Slavic diasystem, formerly (and still frequently) called Serbo-Croatian.
End quote.

Dani, what language to they speak in FYROM though???

Itā€™s Skopjan, because the Macedonian language is a Greek dialect, like the Atheninian Dialect, Cretan Dialect etc etc

the country might be called FYROM but the language is Skopjan, unless you can proove me wrong otherwise

Itā€™s Macedonian according to the CIA handbook, spoken by 65% of the population (the rest speak Albanian, Turkish, Roma and Serb)


having spent 6 months of my life going to Skopje every week i feel a little bit qualified to answer here.

They call themselves Macedonian and they speak Macedonian. I have generally found them to be very nice people and when I did my weekly trips was glad to get away from Pristina for a wee while.

I dont want to start any flaming here, but, the only real trouble I had in the region was when I had to go to Thessaloniki occassionaly.

Although members of NATO, I was treated like a cloven hoofed Devil by the Greek military. I was escorted from the borders of Macedonia to Thesseloniki, was not allowed out of my vehicle, was told by some officious person that I had to be searched and evenā€¦ when I went to the toilet on the way a Greek soldier had to come and watch.

Now what was that about? The greek military in Pristina were very much ok, but Greece itself was like a Dictatorship!

Itā€™s Macedonian according to the CIA handbook, spoken by 65% of the population (the rest speak Albanian, Turkish, Roma and Serb)


But what you need to understand is the only reason America recognises FYROM as Macedonia is too reward the country for there involvement in the Iraq War, the rest of Europe recognises it as FYROM and not Macedonia

The Skopjans claim the language they speak is from the Ancient times, can ANYONE find a credited source prooving the Ancient Macedonians spoke ANY Slavic dialect and not Greek???

Like i said, the people dont speak Macedonian but Skopjan, you dont understand the issue very well, im willing to make a topic if youā€™re interested in it

i too have also heard how nice the Skopjan people are

and to answer on your experience on the northern Greek border and why the soldiers are tough and why you were treated how you were is because on the Northern borders of Greece (bordering Albania and FYROM) Greece has alot of problems dealing with illegal Albanian immigrants, so theyā€™ve decided to make a extremely tough stance to keep the illegal immigrants out of Greece

go anywhere else in Greece (except the Turkish border) and i guarantee you would not be treated as harshly as you were

alas to stay on topic

i would really like for someone to ā€˜prooveā€™ that the Ancient Macedonians spoke a Slavic dialect and not a Greek one as the Skopjans claim

Minamilistix, what is your obsession with this? Their language is called Macedonian and they are Macedonian. It is not the same Macedonia as the one in Greece, which is why they are officially called FYR Macedonia.

They are not Skopjans, and I have never heard anyone, bar you, call them that. Skopjans would probably be what people from the city of Skopje are called, but not the whole country.

Their language is Slavic, and like i said proove to me the Ancient Macedonians spoke Slavic and not Greek, provided proof you have? No, so go away and educate yourself on this issue

perhaps you can do self research and provde facts of that the Macedonians of the past did not speak Greek

I donā€™t care what ancient Macedonians spoke really, since it has nothing to do with this. The people of the FYR Macedonia are Macedonian and the language that the majority of them speak is called Macedonian. I really canā€™t see why thereā€™s a problem with that?

Does this site really need another user who believes that everything he says is the purest truth and that dissent is impossible?

The people of FYROM are Slavā€™s who are descendants of a Ancient Mongol Race who entered the Balkan region of Europe 1000 years ago and have no Macedonian culture, history, language and heritage, and canā€™t claim so just because they are neighbours

Itā€™s just like as much as an Irish person acts and tries to be an Anglo, his always going to be a Gaelic person (example)

And Modern Day Greeks are?

What, pure blood Greeks? The same ones that were there in Alexanders time?

I think not. Populations change over time mate.

even if what you claim IS the case (presuming it was just for the heck of it) isnt there still a heck of alot more chance of a Greek being descendent of Alexander The Great then a Slav???