~ Songs about your Country ~

Hey if anyone is looking for a funny Australian song download and listen to this…
Artist :Chris Franklin
Title : Bloke

Its a real funny song taking the piss out of a another song. :slight_smile:

mr mod,why you deleted my post?,if you do,you also had to delete bdl’s post.

why you did that?

i claim a fair reply and i want my post BACK here.[/quote]

I have deleted no posts on this thread yet. But the warning given above still stands. :wink:

How about this to stir the martial zeal?

Men of Harlech (Zulu Version)

Men of Harlech stop your dreaming
Can’t you see their spear points gleaming
See their warrior’s pennants streaming
To this battle field

Men of Harlech stand ye steady
It cannot be ever said ye
For the battle were not ready
Stand and never yield

Form the hills rebounding
Let this war cry sounding
Summon all at Cambria’s call
The mighty force surrounding

Men of Harlech onto glory
This shall ever be your story
Keep these fighting words before ye
Cambria (Welshmen never) will not yield

This version is taken from the film zulu based on the original song. It’s been argued that the lyrics are bout the welsh defence of Harlech castle in 1428 against the English. However some have also argued that other versions support the English in earlier and later conflicts, as Harlech was in fact an English town with the vast majoirty of inhabitants being english colonists. Whatever the case Royalist soldiers were the last to hold the castle, when it fell as the last seige of the English civil war

sweet!,i’ve seen a lot of laughs since that “wink” :wink: .

why we received agressions after the song of our country? (a part of it).

Hour to use the Greatest Hit of an old pal (???): Bullhockey

Okay, so it’s not my country, but I live there:

This is one of the most popular Dutch-language songs (actually, it’s rap) of 2005, and is surprisingly nationalistic. There are some interesting truisms in there. Personally, I don’t like the song.

It is reproduced here in Dutch, and in translation (anything in parentheses is explanation):

I come from the country of Pim Fortuyn (right wing openly gay politician) and Volkert van der G. (left-wing environmental extremist who murdered Fortuyn)
The country of Theo van Gogh (murdered by an Islamic extremist) and Mohammed B (the Islamic extremist who murdered van Gogh)
Come from the country of croquettes, frikadellen (popular Dutch snacks of indeterminate origin)
That you can order up to the Spanish coast
come from the country where index (no idea) is never out of fashion
where they break you at the moment when you can make it big
come from the country of red white blue and the golden lion
Plunder the world and call it the Golden Century
Come from the country of marijuana plantations and bicycle celebration days
The country where you can ask a junkie for a bicycle
The country that became champion in ‘88
The country of herring snacks, Dykes and canals
Come from the country of, the country of lange Fransie (one of the rappers)
this is the country where I come home to after holidays

Come from the country where I was born in 1982
Where I lost the guilders for the Euro
The country that joint the war in Iraq
For round Bush has Balkenende (the Dutch Prime Minister) in his pocket
the country were being stingy really does not matter
The Baas B (the other rapper) will surely come again from South Diemen (means doomed)
The country of riots between Ajax and Feyenoord (football teams)
Only when Oranje (pet name for the national football team) plays does everybody hear it
The country of Johan Kruijf and Aben Lenstra (no idea)
The legion does not permit the lion on its shirt
the country where we hope every day for better weather
I don’t trust that Piet Paulusma (a weather presenter) a single meter more
The country that is free since ‘45
The country where I remain, I find it it delightful

I come from the country which you can drive through in three short hours
with a different dialect every 10 minutes
come from the country where on paper there is room for everyone
and XTC is export number one
Come from the country where Andre Hazes (a crooner, particularly loved by old people) will still be the boss in every cafe 100 year

Come from the country where Peter Gert-Jan Raymond and Jutten
Frans Bart and Ali run the show
Come from the country where hiphop is a child of 30
And you may fill in yourself how phat that is
the country where you hand in so much if you become rich
and think to yourself, how much sense does that have?
The country where prostitution and marijuana are permitted
the country of Sinterklaas (a very Catholic version of Father Christmas, who is celebrated around the fifth of December) and the Queen’s birthday
This is the country where I am lost and deceived
come from the country where I was born and raised

Come from the country with the most cultures per square meter
but one is scared to go eat with the neighbours
and integration is a brilliant word
but shít is fucking bítter when no one hears it
I share my country with Turks and Moroccans, Antillians, Moluccans and Surinamers
the country where we bottle up far too much together
and are represented worldwide by Harry Potter
the country where apartheid is the best known word from the Dutch language internationally
come from the country which takes like a timebomb
the country that eats at six o’clock and also comes again on time
this is the country which I will win over in the end
until you sing along to this at the Amsterdam Arena
and until that time I shall appear to have pledged my heart
this is for the Netherlands, Baas B Lange Frans

Ik kom uit het land van Pim Fortuin en Volkert van de G.
Het land van Theo van Gogh en Mohammed B
Kom uit het land van kroketten, frikadellen
Die je tot aan de Spaanse kust kunt bestellen
Kom uit het land waar index nooit uit de mode raken
waar ze je kraken op het moment dat je het groot gaat maken
Kom uit het land van rood wit blauw en de gouden leeuw
Plunderen de wereld noemen het de gouden eeuw
Kom uit het land van wietplantages en fietsvierdaagses
Het land waar je een junkie om een fiets kan vragen
Het land dat kampioen werd in ‘88
Het land van haring happen,dijken en grachten
Kom uit het land van, het land van lange Fransie
Dit is het land waar ik thuis kom na vakantie

Kom uit het land waar ik in 1982 geboren ben
Waar ik de guldens aan de euro verloren ben
Het land dat meedoet aan de oorlog in Irak
Want ome Bush heeft Balkenende in zijn zak
Het land van gierig zijn maakt gewoon helemaal niet uit
De Baas B komt toch wel weer uit Diemen zuid
Het land van rellen tussen Ajax en Feyenoord
Maar wanneer Oranje speelt iedereen er bij hoort
Het land van Johan Kruijf en Aben Lenstra
Het legioen laat de leeuw niet in zijn hemd staan Het land waar we elke dag hopen op wat beter weer
Die Piet Paulusma vertrouw ik voor geen meter meer
Het land dat vrij is sinds ‘45
Het land waar ik blijf, ik vind het er heerlijk

Ik kom uit het land waar je door heen rijdt in 3 uurtjes
Met een ander dialect elke 10 minuutjes
Kom uit het land waar op papier een plek voor iedereen is
En XTC, export nummer 1 is
Kom uit het land waar Andre Hazes over 100 jaar in elk café nog steeds de baas is

Kom uit het land waar Peter Gert-Jan Raymond en Jutten
Frans Bart en Ali de game runnen
Kom uit het land waar hiphop een kind van 30 is
En je mag zelf weer gaan vullen hoe vet dat is
Het land waar als je rijk wordt je zoveel inlevert
En dat je bij jezelf denkt, hoeveel zin heeft het?
Het land waar prostitutie en blowen mag
Het land van sinterklaas en koninginnedag
Dit is het land waar ik verloren en bedrogen ben
Kom uit het land waar ik geboren en getogen ben

Kom uit het land met de meeste culturen per vierkante meter
Maar men is bang om bij de buren te gaan eten
En integratie is een schitterend woord
Maar shit is fucking bitter wanneer niemand het hoort
Ik deel mijn land met Turken en Marokanen, Antilianen, Molukkers en Surinamers
Het land waar we samen veels te veel opkroppen
En wereldwijd gerepresent zijn door Harry Potter
Het land waar apartheid, internationaal
het meest bekende woord is uit de Nederlandse taal
Kom uit het land wat tikt als een tijdbom
Het land dat eet om zes uur en ook nog eens op tijd komt
Dit is het land waar ik zal overwinnen aan het einde
Totdat je deze meezingt aan de ArenAlijnen
En tot die tijd zal ik schijnen ik heb mijn hart verpand
Dit is voor Nederland, Baas B Lange Frans

Hey, it is a provocation, Simply say “out of place”, and nothing else.
Please, show some respect. Thank you. :arrow:

here is a real nice link of National Anthems, Hymns, Patriotic and Folk Songs from around the world

What about “me no like you British Soldier”?

British Soldier’s Discharge Song

When the fighting was at its fiercest
And everything looked black,
This was the promise that cheered us on:
‘You’ll get your old job back!’

We were not professional soldiers,
Fighting was not our game.
We were only peaceful citizens
Who fought hard just the same.

We sacrificed our wives and kids
And homes to do our bit.
But now the door is closed to us.
It seems hard, we admit.

For I can’t get the old job,
And can’t get a new,
Can’t carry on as I used to do
I look around me, and what do I see?

Thousands and thousands of fellows
A lot worse off than me.
In Piccadilly, friends pass me by.
I’m absolutely stranded in the Strand.

And I confess I was contented, more or less,
When I was stony broke in No Man’s Land.

WWII Trench Songs
Warning Foul Language

The next time, I’m going to put like my signature, the pics when I’m acted in
San Carlos. It don’t going to like…

This thread is about national songs not hissy fit’s

Australia: Waltzing Matilda sung by Seona McDowell

Australia: Waltzing Matilda and others sung by John Williamson

Hawaii: ALOHA OE - a haunting version sung in Hawaiian

Hawaii: ALOHA OE - sung in German

Cpl_Condor wrote:

The next time, I’m going to put like my signature, the pics when I’m acted in San Carlos. It don’t going to like…

Calm down C_C. It’s no biggy. They are trying to get a rise out of Erwin. Maybe Eagle.

Serously though, when did you return to Argentina before the Brits landed or after? If after was it on the Canberra or the QE2? Or were any other ships used?

How I tell before, I return to the mainland after the the brit’s landed. The travel was in a C-130.

Guys, use your usergroups for chats related. :wink: