Spammers that have to be dealt with

they should really get a life
and how to enable that function?

Gen, your assistance is required in order to re-enable the admin user activation!

Looking up:

Off topic: I think I made a new record by reacting in 2 minutes after posting :lol: :lol:

Later edit: I moved that "topic:

We are now back on admin member approval…FW do you think you can handle banning the above guy and redoing the awards. You and I are going to really have to work together on this shit or its just not going to work. The mods can only do so much! If your having trouble we can go thru a “talk u thru it section” Let me know whats up.

i did ban that guy

and i fixed the award?

I dont know why, when there are new posts
this forum doesnt tell me like it should

FW, I asked to be reported only the spamming threads. For the users joined between 23rd of May and 7th of June, it’s simple to detect the spammers considering the websites provided in their profiles.

Speaking of the award, please send the award by PM to Lancer 44 if you didn’t do it already.

i already delete most of the website they post in the profile
so i dont think they are a threat to us anymore

i have banned the email address under
seems all the people who are spamming us lately are using this email address

i have a suggestion, but i dont know if it works
we banned all common email like hotmail, yahoo, or gmail
we only approved the email account that your ISP gives you when you applied for high speed internet
that way it decrease the odd people are going to have two accounts or to spam us because it is going to be a lot harder for them

…are you quite sure?? :smiley:

…are you quite sure?? :D[/quote]

Yea it doesnt keep them from making an account only keeps them from posting untill they are appovred…or in this case untill their account is deleted.

so its good or not?

New spammer.

New german soldier ? What you think

i banned this guy for spamming

PM from cuts…so I suggest we ban him at the slightest infraction!

I already erased a couple of topic with made no sence. I have this guys in the crosshair andthe finger laying over the button.

another ironman? just ban him next time he post nonsense like this.