Hi Dani,
I have a spam filter,…it doesn’t pick up these I’ve mentioned above, because they come through as a topic notification, of new posting on thread being watched.
Hi Dani,
I have a spam filter,…it doesn’t pick up these I’ve mentioned above, because they come through as a topic notification, of new posting on thread being watched.
And another one,…poster 636, 18 postings, celine-dion, AGAIN…
All this SH*T is spoiling this site, and YES, I know mods are trying to delete it ASAP. (Not intended as a ‘pop’, at you guys,…((honest)) )
Mate, even if you already have an antivirus software, install (as an example) SpyBot or Ad-aware and perform a full scan.
You’ll be surprised of results.
shoesgod has recently made several spamposts…
I recommend his account be deleted.
It’s a much cleaner forum without that idiot.
Good ridence.
Please guys delete this commercial shit
thanks, i get him banned.
Another dickhead who thinks there aren’t already enough mobile phones in the world. All his posts are spam.
Crap from “Lovestores” :evil:
He is history. :rolleyes:
Splinter beat me to it.
James001, selling phones apparently.
Thanks to all of you for trying to help out. We do our best to keep the crap off but sometimes we miss. Please update the staff when you see a spam post or thread. Thanks again!
Vijforum is a spambot - joined multiple forums on 06-03-2007.
Vijforum is a spambot
wumingtrade and annelive69 are too…
Got em! :twisted: