Porsche Rammtiger
After the order was given for Nibelungenwerk to cease production on their contract for 100 Pz. Kpfw. ‘Tiger’ (P), it was reported on 22 November 1942 that: “Hitler has approved the proposal to produce one Porsche-Tiger as a 'RammTiger”. It should have the task of ramming into houses by means of an extended nose.
It must be heavily armored (including the tracks) at the cost of speed. However, it needs only light armament." Porsche K.G. completed drawing SK 8258 of a VK 45.01(P) mit Rammhaube (with ram hood) by 7 December 1942. The glacis, side and rear plates were to be 30 mm thick and the roof plates 50 mm thick. Its overall length was to be about 8.25 meters, height 2.550 meters, and width 3.600 meters.
Eisenwerke Oberdonau completed the armor components for three Rammtiger in May . In all 3 operational Rammtiger were completed at Nibelungenwerk and accepted by Waffenamt inspectors In August 1943.
No original documentation has been found to date revealing if these three Rammtiger were assigned to a combat unit, sent to the front, or used in their originally intended role.