Stalingrad questions

People what I’ve read here forces me put down some words about Stalingrad buttle.

Stalin was a dictator but not a fool! Destroying his own army only for his name is a nonsense!!!

The fascist army was striving to kavkaz oilfields. The kavkaz oilfields were the main source of oil for Soviet Union at that time and loosing them meant to loose the army, lose the war, lose all.
Hitler knew that, all knew that.
The Staligrad stood between german army and oilfields that was the reason for such hard battle.

The May 9 is near! We won!

Good luck.

Welcome to the site. Doenitz surrendered to the Allies on May 8th. Or do you celebrate the day after??? But anyhow … yea we won. Thank god or we would all be speaking German at the moment. LOL

In real, the whole Europe must build a gold statue to Hitler, in other case, all world would speak russian now :smiley:

Quite true, Komissar, quite true… :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don’t think so. I can’t belive to researches like that.

I don’t think so. I can’t belive to researches like that.[/quote]

Barbarian, I’m from Romania and I want to tell you that I was forced to learn in school Russian and English.

Russian because Soviet Union was for us “Big Brother from East” (I almost forgot Russian - I remeber only some words and I know to read in Cyrillic).
English because Ceausescu wants that Romania became “Independant Communist Country”.

If Communism wouldn’t fall all around Eastern Europe and Soviet Union, I bet that today I would speak Russian…

On the other hand Komissar Ombrok said that without WW2 with Soviet Union, UK and USA acting as allies,
whole Europe (not only Eastern Europe) would fall in Soviet’s hand.

Edited: Remeber the differences between Greece and Romania!!! I think that in Yalta (as I remember) the Europe was splitted between SU and free world.
For Greece: 90% Allies interests; 10% Soviet Union interests;
For Romania: 90% Soviet interests; 10% Allies interests;
Moreover Greek communists started an “insurection”. British Empire sent instantly an Expeditionary Force without any single reply from Stalin.

Dani, I was forced to learn english in scool, furthermore I was forced to go to scool also. :twisted:


How could they do it with me? :evil:

What can I say to you brother. It’s easier to find a guilty one than fight a better life.

May be I’ve got you wrong but for me it doesn’t make sense to look back for the future.

lol,mee too :lol: ,(exceot 4 english)

edit:wrong quote

Excellent question!!! I dont understand why the Germans didnt launch a full scale assault on Leningrad either. They surrounded the city but didnt really launch an offensive against it. Plus Lenin (in my opinion) did as much for the USSR as Stalin did.

Dont know why that is???[/quote]

It wasnt all about propoganda. The German assault on the south was characterized by moterized units advancing miles a day, (unlike the central and North which was inching forward at this point. Mostly because the Russia’s valued Moscow more than anywhere else.) Anyways, it was important for the German’s to capture Stalingrad. If Stalingrad would to be taken, they would cut off the Caucus Oilfields (basically their major oilfield) and as we all know, oil is extremely essential. With Stalingrad taken, they would not have to worry about many armored units (seeing they would need to conserve their fuel for more important things such as planes and factory work). That would mean one of the vital factors in the turning of the Red Army Tide, the T-34, would not have been in mass numbers in time to stop the German onslaught. Leningrad was just a diversion to distract major Russian positions in the North, giving them room to place more men from the South that were before in intense fighting along the Central during the counter-offensive in Moscow. Plus, Hitler and his generals thought Stalingrad could be taken within days, as German intelligence did not pick up major troop concentration. But I still am baffled why Hitler halted Manstein’s breakout army…

That must of been some battle in Stalingrad for all those men, expecially when the Soviet generals and staff forced millions of men to go to their death with one out of two with a mosan nagant rifle.
over half of the Russians picked up mp44’s from dead germans and used that weapon of choice instead of the highly inaccurate Soviet made PPSH
Do any of you think there will be another War for a city in the future similar to Stalingrad but more technilogical advanced warfare?

That question can be answered how ever JoshM, Hitler and Stalin did have a strong sturdy relationship before the war and during 1939-1941 but hitler was not only jealous of joseph stalins power and communications between the allies and the russians, Hitler thought stalin has betrayed him and wanted payback, hitler knew he couldnt win fighting the U.S.S.R and the U.S.A at the same time but he knew if he attacked Stalingrad the city bearing the name of the leader it will lower the morale of the soviet union, even though it will only be a pin prick to the army it will be right through the heart of the soviet union.
Though Hitler suceeded in killing 30 million russians in the Second World War.

A few things to straighten out here.

  1. The misconception that Hitler and Stalin ever got along seems to be prevalent here. If you read Mein Kampf - it was always Hitlers intention to attack the Soviet Union. Communism was an anathema to the Nazis.

  2. Stalingrad was never initially the main target for the summer offensive in 1942, it was the Causcus (Sp). However Stalingrad was strategic in the sense that whoever controlled it, controlled the surrounding area. Another thing to remember is that after the battles of 1941, Hitler and his generals thought that the Soviets had been bled white and that a protracted battle at Stalingrad would finish them off. The soviets kept this illusion going by only feeding limited units into the fight.

  3. When the the encirclement was unleased, initially the Germans thought they could contain it and didnt attempt a break-out. By the time they knew, the 6th Army was in no state to attempt a break-out and was more valuable to the Germans as a delay on the next Soviet move.

Hitlers folly was to try and command his forces and believe that he was the only one who could decide what to do. The times when he didnt were much more successfull for the Germans.

Hitler was a fool to attack the two most powerful countries at the same time,
he was familiar with his power but got to carried away with the whole war.
Soon enough he didn’t like waiting and thought the german army was inevitably invincible, which of course was proposterous.
If the fuhrer had bided his time he could of dominated the world stategically.

Do you not agree Firefly?

IF hitler had reached south africa he would of also slaughtered all of the blacks, which would be a massacre of millions!

Yes and no. If he had bided his time, other nations would have re-armed also. It is very difficult for a central european country to strategically dominate the world. The Royal Navy would always have been stronger than the german one and without sea-power where could Germany go except east. The nazis had 1 chance only to take out the Soviets in 1941 and they blew it. Never again could they field enough strength to dominate the battlefield in that way. His biggest folly was to believe that taking the Ukraine and resources there was more important than Moscow, a transport and control node.

I just think they were trying to get to the oil fields so they don’t have to run such a long supply line, excuse me if I am incorrect, but along the way Hitler probably figured, hey… why not just take the symbolic representation of the Soviets’ Leader Stalin.

Well it would lower the Russians morale knowing that german fascists have taken control of a major city.

I think to germans dont need to attack moscow they ,can made front some hundreds km ,of moscow not 35 km,and they first should attack stalingrad and kavkaz ,becouse they can use oil fields and meybe attack north africa from east and west ,thats my opinion .

They already took over some Major cities, anyways if the Nazis thought that way, they would have a full-out attack on Leningrad. I know if I was at war and a Major city like Boston was taken over, I wouldn’t give a damn… Well maybe a little, because I like in the same state :lol:

the reason that hitler didn’t finish off britain before attacking russia is that both stalin and hitler knew that war was coming.
stalin was desperately trying to mobilize his troops and industry.
taking britain would be a fairly long, all out attempt by the germans.
by the time brtain is finished, the russians would have already full mobilized and become even more difficult to defeat.

fortuneatly, the stupid mistake of stalingrad was made, which bought the russians 6 months to recover and build the operation uranus armies.

hitler and his staff believed that they had to attack soon when russia was weakest and cause political collaspe. “kick in the door, and the whole rotton structure crashes down”

Taking Britain? I don’t think Germany could have done it, well if they did, it would take too many causualties and waste too many resources.