Start of World War 2

Hey, hes done 230 odd posts in a week, they mainly consist of, yes I agree or wow or just plain :lol:

Nevermind though, Im sure he will make more positive contributions in future debates.

Hey …whats wrong with you guys I write post like evry else ,I come in this site to learn something and to posting not to just look in your post ,men everyone in this site have something against me . :evil: :evil: :evil:

No one is specifically getting at you. But you have to admit that a great proportion of your posts have consisted of 1 or 2 phrases at best.

If you want to add to the debate that is great, but posting just for the sake of gaining rank is a little futile in my opinion.

If you dont have anything to contribute, why post.

Man this is forum ,people here posti what ever want’s why dont you post what ever you want that’s your thing not my ,and leave me alone.

I disagree with that. I think most Americans will say the war started when Japan attacked Pearl Habor.[/quote]

Hm, good point. I retract my previous statement. Americans probably think WW2 started at Pearl, while most other westerners will regard the invasion of Poland / declaration of war by UK/FR on Germany as start of war. However Asians will probably regard to the star of WW2 as Jul 1937.


NO MORE ANGER OR SADNESS, EVERYONE IS HAPPY!.. BE HAPPY DAMMIT :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I am not sadness i am anger ,clauss do this ,clauss not that do what i want …stop doing that please.i dont know what i done and why am i only target on this forum.

please mate,don´t be upset,we want this place a better place from the newest members,and i have to say that you are valious here.
If there is something i can do for you,just tell me,and if you are offended,pm me with the problem.

Thank you.

Thanks you ,i dont say nothing about this anymore ,but i must say this my post i come to this forum 2 times on day and becouse this i have 265 posts.

No, see, I come on twice a day usually in the morning or late at night, I usually post 5 per session depending on the replies, and now look at how many times I posted, now you.

I answer on every topic ,anyone can do this .

I just want to add, that Poland was attacked in 1 September not only by Germans, but also by Slovak Army. So it wasn’t only Germany vs Poland war from this day.

See this is my idea of a good first post. He adds something to my knowledge. I didnt know the Slovaks attacked Poland at all.

Welcome aboard mate.

WELCOME ABOARD! :smiley: ,enjoy the forum

Thx for warm welcome :wink:

And here’s some more about it:

On the 1 September the, prime minister of Slovakia, Jozef Tiso gave an order to attack Poland. Under command of general F. Cunderlik, 50 thousands slovak troops and 2 Battalions of volunteer Ukrainian Legion, had joined German 14 Army and crossed polish border at 5 a.m. Beside land troops, slovak airplanes started to fight against Polish Air Forces. They lost 2 airplanes and shot down 1 unarmed polish RWD-8. Slovak forces ended all operations in Poland at 21 September. 18 soldiers where killed, 50 wounded and 12 lost in action. It was more manifestation of support to germans then real agression, but thanks that Slovakia has erned some land on the south of Poland.

ah i didnt know that. do you know how much land the slovaks were awarded? i cant imagine that it was very much.

2 towns: Spisz and Orawa and about 30 vilages with 35 thousands people living in them. It was all land that Slovakia lost after Munich Pact and some bonus.