State of the Forum!

This is a problem that i have always I have been concerned with. I hope this is never the general feeling. Insofar as seeing the admin room…for those who did…its a work in progress. Most of the stuff that you saw was from inexperienced mods and admins. So we are all kind of new to running a site. Things are getting better than grade school theories. At first everything was a crisis but things have settled down now that we have learned alot.

Please feel free to always make suggestions on site issues. As you learn we learn. Thats how the site has improved and will continue to do so. Please dont be offended if we dont act promptly on a issue you bring up. There are alot on the drawing board and we try to do the best we can. Anyhow please make suggestion when you think of something or bring up a topic we might have overlooked. We are here to make the site better but we need your feedback.

I have never found the mods to be too harsh, they seem to do a good job from my point of view.

@mike M. The medal system is democratic, if you feel this guy or anyone else deserves a medal then post here,

Good point…please remember to recommend members for medals. Can be hard to track everyone so thats a good way of alerting the staff.

I agree with you SS TIger and I did not say the MOD’s here are harsh I just said what could cause a problem.

I missed this site and are sure as hell glad to be back.

I guess that you have a lot of experience with “harsh mods” speacially if still you are in that “aircraft of WW2 neo nazis racist xenofobic forum”…you know what I am talking about :wink:

I understand what you mean about bitching, but personally I couldn’t give a damn about anything said of me on an internet site - it’s not as if it’s real life. Besides, I wouldn’t bother to read those fora even if I could

Similarly with regard to gongs, they are only virtual and some members, especially those who have earnt them in the real world, prefer not to put them up.
It would be akin to taking the rank system seriously - believe it or not some people actually have ! It’s just a bit of fun & makes a change from earning stars in McDonalds.

I honestly cannot remember a ‘good’ post from Tinwalt, although there may well have been one.
He lied like a cheap NAAFI wristwatch and was an ignorant buffoon and bigot who would argue black was white if the voices told him to.

:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: I will change my bookmark name to “aircraft of WW2 neo nazis racist xenofobic forum”! That’s why I have not posted there in a while too.

Hi, I’m a new member and I’m just scouting through the site. I can tell you I would not have joined if there was nothing of interest here. So what if some topics have been rehashed time and again, the mere fact it happens is due to continued interest, and perhaps there are people out there willing to learn.

I will give you credit, the mere fact a subject like this is open for discussion proves the sight is not dead, because you guys want to move forward.

Regards to all

Welcome to the site Digger.

He he he… I know what you mean.

I am still there, but have not been so active the last few weeks and have started now again to get back to my forums and catch up and try to be more active.

Welcome Digger.

Thankyou for the welcome. I hope I can contribute something worthwhile.

Regards to all

Welcome aboard, I’m sure you will mate!

Welcome to the right Henk. :rolleyes:

I will change my bookmark name to “aircraft of WW2 neo nazis racist xenofobic forum”! That’s why I have not posted there in a while too.

No kidding SS…:neutral: …maybe if you clik in there it can redirect you to …:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Changing the name of the topic from Is this Great Forum dead? to State of the Forum! Sorry but just sounds a bit better and more accurate of the recent discussions.

Standing ovation for you General S.

Good idea Gen. this forum is nowhere near dead.

General Sandworm!

I’m clicking my heels in front of you and this sounds just like a single shot from .050 MG. THANKS!



Yeah, no thread for the Luverly Ladies! :frowning: A lot of the stuff posted by Les is far more offensive to kids than some lady in a bikini!

Amen :slight_smile:

Thanks guys I feel like I won an award or something! :smiley: