tank debate

Panzerknacker, any details on the planned Lowe? (armour, gun, speed etc)

The info I have is in german but readable…I think :?

Typ: Kampfpanzer

Gefechtsmasse: 90.000 Kg
Länge:7.74 m
Breite:3.84 m
Höhe:3.08 m
Motor: 1 Zwölfszylinder-Benzinmotor
Leistung: 700 PS ( Maybach HL) 1000 hp ( Daimler-Benz)
Fahrwerk: Kette; 9 Laufrollen - Stützrollen
Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 25-32 km/h Straße / Gelände: 15 km/h
Fahrbereich: 160 km Straße / Gelände 80 km/h
Bewaffnung: eine 12,8 cm Kanone L/60; ein Koaxial MG;
Munitionsvorrat: Kanone: 22 Schuss, MG 2700 Schuss
Panzerung: Front 240 mm, Seite 120 mm
Besatzung: 5 Mann

Seems that the armor was 240mm front and 120 side, speed on road 25-32, off road 15 km/h.

This " 12,8 cm kanone" I guess that was the 128 mm Flak gun.

According to http://www.achtungpanzer.com/lowe.htm, Löwe project never reached the prototype stage but it paved the way for its successor’s development - Porsche’s Maus. (And a Maus could be found in Kubinka - Russian museum).

All too late in the day!!!

So many vengance and other super weapons were on the drawing boards inthe final days of WW2. But no men on the ground and no petrol!!! Or food. Or ammo. etc.

Aniway the Lion was much better than this 100 ton crazy crap.

And they made 5 of this Porsche projekt.

I think at this date front and side armour would not make much difference as anything that big would attract air attack very quickly. Also big tanks could not cross bridges or move by rail or road through villages.

The best tank to come out of the war was the cent by a long way.

Yeah but the vulnerably to the air attacks is aplicable to all the tanks not only the heavies, The Tiger I for example was a very big one for his time but it had very sucess indoubtfully.

While I agree that the Centurion was an excellent beast, in 1945 it was not the best Tank of the war. There were many contenders for this prize. As we shall find out in the best tank of the war thread eventually.

Not even size and weight, did the Germans even have a power-plant for the things? You need a big engine to move all that steel around.

the T-28 is WOW :shock:

Speaking of the Cent, I wonder if there’s any place where a chap would be getting some WWII footage of the thing - not necessarily in action, as I doubt it saw any WWII action, actually

It’s strange how much it resembles Porsche Tiger, eh?
And the hull - is it Tiger’s or Panther’s?
Now, imagine finding a footage clip of this one - a prototype en motion, for example!!!
Btw, I’ve been searching for a Porsche Tiger combat footage bit - no luck. Any of you guys has some? :frowning:

It sounds as though you’re sorry…
Keep your marbles together, why don’t you? Would you rather Dolphie had won the war?

Hear, hear!


It’s strange how much it resembles Porsche Tiger, eh?
And the hull - is it Tiger’s or Panther’s?
Now, imagine finding a footage clip of this one - a prototype en motion, for example!!!
Btw, I’ve been searching for a Porsche Tiger combat footage bit - no luck. Any of you guys has some? :([/quote]

Looks like a modified King Tiger hull to me. But then that is before the King Tiger so it can’t be.

the best, the real powerfull machine was the Panzer IV.

The turret is pure art. denotes the F. Porsche design. :arrow:

As far as I am concerned, Panzer IV was the best because it combined good combat qualities and ease of manufacture.
You wouldn’t really say that Pz IV was superior to Tiger, Panther, JS1, T-34 or Cromwell otherwise, would you?


The turret is pure art. denotes the F. Porsche design. :arrow:[/quote]
Quite right. Puts one in mind of those Porsche Tigers, doesn’t it?
On the other hand, Guderian was hollering for increased production of PzIV instead of toying with all those new models. Yet again, nobody listened to him…

As far as I am concerned, Panzer IV was the best because it combined good combat qualities and ease of manufacture.
You wouldn’t really say that Pz IV was superior to Tiger, Panther, JS1, T-34 or Cromwell otherwise, would you?[/quote]
I would say it have all the best cualities. the manufacture was rough,
the design is very good, the cannon is still a state-of-the art, the armored
the other you mention, are excellent too, but not a complete weapon
like the PZ IV :arrow:

Seems that nodody like the Sherman…coincidence.?
