The Anzacs.

All doubt has been removed.

Try again.

Why you being so nice to me? Thanks but i know how to look on the internet for ww2 information, the problem is how do i get the information on 2 my post, and is the internet trussfull. Yeah i know i think its me and D502 are the only girls here,i think D502 is a girl. I read a book or watch a docomentrie than put the information on the post and most times people are down my throat, its not like im making up the information. cheers

You got worried cause you knew i had real information. i think you need to spray youre self

Well, I’m just trying to be helpful. You live too far away for any other motives!:smiley: As for posting internet sources, I’ll have to PM you. (You have to use advanced reply). It’s plain and simple, you read a book and post information then quote your source like Rising Sun said. I suppose for documentaries, quote what documentary the information came from. Lot’s of them can be viewed via internet for other people to see where you got your info.

I dont know how to quote information,I see members with proof with there post, But i dont know how to do that,Ive never been a computer wizz as you can see.

Aly, check your Private Messages, sent you some info.

Here you go R/S- Hitlers Third Reich- Volume1 -30
Publisher- Stan Morse.
Produced by midsummer ltd.
Published by bright star publishing
Web site Cheers.

And how i found out about germany had 3000 more than england,i got information on here from a another member.

That’s the way to do it!

Hey Hey Hey…I hope your not implying nor insinuating in any capacity that I am involved with your witch hunt against Aly J. Do not put my fine name nor honor in disrepute. I know what your implying and I read it before in other threads. I know you didn’t mention my name but I read between the lines. Leave me out of this RS. You can PM the new Admin on your witch hunt if it makes you happier, but i am my own person, once and for all, and don’t associate me with Aly J. If you have problems with her then thats fine, but keep my name out of this, once and for all. Although I am happy to see that at least one other new member has difficulty in comprehending your intolerance to freedom of speech. In a democracy we have the right to free speach. Good luck with your witch hunt and remember:Be Nice

To R/S for you- WW2 IN PHOTOGRAPHS,-dont let the name fool you.
Imperial War Museum
Aurther- Richard Holmes.
2000 Carlton Books liminted.

Ok… Now… Everybody STFU! I don’t want to hear it. Aly, please stop posting topics every other half hour. RS* and others… Just stop. That’s enough.

Mr.Churchill, you are a gentleman. I will do my part as I do not wish to create any static within this forum. I apologize for any disruption of the forum enjoyment. I am subsequently in agreement that this has to be stopped. As you had so eloquently stated, [COLOR=“SandyBrown”]RS has to Stop it![/COLOR]

No. Not only RS*. Him, Aly J, and some others. All of them. Stop NAO!!! Lol.

Churchill, where you meaning Him RS or Him Aly-J, im a Her.
I just thought of something, I think RS and I have started ww3. hehehe

The choices are to let ali j crayon all over the walls with his / her nonsense to drown the forum in crap, which seems to be his / her sole mission here, or to challenge his / her endless vacuous posts.

Whether or not I or anyone else respond to him / her, the board will still be covered in plenty of his / her crap.

At least if people challenge him / her, less informed members (of whom there has been an astonishing plethora in recent weeks) and guests might grasp that, as a source of reliable military history information, he / she is not.

The only person who needs to stop is ali j, but at about seven zillion empty head posts a day there doesn’t seem to be much prospect of that as, as Jung’s Second Law of Cretinism states, the momentum of an idiot in a vacuum continues to accelerate until the brain collides painfully with reality.

and STOOPPP! Apply safety catches and unload!

If anyone is interested in discussing the Anzacs and not bickering I have a few thoughts;

One Anzac formation that had a significant impact in the war in North Africa was the 2nd New Zealand division they were the first to break through on Operation Supercharge (2nd El Alamein).

Use the link to look at a generic history of the battle.

Addmittedly a large proportion of the division were Brits, the reason being however, that the Kiwis had taken so many casualties in previous actions. Still an impressive fighting unit all the same.

Yes, and no.

The Australian and New Zealand forces in the Middle East were under very separate control and nothing like the WWI ANZAC version.

Moreover, Freyberg was probably a better general in some respects than some of his Australian (and British) counterparts, while New Zealand left forces in the Med which eventually fought in Italy while Australia brought its forces home to fight the Japanese, which had obvious benefits for New Zealand as well.

Him as in RS*.

But what he says is true. You do need to stop posting posts of little value/topics of already discussed topics. This does create a deluge of useless topics. If you have a question about WWII, look in the Archives or in threads that have already been created. They’re here for a reason.