The bible Code- Is it Real ?

Wrong mate. Latin and Greek were used. On the Apostles, in which city Peter went??? Rome. And at that time was no Eastern Roman Empire.

That’s correct. Septuaginta.

Hagia Sophia is the most known ancient Christian church.

One simple answer: I honestly believe that it was a single Christian Church up to the Great Schism back in 1054. After 1054 were 2 Christian Churches: Orthodox Church and Catholic Church (each one proclaiming that they are the original one).

And also I honestly believe that it is the time for re-uniting.

And speaking directly, Minimalistix, are you open to a dialogue?

what do u mean by dialogue

and the Orthodox and Catholics can never become one again

the Catholics are too modern too our more traditional ways

we have fasting and you have lent

you distribute communion differently

we use classical Greek, Catholics use English and Latin

you use statues to worship Jesus, Mary, the disciples and the saints, while we only use icons

and my most hate towards what Catholics do in Church, during confession, you confess to the priest and he goes (for example) say Hail Mary 15 times, and you say, and then the priest tell’s you, i have forgiven you and so has God

but a priest is only a man (and how many Catholic priests are paedophiles, well in Australia atleast) and when the priest tells you he has forgiven you, does that mean he has brought himself to a level in equal terms with God???

theres only one person that can forgive us, and choose whether he forgives or not, and that is God. so therefore isnt it wrong when priests say they forgive you and God has forgiven, as the priest is not equal with God and he doesnt know that God has forgiven us, therefore, its wrong saying that???

Ummm… you’ll have to forgive the bad quotation (I’m at work so unable to check the exact phrase) but is there not a passage in the New Testament which from memory runs something like “you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the underworld will not be able to hold out against it… Those whose sins you retain, they are retained, and those whose sins you loose, they are loosed”.
This passage to me clearly gives Peter (and by implication the Church) the authority to forgive sins on earth.
As for Hagia Sophia being the oldest Christian church, I have grave doubts about that. St. Peter is reputedly buried under the high altar of St. Peter’s in Rome, and there are certainly catacombs with evidence of very early Christian worship underneath St. Peter’s itself. I would also expect to find some very early Christian churches in the Holy Land, Syria, Lebanon and the like - there are some very ancient churches indeed in that area.

Up to Vatican II Concilium back in 60s, Latin was the lithurgic language. So anybody could change anything.

You together with your Greek community use Greek, mate! Romanians use Romanian, Russians use Russians, Bulgarians use bulgarian, Serbs use Serbian.
On Catholic side, Catholic Romanians use Romanians, Italians use Italian, French use French and so on.
What’s the point???

You wrote “HATE”!!! hate it is a Christian feeling? An Orthodox feeling?

The Catholic priest said " God forgive your sin" and not "I forgive your sin!!!

Mate, read carefully my next statement:

I was born as Orthodox, I was baptised as Orthodox and I know and I learnt about Orthodox Church more than you know, believe me.

7 years ago I chose (like your parents chose to immigrate in Australia) to come to Roman-Catholic Church (we have in Romania also Greek Catholic church but this is another story to tell you why it is named this way). The priest ask about my former Church. When I told him “Orthodox” he said I see, our Orthodox brothers!!! Not to mention that my baptism was recognised.

So please imagine that I know both Orthodox and Catholic points of view.

Please read History of the Church!! As I saw your posts, you have no more than 20+ years. Also you have a strong Greek closed community back there (speaking of your Orthodox posts and Macedonian/FYROM posts). Be more open-minded mate! Free yourself! If you are feeling harmed by my remark please note that it isn’t my intention to insult you in anyway!!!
Let me know about it and I’ll edit my post.

Ummm… you’ll have to forgive the bad quotation (I’m at work so unable to check the exact phrase) but is there not a passage in the New Testament which from memory runs something like “you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the underworld will not be able to hold out against it… Those whose sins you retain, they are retained, and those whose sins you loose, they are loosed”.
This passage to me clearly gives Peter (and by implication the Church) the authority to forgive sins on earth.
As for Hagia Sophia being the oldest Christian church, I have grave doubts about that. St. Peter is reputedly buried under the high altar of St. Peter’s in Rome, and there are certainly catacombs with evidence of very early Christian worship underneath St. Peter’s itself. I would also expect to find some very early Christian churches in the Holy Land, Syria, Lebanon and the like - there are some very ancient churches indeed in that area.[/quote]

yes, but you’re going to compare St Peter to a Priest??? God specifically said Peter, no1 else

and plz tell me when i EVER said Hagia Sophia is the oldest or first Church ???

Up to Vatican II Concilium back in 60s, Latin was the lithurgic language. So anybody could change anything.

You together with your Greek community use Greek, mate! Romanians use Romanian, Russians use Russians, Bulgarians use bulgarian, Serbs use Serbian.
On Catholic side, Catholic Romanians use Romanians, Italians use Italian, French use French and so on.
What’s the point???

You wrote “HATE”!!! hate it is a Christian feeling? An Orthodox feeling?

The Catholic priest said " God forgive your sin" and not "I forgive your sin!!!

Mate, read carefully my next statement:

I was born as Orthodox, I was baptised as Orthodox and I know and I learnt about Orthodox Church more than you know, believe me.

7 years ago I chose (like your parents chose to immigrate in Australia) to come to Roman-Catholic Church (we have in Romania also Greek Catholic church but this is another story to tell you why it is named this way). The priest ask about my former Church. When I told him “Orthodox” he said I see, our Orthodox brothers!!! Not to mention that my baptism was recognised.

So please imagine that I know both Orthodox and Catholic points of view.

Please read History of the Church!! As I saw your posts, you have no more than 20+ years. Also you have a strong Greek closed community back there (speaking of your Orthodox posts and Macedonian/FYROM posts). Be more open-minded mate! Free yourself! If you are feeling harmed by my remark please note that it isn’t my intention to insult you in anyway!!!
Let me know about it and I’ll edit my post.[/quote]

actually im only 16, and not offended at all on what you said

and dont think of me as someone that hangs out with only Greeks, my 3 bestfriends are, Aussie, Hong Kanese and Lebanese, so dont think im secluded with only staying in the Greek community

alas to what you said, i find it very interesting on you denomination conversion from Orthodoxy to Catholicism

but, i wouldn’t really call Catholics and Orthodoxies brothers

i remember i went to a friends Catholic baptism, and afterwoods i was talking to the Priest and when he found out i was Orthodox he started to become more arrogant and rude too me

through the past the Vatican has consipirised Orthodox Genocide, and in the recent past, the Croat Catholics were genociding against Serb Orthodoxies

and in the even closer past the Serb Orthodoxies were genociding against the Catholic Croats

Both Catholic and Orthodox Churches recognise the Apostolic succession - they just differ on who the current successor to St. Peter is, and have done since the Great Schism. It is only the Protestant churches who refuse to recognise the Apostolic succession.

Sorry, was under the impression someone brought it up earlier in this thread

I can’t help suspecting he was actually responding to your attitude to him. You do come across as very Anti-Catholic in all your postings, and the priest would have been less than human not to react to such virulent opinions. Certainly none of the priests I’ve ever known has acted in any way similar to this, and this is in the UK where the Catholic Church was persecuted for a very long time by the state (in the name of the CofE) - yet I’ve never seen that attitude towards members of the CofE. Go figure.


I can’t help suspecting he was actually responding to your attitude to him. You do come across as very Anti-Catholic in all your postings, and the priest would have been less than human not to react to such virulent opinions.[/quote]

oh yes, thats exacly why, because of how i was tlaking to him, thats why he turned arrogant to me, after i told him i was Orthodox of course :roll:

Can I just interlude into your religeous dissertations to ask

What does it have to do with the so called Bible Code

As I said before, arguing round and round over religion gets no one anywhere.

arguing about ww2 battles and etc gets us no where, :wink: something we’re interested in and enlightens both parties

I only wish we could argue about ww2 battles. This site is rapidly becoming the anything but ww2 site.

Only BDLs topics are actually ww2!

Discussing about WW2 is the reason to be of this forum mate!

There are hundreds (if not thousands) of another forums over the internet. You could join any of them and you could discuss anything you want (I mean these ww2-OFF TOPIC issues proposed by you).

Please take note at Tsolias! His posts about Operation Marita doesn’t make you feel more proud of your former country (Greece)? Or you are interested only in 3 things speaking of Greece??

Those 3 things should be “Macedonia is Greek”, “Orthodox Church rulz!!” and football!

This is not an insulting post but it shows only your interests so far in joining this forum.

Sounds very very familiar to me your interests! :wink:

Where I heard something similar??? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There are many things in the Bible that are mysterious, and much of it cannot be taken literally. For example, in Genesis, the lineage of the “first” man and woman and their children is described. When Cain slew Abel, he is banished. While he is wandering, he comes upon a city. Where did this city come from if Cain and Abel are the only children of Adam and Eve? It is more likely that Adam, Eve, Cain, and Able are tribes of mankind than individuals, and that mankind had been around a long time compared to the literal descriptions in the Bible.

Consider the visions of Ezekiel. They describe vehicles which float and are capable of changing direction without turning as they move - just zoop! …and they are off in a different direction. They are described as having windows and people inside them, and someone is said to be taken up into one of them from the ground. Are these to be taken literally? Should they? Should they not?

Consider also the mention of the “Watchers” and “Nephilim”, who live in the skies and watch people, flying overhead and observing, giving instructions to people, and mating with human women to produce a race of giants. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, they are said to have lived among mankind and even enslaved him to mine the earth for precious metals. This may be the reason the early Church decided to not include these texts in the Bible - because they were controversial and did not promote their narrow view of God and mankind - much the way Copernicus was persecuted for saying that the Earth was not the center of the solar system.

The Ethiopians (surprisingly, they are Christians!) claim to have in their possession this very day the Ark of the Covenant as well, and there are legends among peoples in eastern Africa of men who came from the skies and lived among humans. They say that their vehicle was damaged and they were unable to return to the skies. They describe a tribe of caucasian men who carried a sacred box from the mid-east southward into Africa to keep it secret and safe. Is this the Ark of the Covenant on it’s route to Ethiopia, where the Ethiopians (Christians) claim it is kept and will not allow anyone to view it, where it is protected by men with assault rifles? The aborigines of Australia have a similar legend of visitors from the skies, as do Native American tribes and several other peoples from around the world. These legends are not unlike the “visions” in the Bible.

Just some thoughts.

Ironman, have you ever been abducted?

Actually a lot of the Bible comes from Mesopatamia. It borrows a lot from the worlds oldest known book, the Epic of Gilgamesh, its here we first learn of a flood etc. The principle of 7 days and a lot more.

Not that I am aware of. :lol:

Discussing about WW2 is the reason to be of this forum mate!

There are hundreds (if not thousands) of another forums over the internet. You could join any of them and you could discuss anything you want (I mean these ww2-OFF TOPIC issues proposed by you).

Please take note at Tsolias! His posts about Operation Marita doesn’t make you feel more proud of your former country (Greece)? Or you are interested only in 3 things speaking of Greece??[/quote]

oh so my other topics that ive made for example

MY topic on China’s Revolution (and if it would make a difference to ww2) doesnt show interest in other countries history, and it kind of it ww2 related

so is MY topic on Franco

MY topic on Rommel Vs Churchill

MY topic on Hitlers death

MY topic which i gave a link to a Aussie WW2 site

yet ive also contributed to other WW2 related topics as well

so before you say what i have and not done on this forum, check what ive actually contributed first

thats enough from me to u on this matter now, as you havnt even checked the slightest on the kind of posts ive contributed to the forum

(and all the topics i have made abut Macedonia and etc have been in the GENERAL discussion, so why is this an issue for anyways???)

Remember, you are at the OFF-TOPIC forum. You can arguee all about the Second War World in the WWII forums.


Discussing about WW2 is the reason to be of this forum mate!

so before you say what i have and not done on this forum, check what ive actually contributed first[/quote]

Minimalistix, I didn’t talk about what you’ve done or not to this forum, I pointed out only your interests (in my opinion). As far as you could post “arguing about ww2 battles and etc gets us no where” it is obvious that WW2 it isn’t your interests. Clear now?