The British Empire Conspiracy

Furthermore, if the UK are so omniscient how the hell did they get themselves in a worse financial pickle than the US with the current crisis? Why did the UK let itself get an even bigger housing bubble than the US or the rest of the EU when the plan was for a bursting housing bubble to bring down the US economy.

Whatever you’re smoking, share!

How the heck did a Stalingrad thread end up with some ‘the British are responsible for everything that Dan Brown doesnt write about’ stuff in it?

The mind boggles sometimes.


The English aristocracy, the blokes anyway, love a good spanking. :smiley:

Besides the factual errors most is rubbish.

1892 it was good Queen Vicky who sat at Windsor and had little control over government.

Following WW2 the UK was forced by the US to open the Commonwealth markets to the US and change the international currency to $. Large part of UK industry/assets were sold off to the US to cover debt form WW2. The UK has only just (2006 I think) paid back its WW2 loan to the US. The US was not overly happy about giving money to the UK to fund the NHS as they saw it a socialist and not right.

Oil going up in the 70s was due to the canal being closed and oil having to go round the Cape till large supper tankers were built.

I think the Euro has don very well out of the resent problems and as for Soros, was he not the guy who made Millions out of the £ trying to stay with the ERM.

And as for today the UK will be in dept for many, many years. The balling out of Lloyds/TSB/RBS has cost each of the 60m people £3000.

Do you have any facts to prove that the UK is pulling the US stings as most others in the world reffer to the UK as the US’s lapdog.

Your feigned mystification demonstrates that, like all the Brits behind the grand conspiracy to bring America to its knees by Britain’s disarmingly simple but cunning plan of fucking itself up its own arse from 1914 onwards, you are part of the conspiracy.

As Trapp said earlier “Some people won’t see what is in front of their eyes and some will try to cloud the issue by throwing nonsense at it.”. I can’t imagine why anyone would throw nonsense at such compelling sense.

And then there are fools like Nick and 2nd of Foot who insist upon facts when there are none left, for Lord Lucan took them with him when MI6 sent him into deep cover after Kissinger foiled Britain’s attempt to destroy America when Britain forced America into the Paris peace talks with the North Vietnamese to end the Vietnam War.

This happened because the Vietnam War was controlled by Lord Lucan and others in the British elite determined to grab for Britain the French Indo-China colonies which should have come to Britain after Waterloo at the earliest and Versailles at the latest.

P.S. I object to 2nd of Foot asserting that Britain is America’s lap dog. Australia has been conspicuous in that position since 1942. Britain comes at best a very poor second, and a long way back in the field.

Is this why your substansive rank is a British Army Lt Col. but your staff rank i.e. American, is merely that of Captain?

But we do love our lapdogs. :slight_smile:

Exactly! Because the universe, and mod ranks, revolve around all things American. :smiley: (Of course, I believe the US Army rank system and emblems are sort of a bastardization of the old French and Prussian Armies’ ranks)…

Bugger, i’ve been sussed!!

Actually, it appears that I’ve been cashiered.

My former substantive rank, for reasons known only to the higher echelons who control theses things, is currently a red X surmounted by BA L.

I assume that the X stands for ex.

After that, it doesn’t really matter. :wink: :smiley:

As long as we stand together against the Septics, all will be well. :wink: :smiley:

Woof bloody woof! :smiley:

Speaking of which, what do you think of events at Lords this morning :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t follow the House of Lords much.

I think it will come as little surprise to you that the Commons is more my speed. :smiley:

Wrong Lords. Your lot just lost there for the first time in about 75 years :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, that Lords. :wink:

I don’t know why you’re bragging about losing there for 75 years. :smiley:

I think we can cope with losing one match every three quarters of a century.

It was very sporting of Flintoff to retire, leaving a team with prospects of starting another 75 years of unbroken losses to the colonials.

Terribly sporting of you, old chap! :mrgreen:

It would be a real hoot to get you all together for a night of drinking, and world building,which is mostly the way it was actually done back in the old days.(just a guess)

The drinking would be okay, but I’m not too sure about the world we’d build while doing it. :wink: :smiley:

Now that TG has started politically incorrect thinking (which in the modern world has to be the sensible way to go in the face of institutionalised bullshit going nowhere), let’s work out the new rules for being admitted to the British Empire Mk II.

Nations which are excluded are:

Those ending in ‘stan’.

Those with caste systems.

Those with rules about hair length.

Those with rules about beard length.

Those with rules about beards (whether or not those rules are gender neutral)

Those with rules about women covering their hair

Those with rules about women covering their faces

Those with rules about men covering their hair

Those with rules about not eating pork

Those with rules treating dogs as the lowest form of life


And, of course, the most dangerous international threat of all, France.


Id just like to say that I like this thread very much. Its a long time since Ive seen one like it and the original poster is seriously under consideration for a Mod post. With that sort of unsubstantiated posting hes a sure winner!

You obviously don’t know your Dan Brown history, Nick.

The British and the American rank systems have some very different foundations, which can be found in the deepest bases of their respective culture and society.

To understand this, one first has to understand the symbolic meaning of their respective rank insignias.
Both have their enlisted rank insignias based on Chevrons, with the one country’s chevrons pointing up, the other pointing down.
Now, the Upward-pointing Chevron is a symbol for males, or, to put it more bluntly, it’s a dick.
The Downward-Chevron is a symbol for females, or simply a crotch/pussy.

What does this say about the US and the UK?


The US are a very dick-centric society - therefore, superior rank is indicated by a larger collection of dicks. A recruit has no dicks, a private one, a corporal two, etc. This is also the reason why the US military doesn’t allow openly gay men, as this system of rank runs the risk of confusing homosexuals, who might think it works as it does with the British.

See, the UK are much more about a man’s sexual achievements. Therefore, the rank indicates roughly about how many women the government thinks you have gotten in your life. The more pussy, the higher your authority.

Is that so hard to understand?

PS: For your own sake, I’ll spare you the details on the foundation of the officer’s insignias. That shit’s not just wrong I believe it’s even illegal! (Except in NZ and Wales, but seriously, that shouldn’t surprise anyone)