The Devil all about him

Sadly, I have no audio, so, I 'm not certain whether you’re preaching or taking the piss, Nick (just curious - but are you sometimes referred to as Old Nick?).

Dave Allen:

Galations 6:7 Do not be deceived, God* is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.
*who created the devil-Kent

I doubt that Dave Allen, or others, mock God - they mock those preachers who abuse him.

As for the Bible, did God write it or was it a group of ancient sages protecting their own interests?

I can confirm that the Devil does exist. She sits opposite me, and, today, she is wearing black stockings which rise to about an inch above the knee, stopping about two feet short of the matching black, bum-hugging hem of her skirt. I can also confirm that said Devil is not a commando, but leans to the white so as not to be considered totally impure.

If you have the faith, keep the faith, and leave the rest to decide for themselves.

i agree that " Paradise Lost" is a fairy tale, like hollywood movies that deal with the issue.
I , myself do not fear the devil, for i have the promise and sacrifice of Jesus to save me. I believe it is a free gift, salvation, done by God’s mercy, not on any good works i have done. the point is the real saved man will not do anything to mess that up. God knows we are sinful creatures. i fear the lord, of course, but I love him for that promise, that I will see my mother and father again. is that not enough reason to love him?since i have been saved, my life has increased abundantly, i have a pretty, young wife, 2 chidren that are so beautiful I cant believe i helped make them, and the start of a little cattle farm.i thank God for these things daily,because i dont deserve it for my sins( i have killed people, for petes sake)and he forgave me that, how could i not love the Lord

I have no argument with that…God bless you!

believe me , 32Bravo, i have seen the devil in less than that. My first job when i left the service was a bartender at a strip club. I think if i had stayed there, i would have ended up as a worse drunk than my clientele ;-P, i think it helped kill my boxing career also, you know the adage about sex before a fight( it will weaken the legs) lol

I believe you.

Life is a journey, is it not? How can we appreciate what is good and beautiful without experiencing some of what is bad and ugly?

I never frequented those sleezy type places (more RS’s type of thing). Generally speaking, why have sardines when one can have caviar? :slight_smile:

Then again, any port in a storm! :wink:

Amen, brother
those days are far behind me now, im just glad i live where a man can start over and rebuild himself.If I, a lowly carpenter from a poor family, can do it, any man can

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Isiah 14:12

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Even the Pope has copped to the fact that there is no devil as most folks have been taught to envision the concept. also that there is no hell. Different Pope, for each, but the Vatican has finally admitted it.

That’s torn it…now what do I confess? :frowning:

Yes, but that is presupposing that the Pope has not been enslaved by the Devil

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian wainer

i see the catholic church being duped, as there is a devil, some people think the catholic church will be the false church that deludes everyone to following the " Beast " power who comes to the fore in the final days. i hope not as i went to catholic school till high school.i think the devil only has as much power you give him over you. I believe that hell is a final death for the immortal soul. i believe that heaven will be here on earth, not some mystical place in the sky where we play harps for eternity. The Bible says the saved will be resurected in " glorified new bodies that will not age" good thing cause my old one hurts all the time :wink: as a christian man, i can not wait till that day but i know the troubles that will come before it, and im always fearful of reason i like to see us different people get to talk like this. we are all the same and want good things for the ones we love. and i want good things for you all too,whether you be russian,german,or whatever. im all about love for my fellow man ( thats what prevents war, to me)

But then what if Fred Phelps is the Anti-Christ? Well if Fred Phelps is the Anti-Christ and he is against the Pope, that would prove the Pope is a good guy.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Pop is a good guy but his also Boring too.

Well not if he is going up against the Anti-Christ!

not sure where Ophrah stands in relation to the Anti-Christ.

Phelps musta got too much sun, he is lookin a little red in the face.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I too was raised as a Catholic, but I think Vatican 2 began to turn me.

Your faith is stronger than mine. I have absolutely no certainty about the after life or if there is an after life, or even if there is a God. The only thing I am certain of is that I dislike people who think they know better (not your good self) and demonstrate this by dictating to me on the subject.

There have been times in my life, quite a few as it happens, when I have needed there to be a God, and when those times have come about, God has been there for me.

My wife is a Baptist of very strong faith. Not a ‘Shouter’ but a true believer. Her father was a Baptist minister who was killed early in her childhood. Her mother being of strong faith raised with good Christian values. She met me the day before I married her daughter and was initially cautious, but as time went by she grew to love me dearly, as did the rest of her family - and for that I love her and respect her faith.

I have met some wonderful people in my life. People who have seemed so good, even though evil things have been done to them, that they appear to be very holy - perhaps even saintly. If they can be so good, and forgiving, then, as far as I am concerned, if there is a God, he is not a vengeful God.

p.s. Never was that good at boxing, no finesse, but I was unbeaten in the Milling.

None of that fairy headgear in my day. :slight_smile:

My thoughts exactly, someone must have a burr up his ass to propagate such a load of crap.
Is that a fact that he was debarred from the Law Society by reason of improper conduct?

i dont mean to preach so much. im just happy that it changed me and made me want to be a better man.
i still struggle with my emotions and sometimes gripe to the Lord that
he’s being unfair when some plan falls apart, but how fair have i been to him? i have broke half my promises, and come begging back for forgiveness like an unfaithful husband( which i was to my first wife) i dont do that stuff now. i drink a few beers
on the weekends but i dont think im going to hell for that. He will speak to you one day, when you least expect it, because you have a good heart, he knows, he gave it you LOL.he waited till i was 33 yrs old to call me.he
isnt vengeful, just the opposite. a stern, but loving father.

" when my mother and father has forsaken thee, i shalt take thee up"
i needed this one when my Dad passed away, indeed he has