The Luger.

Umm… I think you’re confusing the WW2 SAS with the mystique the regiment later achieved. During WW2 they used whatever they could lay their hands on, rather than whatever they wanted. Indeed, their first mission (before they ever attacked the Germans) was to steal a tented camp belonging to another Allied unit (IIRC from New Zealand) because they couldn’t get any stores out of the Quartermaster branch themselves.

Actually James Bond’s original gun was a Beretta, I think a m1935 in .32acp but I’m not certain. Theres a scene in one of the old movies where M orders Bond to hand it over in favour of the PPK.

Rytis, have you ever handled a Luger?

I have one that was made at the Mauser factory in 1942. When I first pulled it apart I was shocked at how the mechanism works. They have a spring loaded internal striker that secured by an external catch that you can literally thumb press to fire the gun. If any dirt gets in between that catch and the pistol frame then it is impossible to have a positive lock and reliablity is compromised. I would never, ever, holster a Luger with a round in the chamber, safety or no safety.

This has nothing to do with who manufactured the gun, it’s a fundimental design flaw.

I think I’ve already answered this;

Think before you wright.:confused:Cheers


Herman, I believe that Hitler carried on his person a Walter PPK most of the time (at least from the photo record we have). However he was often the recipeint of presentation pistols of various models so I am certain he had a selection to choose from.

I dont handle luger so i wil take your words for true, but if it was so unsafe, why thei dont try to improve it, thei even throw out the handle back safety, when thei go to 9 milimeter caliber

Maybe the grip safety was equally ineffective? I haven’t pulled one apart so couldn’t tell you for certain. But a re-design would have been out of the question because its a major overhaul of the pistol.

Also pistols were more of a status symbol than a serious combat weapon, so maybe it wasn’t that big of a concern to the Armies that used the Luger.

You are correct sir! I recall that as I read the book (“From Russia With Love?”), M sent in an armourer and he judged Bond’s 7.65mm Beretta to be a gun fit for a “woman.” He was then told to carry the 9mm short version of the Walther as the round was like a “brick through a plate glass window.”

Im talking about two different post giving two different discriptions of the pistol.:smiley:

I own a Luger 9mm, a Berretta 9mm, a Glock 9mm, and a Colt 45 in addition to other guns.

All the automatics except the Luger have floating barrels. Theya re OK from 25 - 35 yards in, but are pretty much uselss from 35 yards out. The Luger has a barrel fixed to the frame and is quite accurate at longer distances.

It has issues, and is not easy to operate in some circumstances that come up only infequently.

But, it is balanced, fits comfortably in the hand, is natural to point, and is generally VERY confortable to use and operate.

The Colt 45 is heavier and hits a bit harder but is less accurate beyond 25 - 35 yards. It holds one bullet in the chanber and seven in the magazine. It is relaible and can be a VERY good unit.

The luger holds one in the chanber and 10 in the magazine.

For that matter, the Berratta holds one in the chamber and 15 in the magazine.

Let’s face it; it YOU are in the military and if you are reduced to using a pistol, then you have expended your rifle ammunition and are in a last-ditch defense of your position just before being overrun. There is almost no other excuse to use a pistol in a military situation. Personally, I want more shots, not better stopping power.

That means I live about 30 seconds longer.

So the lugar is great but also bad at the same time?

I wouldn’t take GregP’s post too seriously. Lugers are not significantly more accurate than most other service pistols. Sure they may point a bit better, feel a bit more comfortable but their sights are terrible.

Most non regular shooters still couldn’t hit shit with one at 25m (applies to most pistols).

(oh and the magazine capacity is 8+1 not 10+1)

As for your question let me re-phrase it this way, hopefully you’ll get it then:
Lugers are a neat gun to shoot on the range when no-one is shooting back at you, built in a time when quality ment something. However because of some serious design flaws, the Luger is a less that ideal gun when used on the battlefield. Because it is near impossible to keep mud out of everything you run the very real risk of the gun not operating when you might actually need it.

I get it-Its a great gun with bad points.:smiley:

Except the bad points are very bad for a pistol thats ment for combat.

Here’s an easy summarization for you:

It’s a nice gun to shoot at a range, but will get officers killed in combat as it more easy jams than nearly any other service pistol in history…

Hi aly_j.

We spell it like the weapon is written.

English speaking persons would spell it like ‘Looger’, the german letter ‘u’ in Luger like the 'oo’s in ‘to loose’, just spelled a bit shorter :wink:

Thanks for the spelling lesson on the looger;)

From your replies, I take it you aren’t Luger owners or Luger shooters. That’s OK. Not sure about your accuracy, but mine is fine; better than most … I don’t have any trouble with the sights. Maybe the one you shot had issues with the sights; mine doesn’t.

Personally, I’ve been in two military services (Army and Air Force) and have shot a lot of weapons including WWII German, Japanese, and Allied machine guns as well as modern weapons. While not exactly a gun fanatic, I do enjoy occasional shooting.

As for the Luger, I don’t particularly like the operation of the safety (though it works reliably), but the function, accuracy, and quality are superior to most more modern handguns. I’m not too fond of the old German holsters with the solid leather flap either but, then again, it isn’t a Western “fast draw” weapon. At least the flap keeps out the mud mostly. The P-08 is an officers pistol intended for use as such. It works well in that role, as does the P-38, which I prefer to the P-08 Luger.

Most people who shoot a Luger either like it or don’t. There are very few people with a middle opinion. My opinion of it is good, as is the experience I have had with it. My groups are tight and accurate with no “fliers.”

If yours aren’t, it may be the particular weapon or your technique. Only YOU know if you are shooting with proper technique and if you are experienced shooters. Maybe you should try out another Luger to see if the one you complain about above (sights) was simply atypical of the type.

As for combat handguns, they are pretty much useless in combat. The Colt 45 ACP and Berretta 92F are pretty good as handguns, as are the Glock and the Sigs and others, but military situations are not usually able to be solved with handguns. They usually call for aircraft, missiles, smart weapons, tanks, artillery, or soldiers armed with a variety of long distance rifles and automatic weapons for closer in work. As I stated above, if you are in a military situation and need a handgun, you are in serious trouble.

I would have thought that the Browning P35 “Hi-Power” ‘trumped’ just about every other semi-automatic pistol of WW2, the Germans & allies 'especially the para units, couldn’t get enough of them. The Luger was just a souvenir must have item.

Browning is a great gun! Love it.

Makes it one of at least 50 guns I love! I should have mentioned it, but the reply for ALL the great guns would have been VERY long. If I missed your favorite, sorry … I probably like it and have shot it. Very few BAD guns ever made producion, but I suppose there WERE a few. Some Russian rifles come to mind immediately, but even THEY can be rescued with some reasonable gunsmithing skills. A file can make a very BAD trigger into a good one easily.

Consider the AK-47.

Nothing impressive except it shoots even with sand poured into the breach. All in all, a pretty damned GOOD rifle for combat unless you want finely finshed wood and superb fit above utility. If you DO, I submit that you may not be a viable military force and should not attack anyone without some reinforcements since most idiots with effective AK-47’s may beat you in a war, simply due to reliable armament.