The Muslim Caliphate and Jewish Conspiracy-Theory Thread

Well… I dont agree with most of Kato postures but something is certain, the power of extremist islam is growing every day, and it has been succesfull in disrupt the normal everyday life in Eupean countries like Holland. No to mention causing some people embraced an opposed ( an similar extremist) posture againts this religion.

The outlook of the white forces that can cope with the task are to include biological nationalism, technocracy, futurism, transhumanism.

They can cooperate with non-whites for demolishing the existing world order.

By the way, why did you call the thread “The Muslim Caliphate and Jewish Conspiracy-Theory Thread” ?

Neither me nor anyone else has mentioned jews here.

Let’s call it “the future of the modern world” or something like that

Becouse i’ve mentioned the Israel once:)
The Nickdfresh is a “bit” sensitive about all this matter:)
Right Nicki?
Who has pissed the jews here?Chevan again?

Let’s call it “the future of the modern world” or something like that

i m not sure of your optimism about future :slight_smile:
The White patriotism is a Hoax, unfortinatelly.The Whites are ready to kill each other - has the World war in past not proved it for you?
Did you forget how White GErmans killed your own Ukrainian civils by most brutal way?

I have never seen such frank ( and sly at the same time) agreement with a poster:)
I don’t agree with Kato, but he speak absolutly true things:)
So Kato is right, very soon , through short time the England sould disintegrate on several parts, and you mr PZ finaly would have got the Falklands Island;)

No. The number persons who influence the course of events in the history of a tribe or later a nation or a group of nations and so on is very limited. Even if we take into account each soldier who managed to kill one enemy and thus make the victory closer for his Army.

Islam is the worst ‘variant’ in humanity?

‘Variant’ appears to be meant to mean an aberration. Such as, say Nazi death camps. Or the Burma Railway. Or Year Zero. Or big slabs of black Africa for the past half century. Or Bosnia. And so on.

The worst event so far, on numbers killed, was the magnifcent Aryans trumpeting the virtues of the white race.

They were among the best degraders of humanity in all spheres of life, so far.

First of all, traditional Islam is antoganistic to sciences, modern medicine, technologies etc. It advocates the traditional Asian society that is naturally incompatible with the white European society.

Secondly, its believers are mainly non-whites. Islam is not shared even by most Mongoloid nations that are capable to imitate and perfect the achievements of whites. So one should forget about scientific progress and get ready for quick decline.

Thirdly, “Nazi death camps. Or the Burma Railway. Or Year Zero. Or big slabs of black Africa for the past half century. Or Bosnia.” are nothing in comparison with the full extinction of the white race through assimilation and race-mixing.

You are right in sense that the white nations determine the destiny of the world in conflicts ( among other domains). Even today the self-destructive race-mixing and multiculturalism are advocated by genetically white persons alongside with non-whites.

That is why the potential “Aryan Jihad” will be waged against all those who who will be supporting the existing order in the regions populated by whites and in the whole world irrespectively of their racial backgrounds and irrespectively of their motivation to do so.

The disintegration of the UK is quite possible.

We can start a separate thread on the issue a bit later if there is an interest in it.

So, for example, how do you explain some strongly Islamic Gulf states having world class hospitals?

Or classical Islamic medicos being a bit ahead of their time?

Or the Islamic world keeping alive and building upon medical knowledge that was lost to Europe in the Dark Ages?

Arabs aren’t Asians.

Muslims are a religion, not a race. They span many races. Including Asians.

What, exactly, is white European society? Does it include Iberians? Greeks? Italians?

Fuck me! And for a while there I was treating you as rational. :evil:

Look, shit for brains, there are parts of the world where a Ukrainian wouldn’t be regarded as white the moment he stepped out of a shower, so for fuck’s sake either get back into your Nazi uniform and fuck off to slaughter some of your countrymen or drop the smug racist shit and grasp that your fucked up ideas of racial superiority are exactly what gave rise to the circumstances without which this forum wouldn’t exist.

They were disaffected as they continued to live within their ethnic group. Most of them were pretty vocal and at least one had been targeted by surveillance by MI5. These were by no means “the norm.”

There are many other much more deprived religious groups in sociological respect but no radicals manifested about their existence among them.

What do you mean by “depraved?” Many of these radicals were inflamed by the Iraq War the the UK/Spanish involvement in it. I mean, if you really want to do a body count of how many Muslims have killed Westerners and vice versa, I’d say the US, among other countries, is pretty far ahead historically. But actually, Muslims are for more likely to kill other Muslims in Iraq than they even are US troops…

All the economy and technologically related fields in such states like Arabian Emirates and the like, function due to foreign labour attracted to these states from all over the world. It is a well-known thing and I don’t want to argue about it.

What, exactly, is white European society? Does it include Iberians? Greeks? Italians?

Well, I suppose you should go to Afganistan or Pakistan or India to realise what is the difference between European society and Asian ones.

Fuck me! And for a while there I was treating you as rational.

Look, shit for brains, there are parts of the world where a Ukrainian wouldn’t be regarded as white the moment he stepped out of a shower, so for fuck’s sake either get back into your Nazi uniform and fuck off to slaughter some of your countrymen or drop the smug racist shit and grasp that your fucked up ideas of racial superiority are exactly what gave rise to the circumstances without which this forum wouldn’t exist.

The rationality does not imply the usage of swears in each line for several times. So it is you who are irrational.

No, it’s not. Only the Wahabbist variant and the small sect that seeks to return Islam back to the 14th centuries are. And they have few real supporters. This is proven by the fact that NOT ONE ISLAMICIST insurgency has ever prevailed (Algeria, Iraq, Egypt) because they alienate the population with their strategies of mass, nihilist violence.

Perhaps you can explain why the Islamic Middle Eastern states were far ahead in each of those very areas you mentioned during the crusades, and in a sense returned Western culture back to the West as a result after the “perfect white” barbarians sacked the W. Roman Empire…

Secondly, its believers are mainly non-whites. Islam is not shared even by most Mongoloid nations that are capable to imitate and perfect the achievements of whites. So one should forget about scientific progress and get ready for quick decline.

LOL Which “perfect” achievements are those? The Holocaust? Killing more people in WWI and WWII that all other wars combined?

Thirdly, “Nazi death camps. Or the Burma Railway. Or Year Zero. Or big slabs of black Africa for the past half century. Or Bosnia.” are nothing in comparison with the full extinction of the white race through assimilation and race-mixing.

Oh brother. :rolleyes: You have any examples of this?

Disaffected? I don’t think that this Moslims were the only dissaffected in these countries

What do you mean by “depraved?” Many of these radicals were inflamed by the Iraq War the the UK/Spanish involvement in it. I mean, if you really want to do a body count of how many Muslims have killed Westerners and vice versa, I’d say the US, among other countries, is pretty far ahead historically. But actually, Muslims are for more likely to kill other Muslims in Iraq than they even are US troops…

The reality is that these Moslim radicals who planted bombs slowed down the Islamisation of Europe to certain extent. The control over emigration got tightened, many Moslims were not allwed to move to Europe etc.

When the US invaded Iraq, it just increased the quantity of Arabs moving to Europe.

Or Aryan Race War hour?

See you in two weeks…

Wahabbist variant is mainstream in the religious center of Islam - Saudi Arabia and little Arabian states of the Gulf.

Perhaps you can explain why the Islamic Middle Eastern states were far ahead in each of those very areas you mentioned during the crusades,

Islamic Middle Eastern states were not far ahead or simply ahead.

and in a sense returned Western culture back to the West as a result after the “perfect white” barbarians sacked the W. Roman Empire…

The Roman Empire degenarated into Oriental despothy with extensive race-mixing, adoption of Oriental religions, ways of life, traditions etc. The later Roman Empire resemble the modern USA.

It is logical and natural that white German and other tribes destroyed it.

LOL Which “perfect” achievements are those?

I mean the verb “to perfect” that is “to improve”.

The Holocaust? Killing more people in WWI and WWII that all other wars combined?

Are all Americans Holocaust obsessed? Or is it just you?

WWI and WWII just prove that world’s history is made by whites

Oh brother. :rolleyes: You have any examples of this?

Is it a secret in the US that the white race is the smallest among others and the quantity of its representatives is quickly declining while other nations are quickly growing in numbers. The tendency clearly shows that whites will extinct considering race-mixing in white regions.


I hope you won’t be too nervous about jews.

For clarity, I warned Kato 4 hours ago to sort his life out or I would ban him. He completely ignored the warning, and so Nick has banned him until the 18th (this time in 2 weeks).

Any further infractions of the same type and the ban will be made permanent.

How about Afghanistan/Pakistan? Was / is pretty successful there.
And Egypt for example is not really far away from a theocracy, it needs just a little spark. Mubaraks Government maintains order by force but as we all know this only works for so long.
The fact is, that the islamic world continues to radicalize, and it doesn’t need a lot of people to achieve a lot. The SA in 1933 had 250.000 members, that was less than half a percent of the population. It only needs a small, violent and vocal crowd and a lot of indifferent or partially sympathizing people for the shit to hit the fan.

The Taliban took Afghanistan, but then again, that was a civil war. If you look at the record, the Taliban are largely a creation of the Pakistani intelligence and an offshoot to the House of Saud’s policies during the 1980s to support only Islamacist Mujahideen groups during the Soviet occupation. They really didn’t so much win a “revolution,” they were the last man standing in the civil war after the West forgot Afghanistan existed…

Pakistan and Egypt are still predominately military dictatorships, but the more moderate forces in Pakistan are coming back. And Hosni Mubarak is our Egyptian Air Force general in civilian clothes…

But despite their resurgence after their collapse in the 2002 War, can we really call them “successful?”

And Egypt for example is not really far away from a theocracy, it needs just a little spark. Mubaraks Government maintains order by force but as we all know this only works for so long.

It’s worked for a pretty long time…In fact, Egypt is one of the nations I eluded too. A regressive military dictatorship with virtually no opportunity for young Egyptian males to get married, and good job, or power if they are not at the top of the rigid class strata…

That’s why the Muslim Brotherhood started there, it’s a breading ground for religious fanatics. That is the root for the radicalization of the disenfranchised. It is not just about religion, as Mubarak is also Muslim, it’s about codified inequalities and the resulting alienation…

The fact is, that the islamic world continues to radicalize, and it doesn’t need a lot of people to achieve a lot. The SA in 1933 had 250.000 members, that was less than half a percent of the population. It only needs a small, violent and vocal crowd and a lot of indifferent or partially sympathizing people for the shit to hit the fan.

The SA would have been nothing without Germany’s severally precarious economic situation brought on by being forced to take sole responsibility for WWII, the Depression, and a whole host of other factors such as the est. precedent of private paramilitaries of the Freikorp…

Just like the Algerian civil war. Some have said that if the Islamacists had been allowed to take power after winning the election, much like they have in Turkey, they would have been forced to become technocratic realists and to moderate. It would also have opened them up to scrutiny as they would have had to deliver promises that they’d made and thus probably would have split their ranks and alienated the most radical…

Whoa mohammed!

What happened to the lovely Falklands thread?

Can we at least pretend to get back on topic here?