"The Myth of 'The Great Patriotic War'" by Dr. Roman Serbyn

We can if you like. But “Holomodor” is the generally accepted translation…

Yes. I agree my friend. The intention was not a racist or nationalist attack on Ukrainians per sea, but as Russia dominated the Soviet Union and essentially inherited the Tsar’s Russian empire, the result was a dominant Soviet communist party and a de facto empire dominated by Russian culture.

And I think it has been pretty well documented that the Ukrainians, right or wrong, have the feeling that they were culturally dominated and subsumed by the old USSR and have sought to reassert their independence and cultural distinctions.


Nickedfresh, reagarding your statement that “dominant Soviet communist party and a de facto empire dominated by Russian culture”. Well in the 1917 - 1937 it was almost 90% NOT the case. I mean that the power was not in the hands of the ethnicaly russain people (and neither Ukrainians or Belorussians).

I am actually not trying to say that jews made the revolution and later terror alone. As a person who think him self as russian (by the way I also have some jewish ancestors) I am convinced that the main guilt burden lies on russians. The reason for this is more filosophical / religious self understanding of what happened.
But it is a fact that jews were extremely overepresented in the revolutionary movement and played key roles. What conclusion to drow out of this fact is another matter.

In the period roughly before WW2 there was very revolutionary centric inclination in the comunist party (Stalin actualy changed it to more state centric). They wanted to erace the old culture (because it represented the old regim) and replace it with new kind of culture. You can not believe how many traditions were lost this way by many-many people in Russia.

Here is a quick reply on the 1st of January… Byt the way, I think it is OFF TOPIC here…

Best regards

Hello again,

By the way try to see this map (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Holodomor_Famine_map.jpg) and see where people died durin 1929 - 1933. This is clear that Ukranians were far from the only sufferers. Probably the main one. But far from the eexclusive one.

Best regards