The nobel prize winner supports the idea of natural racial inequality

Nazi Germany was run by the [supposedly] purest whites for its whole existence.

Which blacks did anything remotely like as bad as the Nazis?

They cannot do anything remotely like as bad as the Nazis due to the full inabilty to compete with whites in military respect. It does not have anytning to do with their moral
qualities. What’s more the majority of white moral notions and concepts ( humanism etc.) are absent in traditional African cultures.

Could anyone have collapsed a state more than the Nazis did 1939-45?

The Nazi state was collapsed by the main world super-powers that had the absolute military superiority.

[i]Prior to the Tuskegee Airmen, no US military pilots had been African American. However, a series of legislative moves by the United States Congress in 1941 forced the Army Air Corps to form an all-black combat unit, much to the War Department’s chagrin. In an effort to eliminate the unit before it could begin, the War Department set up a system to accept only those with a level of flight experience or higher education that they expected would be hard to fill. This policy backfired when the Air Corps received numerous applications from men who qualified even under these restrictions.

The US Army Air Corps had established the Psychological Research Unit 1 at Maxwell Army Air Field, Alabama, and other units around the country for aviation cadet training, which included the identification, selection, education, and training of pilots, navigators and bombardiers. Psychologists employed in these research studies and training programs used some of the first standardized tests to quantify IQ, dexterity, and leadership qualities in order to select and train the right personnel for the right role (bombardier, pilot, navigator). The Air Corps determined that the same existing programs would be used for all units, including all-black units. At Tuskegee, this effort would continue with the selection and training of the Tuskegee Airmen.

In response, a hearing was convened before the House Armed Services Committee to determine whether the Tuskegee Airmen “experiment” should be allowed to continue. The committee accused the Airmen of being incompetent — based on the fact that they had not seen any combat in the entire time the “experiment” had been underway. To bolster the recommendation to scrap the project, a member of the committee commissioned and then submitted into evidence a “scientific” report by the University of Texas which purported to prove that Negroes were of low intelligence and incapable of handling complex situations (such as air combat). The majority of the Committee, however, decided in the Airmen’s favor, and the 99th Pursuit Squadron soon joined two new squadrons out of Tuskegee to form the all-black 332nd Fighter Group.

By the end of the war, the Tuskegee Airmen were credited with 109 Luftwaffe aircraft shot down,[5] a patrol boat run aground by machine-gun fire, and destruction of numerous fuel dumps, trucks and trains. The squadrons of the 332nd FG flew more than 15,000 sorties on 1,500 missions. The unit received recognition through official channels and was awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation for a mission flown 24 March 1945, escorting B-17s to bomb the Daimler-Benz tank factory at Berlin, Germany, an action in which its pilots destroyed three Me-262 jets in aerial combat. The 99th Fighter Squadron in addition received two DUCs, the second after its assignment to the 332nd FG.[4] The Tuskegee Airmen were awarded several Silver Stars, 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 14 Bronze Stars and 744 Air Medals.

In all, 992 pilots were trained in Tuskegee from 1940 to 1946; about 445 deployed overseas, and 150 Airmen lost their lives in training or combat.[12]

Far from failing as originally expected, a combination of pre-war experience and the personal drive of those accepted for training had resulted in some of the best pilots in the US Army Air Corps. Nevertheless, the Tuskegee Airmen continued to have to fight racism. Their combat record did much to quiet those directly involved with the group (notably bomber crews who often requested them for escort), but other units were less than interested and continued to harass the Airmen.

All of these events appear to have simply stiffened the Airmen’s resolve to fight for their own rights in the US. After the war, the Tuskegee Airmen once again found themselves isolated. In 1949 the 332nd entered the yearly gunnery competition and won. After segregation in the military was ended in 1948 by President Harry S. Truman with Executive Order 9981, the Tuskegee Airmen now found themselves in high demand throughout the newly formed United States Air Force.

Many of the surviving members of the Tuskegee Airmen annually participate in the Tuskegee Airmen Convention, which is hosted by Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.[13]

In 2005, four Tuskegee Airmen (Lt. Col. Lee Archer, Lt. Col. Robert Ashby, MSgt. James Sheppard, and TechSgt. George Watson) flew to Balad, Iraq, to speak to active duty airmen serving in the current incarnation of the 332nd, reactivated as first the 332d Air Expeditionary Group in 1998 and made part of the 332d Air Expeditionary Wing. “This group represents the linkage between the ‘greatest generation’ of airmen and the ‘latest generation’ of airmen,” said Lt. Gen. Walter E. Buchanan III, commander of the Ninth Air Force and US Central Command Air Forces, in an e-mail to the Associated Press.

Your about 65 years behind the times. Seriously…:rolleyes:

What’s more the majority of white moral notions and concepts ( humanism etc.) are absent in traditional African cultures.

Really? Fuck good a lot of those notions of “humanism” have done…

The Nazi state was collapsed by the main world super-powers that had the absolute military superiority.

Or the Rwandan Civil War, in which a small minority Tutsi Army facing a better armed majority of Hutus that had murdered a large segment of the their population were able to unilaterally conquer Rwanda and stop the genocide?

Your about 65 years behind the times. Seriously…

Tuskegee Airmen used planes designed, produced and maintained by whites.

How would you explain the fact that the African states still fully depend on white pilots and technicians to use their planes, helicopters after 65 years since this experiment with
Tuskegee Airmen?

Really? Fuck good a lot of those notions of “humanism” have done…

So what? Nevertheless you deny racial differences on the grounds related to some sort of humanism. I state that in the primitive societies of Africans such elevated notions do not exist. They would consider such things as weaknesses and not virtues.

Your about 65 years behind the times. Seriously…

Have negros won at least one war against whites?

I swear you must be a troll to make Ukrainians look foolish…

My last post to you…

Unfortunately he is not trolling!!! And THAT is the problem!

And here is my 5 cents about the James D. Watson’s statement:

If you are smarter than someone does not mean you are better!
That is the problem that many peope think that just because they can calculate square route of number 13 in their head it makes them somehow objectively better.
I am afraid the Lord will surprise them once they face Him.

Yeah, well, you cannot eat or vote in Mugabe’s fascist gangster state either. Well, I suppose you can vote, as long as it’s for Mugabe. :slight_smile: I think South Africans are eating, and reforms are gradual. The right to vote does not necessarily translate into flowers growing everywhere and the smell of incense permeating the air.[/quote]
Don’t shoot the messenger !
The point was that the very people who were supposed to benefit from the ‘new’ system were disinterested or disappointed.

Oh sorry, my bad. The Rhodesian Army pranced around throwing flowers with the preeminent concern for human rights and dignity…:slight_smile: That’s what nasty counterinsurgencies are all about.

I mean, there was virtually no real restricitions on what their special operations troops could do. [/quote]
Interesting. From where do you draw these observations ?

You mean like the “legal” ones Hitler or Stalin performed? No, I’m not big on the death penalty, but I’m not exactly marching against it either. [/quote]
No, I meant legal executions carried out by non-dictatorial states for legislated crimes such as murder and treason, but thank you for your answer.

The way you differentiate between a terrorist and a white criminal could be taken to infer that there were no whites involved in any of the terrorist attacks and/or there were no black criminals.
Not a dual judicial system, although someone who has just tortured and murdered the men of a kraal in front of their wives and children is definitely going to be treated differently to somebody that has stolen a vehicle. Do you think it should be otherwise ?

There’s some factual stuff along with semantics heavily laden with opinion.[/quote]
No, I presented some corroborated facts, although knowing you believe my opinion is the same as fact could be considered flattering.[/quote]
You presented an emotional, partisan opinion. No different than some black nationalists calling the leaders of Rhodesia “white colonial overlords” in an attempt to dismiss one’s enemy in every way possible, even to the point of contridiction. Mugabe is easy to dismiss, and I’m aware he was no “guerilla” warrior of note, but he was in command of a politcal-military movement, one that used terrorism as a tactic.[/quote]

Could you point out which parts of the following text you consider to be emotional and partisan please ?
Text begins:Uncle Bob was never a guerilla/terrorist/freedom fighter leader. He was a politician who unilaterally took command of ZANU when Chitepo was killed, and scant months later ZANU was split along tribal lines due to his manoeuvering other Shona into various positions of power within the organisation.
Growing increasingly annoyed with having to discuss political proposals with his tribal enemies in ZAPU, (while conducting COIN Ops against ZIPRA,) he combined both parties and announced a one party state.
He tried unsucessfully to have Nkomo killed then attempted to arrest him for treason. Nkomo, (the man who laughed on tv when questioned about the attack on the Viscount and subsequent rape and murder of the survivors,) fled the country and was given political sanctuary in the UK.
Text ends.

If that position were to hold any water there would be no point in legal definitions.

Well, what was his command of “his ‘elite’ maShona 5 Bde?” Did he "command guerrillas or not?! Did he use “terrorist” methods or not. You indeed said that he’s “not (a) terrorist.” [/quote]
I actually said he “was never a guerrilla/terrorist/freedom fighter leader.” I’ll answer your questions individually but to do that we have to delve into one of your pet subjects, semantics, or to be more precise, definitions.
To be a commander one has to issue orders.
To be a leader one has to lead rather than just issuing the orders.
Terrorist is much more difficult to define, the old chestnut of ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’ This is why I gave a choice of nouns earlier in the thread, viz, ‘guerrilla/terrorist/freedom fighter.’
Most people use the word ‘terrorist’ to mean someone who tries to terrify people or governments into giving in to his demands by the use (or threat) of violence. I imagine you are using it to mean anyone that uses fear to achieve his aims, perhaps either despot or tyrant might be a better name.

5 Bde, while ostensibly an army unit, was never a part of the ZDF comd structure, it was in effect Mugabe's [i]personal[/i] Bde to be used, in his own words, to "deal with dissidents and any other trouble in the country"

When he inherited ZANLA he became the figurehead, he had little to do with them as he was too involved in the international negotiations. Actual command of ZANLA fell to his subordinates.

If you mean did his 5 Bde use fear and violence to subdue the Matebele and anyone who spoke out against his regime then yes, if you mean did he lead ZANLA into ops, then no.

Argumentum ad hominem really doesn’t do your position a lot of good, but then a teacher would know that of course.
As an expert in English you’ll know that precise definitions enhance comprehension and cannot therefore be considered red herrings within the context of written discussion.

I’m sure this must have a meaning in relation to this discussion and the adult world. I’ll investigate.

I don’t believe I did dismiss him as an oafish corrupt politician, although I am certain that he is corrupt. He is not stupid, he is very wily and operates in a distorted environment of his own making.

You’re not conversant with military operations are you ?
COIN is conducted by loyalist troops at the command of politicians and normally within the borders of the state, hence the name.

The most senior general is Chief of the ZDF and it’s commander, but as Mugabe is head of state he is the CIC.
So he is an army commander in the same way as Queen Elizabeth II is of the British Army. Although I don’t imagine he has as much respect from his troops.

It was an army unit in name only, there was no integration whatsoever with the rest of the ZDF.

So he’s still not a “terrorist” then?[/quote]Again we’re back to definitions, see the post above.

Again, you’re just oversimplifying things on a mission to completely discredit Uncle Bob from both sides of the argument. He is a terrorist and was a leader of guerrillas. [/quote] Despite never having lived there or even set foot on the continent you seem to have so much more knowledge on this subject than I, perhaps I should sign up for a class.

Not understood.

Ad hominem again :roll:

Um, that looks quite painful actually…What it specifically has to do with argument I know not. But being hog tied can be quite painful. I’ve been![/quote]
You’ve been hogtied ? Were you on RtoI or R&R ? :slight_smile:
On our cses we don’t use gimp suits or ball gag.

However there is a great deal of trg one undergoes to be able to carry out C&R, it’s just not something at which one can guess.

Only if those applying the restraint are untrained.
On RtoI the DS are very aware of the physiological aspects of each of the restraint methods at their disposal, it doesn’t do to ruin your raw material, it can make for a lousy CR.
It is incidental anyway as the criminals concerned were restrained in that manner for a comparatively short time and were under observation by qualified C&R instrs.

While I don’t know the ins and outs of teacher trg in the United States, I’ll hazard a guess that POWEXs are not on the curriculum whereas they are on ours, and standing naked but for a hood in the snow or being hogtied is par for the cse.

I’ve never said otherwise…

I don’t believe I inferred anything that wasn’t there when I asked if you had any examples that might give you cause to believe I had a “problem” with Americans, after, in post 112 of this thread, I had read:

My point was that your “problem with Afrikaners” statement was a bit silly and was inferred by heavy leaps in logic which you really cannot support. Much like your “Rhodesia was betrayed by the UK” statement earlier…

Yes, there are very many ANC members who really do want the country to move forward as one, most notably Tutu who seems truly to be a man of peace now, but unfortunately there are also a large number that just want to feather their own personal nest.
This shouldn’t necessarily be seen as corruption, as in the tradition of many Southern African peoples one looks after one’s family, village and tribe, in that order.

Sounds more like the universal tradition of politicians pretty much everywhere…

I can understand the Israelis having a high percentage of citizens that own or carry firearms, but Switzerland hardly faces a similar level of terrorism and/or violent crime as does Israel or ZA.

Uh, Switzerland has a tradition of the entire male population serving in the Army Reserves. They’re a neutral country surrounded by nations that spent the better part of the last 70 years at war, or on the brink of it. Does this really have to be explained?

I can understand you wishing to own firearms if you lived in South Africa and it is indeed possible, but anyone applying for a licence these days had better be prepared for a lot of bureaucracy and a long wait.
However, ownership per capita is considerably less than a number of european countries.

Actually, I’ve read that while attempting to slow down the process of firearms acquisition, a lot of these laws are suspended pending review, and it is really little more difficult to get a gun that it was a few years ago. In any case, this would benefit the white middle and upper classes, since presumably most have had firearms for as long as they can remember…

Really ? That surprises me considering the availbility of CCW permits, but you live and learn.

Some of the states with C&C are the most violent. We can argue cause and effect. But I’ve never seen a study that actually indicates that this causes a fall in crime rates. And in a related point, conversely, homes containing firearms are targets theft…

Just like any study on the death penalty shows that it is really no deterrent…

Actually it was the other way round, Rhodesia detached herself from Britain by declaring independence on the eleventh of November 1965, causing Wilson to spit the dummy despite being the cause of it.
The British (Labour) government tried to re-assert it’s influence over Rhodesia just after UDI and again following the '74 election.

Yes, they split because the Rhodesian gov’t rejected any notion of reform and black majority rule. I mean, imagine, demanding democracy! How ever could a European NATO member nation do such a thing!

Ultimately it was American politicians and ‘celebrities’ that undermined the efforts of the individual grunt on the ground, a slap in the face to those risking their lives.
Plus ça change…

What a massively grotesque oversimplification…

It was the incompetent and corrupt ROV Saigon gov’t, and of some cynical US civilian and military officials, that was the far greater problem than Jane Fonda.

Not in the least, as modern society proves.
Conversely, many Southern African black tribes have an abhorrence of losing any of their traditions, something they perceive to be what makes them the people they are.
This is probably most perceptible in the not unfounded trust and belief in the sangomas* and their muti, even amongst the well-educated.
(*‘Witch doctors’ for want of a better word.)

Anybody abhors to lose their traditions. Most peoples also abhor being treated like second or third class citizens in their own homelands…

Such notions are just self-serving shit that could be used to justify any inequitable arrangement of power…

None of those I know. Indeed those who have moved to other continents still consider themselves displaced Africans.
There are of course some people that moved there and felt themselves to be ex-pats, but then they had a strong feeling for the land of their birth.

Well I am sorry at the diaspora…

LOL What was your message? That because Robert Mugabe is a cunt, that all blacks are inherently incapable of self-governance?

I guess all of the white cunts that have run nations in the past notwithstanding…

Thanks Rudyard Kipling.

Interesting. From where do you draw these observations ?

On, I don’t know, the basic facts of the conflict…

No, I meant legal executions carried out by non-dictatorial states for legislated crimes such as murder and treason, but thank you for your answer.

Now you’re qualifying. What about states where the whites had fundamental democratic rights and the blacks didn’t? And again, anyone can conduct mass executions and make claims regarding due process and rationale afterword. But then, those executed may have regarded themselves as soldiers and their “crimes” as legitimate acts of resistance and military activity…

The way you differentiate between a terrorist and a white criminal could be taken to infer that there were no whites involved in any of the terrorist attacks and/or there were no black criminals.

That’s your literal inference. The meaning was that under national security “states of emergency,” political crimes are considered far more serious and are given priority…

Not a dual judicial system, although someone who has just tortured and murdered the men of a kraal in front of their wives and children is definitely going to be treated differently to somebody that has stolen a vehicle. Do you think it should be otherwise ?

I don’t think car thieves are often treated like murderers in any case. Suffice to say, the men guilty of murdering and raping are War Criminals… Unfortunately, this leads to the fundamental question of how a nation can rationalize using military and counterinsurgency tactics, then claim the purview of “law and order/security” by trying their adversaries as “criminals” when they’re also conducting military ambushes, raids, and targeted assassinations, which would make the civilian and military leadership also murders by that definition.

Could you point out which parts of the following text you consider to be emotional and partisan please ?
Text begins:[i]Uncle Bob was never a guerilla/terrorist/freedom fighter leader.

That part right there. Firstly, I never said he was a “Guerrilla fighter,” but that he commanded a guerrilla organization. And then your subsequent dismissals of him.

He wasn’t a “leader?” Okay, we’ll just have to agree to disagree over that one. You may not like the sort of leader he was, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t. That’s your opinion…

If that position were to hold any water there would be no point in legal definitions.

If laws were only literally interpreted and universally enforced, then we’d have no workable society, since realities change and societies evolve making certain notions obsolete…

I actually said he “was never a guerrilla/terrorist/freedom fighter leader.” I’ll answer your questions individually but to do that we have to delve into one of your pet subjects, semantics, or to be more precise, definitions.
To be a commander one has to issue orders.
To be a leader one has to lead rather than just issuing the orders.
Terrorist is much more difficult to define, the old chestnut of ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’ This is why I gave a choice of nouns earlier in the thread, viz, ‘guerrilla/terrorist/freedom fighter.’

So you have some innate knowledge of the inner workings of ZANLA circa 1977? You really know his specific role in all this?

Most people use the word ‘terrorist’ to mean someone who tries to terrify people or governments into giving in to his demands by the use (or threat) of violence. I imagine you are using it to mean anyone that uses fear to achieve his aims, perhaps either despot or tyrant might be a better name.

Most nations born of conflict have used terrorism including the US, Ireland, Israel, Indonesia, Algeria, and the list goes on. The Revolutionary Americans used “terrorism” as did their British and Tory adversaries. But George Washington himself was not really a terrorist. I doubt anyone could find clear instances of him ordering terrorist acts within his sphere of command, but the Patriots certainly used some dirty war tactics in the rural hinterlands. But the terror stopped at, or even before, the conclusion of the War…

Some achieve just and democratic societies, and some continue to become state terrorists.

5 Bde, while ostensibly an army unit, was never a part of the ZDF comd structure, it was in effect Mugabe’s personal Bde to be used, in his own words, to “deal with dissidents and any other trouble in the country”

Which would make him a “state terrorist” that used extra-judicial killings, torture, etc. to maintain power…

When he inherited ZANLA he became the figurehead, he had little to do with them as he was too involved in the international negotiations. Actual command of ZANLA fell to his subordinates.

Again, you were a part of the inner workings or something?

If you mean did his 5 Bde use fear and violence to subdue the Matebele and anyone who spoke out against his regime then yes, if you mean did he lead ZANLA into ops, then no.

I never said he led ZANLA into ops. But he had input on the devising of strategy and implementation of plans…

It’s amazing what one has to believe to believe in gun control…Please tell me it aint so.

Linguistics and teaching English are slightly different endeavors.

And I happen to believe that precise definitions are often hard to come by as the very meaning of words can be subjective and ever morphing. But that has little to do with previously teaching English and more to do with reading Derrida…:slight_smile:

I’m sure this must have a meaning in relation to this discussion and the adult world. I’ll investigate.

Perhaps relating to arguing on the internet is more and more like that picture one can Google, especially since I’m not sure where we are going with this. And it seems rather pointless and contentious…

I don’t believe I did dismiss him as an oafish corrupt politician, although I am certain that he is corrupt. He is not stupid, he is very wily and operates in a distorted environment of his own making.


You’re not conversant with military operations are you ?
COIN is conducted by loyalist troops at the command of politicians and normally within the borders of the state, hence the name.

Perhaps. You’ve caught me in contradiction. But if he wasn’t more than just a politician, what input would he have at CI military strategy? Which is
I think a contradiction of your own…

The most senior general is Chief of the ZDF and it’s commander, but as Mugabe is head of state he is the CIC.
So he is an army commander in the same way as Queen Elizabeth II is of the British Army. Although I don’t imagine he has as much respect from his troops.

Her majesty is only a figurehead. although she might be quite the expert on armoured warfare, who knows? But Mugabe wields the organs of state power in addition to being a figure head, cult of personality.

And on the second point I agree - it would be great to watch him deposed in a coup. Unfortunately, it seems that would have happened by now if it were going too happen at all.

It was an army unit in name only, there was no integration whatsoever with the rest of the ZDF.

Again we’re back to definitions, see the post above.

Which would make it a paramilitary unit then? In the end, does it matter that much?

Despite never having lived there or even set foot on the continent you seem to have so much more knowledge on this subject than I, perhaps I should sign up for a class.

I never claimed to have more “knowledge” than anyone. But I thought you said you were from the UK and had acquaintances from Africa (as have I). In any case, I’d be interested to know if you were somehow involved in the War or if I have somehow misunderstood you.

Not understood.

Ad hominem again :roll:

That’s called a difference of opinion. In any case, we’re just arguing and are not changing each others minds on this. So I see no point in arguing over what is really not a matter of great importance from either point of view…

You’ve been hogtied ? Were you on RtoI or R&R ? :slight_smile:
On our cses we don’t use gimp suits or ball gag.

However there is a great deal of trg one undergoes to be able to carry out C&R, it’s just not something at which one can guess.

In answer to the first sentence, I have. I’m unfamiliar with the first acronym and the second is dated. In any case, suffice to say it was in training and it was unpleasant although not of a very long duration. But I had the feeling that if left in what amounts too a severe “stress position,” it could be quit unpleasant.

I’m not sure how any in the S&M crowd could be “in to” that and no, bondage and sadomasochism is not my thing… :slight_smile:

Only if those applying the restraint are untrained.
On RtoI the DS are very aware of the physiological aspects of each of the restraint methods at their disposal, it doesn’t do to ruin your raw material, it can make for a lousy CR.
It is incidental anyway as the criminals concerned were restrained in that manner for a comparatively short time and were under observation by qualified C&R instrs.

I’m not sure why any one in a law enforcement situation would even use to this technique to be honest, it certainly doesn’t look good from a “PR” standpoint. In any case, I have no real knowledge or interest in Danish police practices, but in some cases, people have died under restraint while in police custody not necessarily as the result anything the police have done wrong. I’m not sure if you’re aware of it, but a middle aged ‘disturbed’ woman (with political connections) recently died after being arrested at an airport for being (drunk? and) disorderly (she was an alcoholic that missed her flight while on the way too treatment). She somehow strangled herself trying to slip out of her restraints in her holding cell. While obviously she was out of her mind, there is quite a bit if scrutiny on the (Phoenix, Arizona?) police right now as they claimed to have observed her every 15 minutes or so.

In any case, people often die fighting police, or in their custody, for a variety of factors that can cause them to go into cardiac arrest. Without commenting on and Amnesty Int’l report I’ve never read, this type of thing seems rather unnecessary --whether it’s ‘torture’ is a different matter…

While I don’t know the ins and outs of teacher trg in the United States, I’ll hazard a guess that POWEXs are not on the curriculum whereas they are on ours, and standing naked but for a hood in the snow or being hogtied is par for the cse.

Well, not everyone who was in the military was a lifer…

In any case, when I was teaching, a few of those methods would have seemed appropriate for some students. :slight_smile:

Firstly, this isn’t related to gun control. Secondly, this thread has gone way off topic as it is…

I’m unfamiliar with the first acronym and the second is dated. [/quote]

RtoI is Resistance to Interrogation.

R&R could well be dated in the US forces, and possibly also elsewhere - I&I is very commonly used. :smiley:

(I&I = Intercourse and Intoxication)

OK guys, calm it down - this thread is perilously close to being locked for a bit while it calms down.

Kato: You’re posting an awful lot of racist bull**** dressed up as facts. Start backing up your assertions with verifiable facts (not just your opinion and a handful of unrelated statements) or I’ll start taking action as a moderator against you.

Cuts and Nickdfresh: There’s the core of an interesting debate going on here and I’d hate to cut it short but there is far more personal abuse going on than I like to see. Calm down a little and keep it civil, OK? This isn’t supposed to be a zoo…

Perfect example of an informal warning that I completely agree with. Calm it down guys! Thanks!

I think Cuts and I are cool.

I admit to being a bit of a prick - which is part of my ticky, defensive internet persona born of skittishness and the consequence of suffering abuse at a no holds barred site or rocks greatest frontman, as a mod. :smiley:

The two of you may be fine with it, but it sets an atmosphere within the site we don’t want to encourage. As has been said many times, we’re fine with this sort of thing by PM where nobody else is affected but if it’s in public keep it polite…