The Petsamo nickel case

I don’t know why at my posts, adressed to the Fennica is answered by the AirdefMike and vice versa
May be the Fennica/AirdefMike is the same person:)?
It’s really amazing how you guys mixs my posts, participating in thread according turn:)

I’m a naive…:slight_smile:
Never was one.
As i remeber the Finland had a port - so you can trade with Britain, USA, elsewhere?
Why did you sold the Nickel only to Germans?

The Soviet Union had plenty of resources and still looked to conquer its’ neigbours.

Yes the USSR and the allies had enough resourses.
But really is this a reason to provide the Nazy, who killed so many peoples with Nickel only " becouse the USSR had it"?
May be there were a other REASONS why Finland so carefully trade with GErmany?

Speculation. Finland was/is a democratic nation. Therefore Finland was an ideological enemy of SU and Nazi Germany. That’s why the Germans sold Finland to the Soviet sphere of influence (nice way to put…to be conquered actually). Finland wasn’t neutral in the end because of Soviet actions.

And what was not a democratic nation?
As may be you know Hitler come to power absolutly legally via the national elections.( to the contrast of the White Finns and Bolshevics cuptured the power via the Blody Civil wars)
And there is no any doubt - the GErmans actually believed to Hitler. Even during the dowfall of BErlin in 1945 - every 9 from 10 Germans were still trusted to Hitler.
So from some point - there were a democraty in GErmany ( most of people actually belived and followed for him).
But this democraty was not for every… ethnical groups.
Nazic rounded up certain peoples into the concentratio camps.
But we saw ( from Wiki for instance) the same did the Finns during occupation of Eastern Karelia in 1941-44, didn’t they?
At least half of russian population have been sended into the camps ( at least 30% of them perished due to the cruel treating and famine).
ANd the Finns also very well executed the opposition ( for instance the Finns authorities even executed the pacifists- not only opponents)

By the end of 1941, the front stabilized, and the Finns did not conduct major offensive operations for the following two and a half years. The fighting morale of the troops declined when it was realized that the war would not soon end.

It has been suggested that the execution of the prominent pacifist Arndt Pekurinen in November 1941 was due to fear of army demoralization being exacerbated by such activism.

So as you can see the democraty that could execute the its pacifist in aim to support the army moral was the usial at that time.
The bunch of “democraties” leading by Nazic armed by race-oriented policy is a very danger.
So many peoples died becouse of it.
So from certain point - there were a lot of “Democraty” among the NAzy allies ( even in Itally)

The most probaple case would have been that the Finnish army would have resisted any German invasion…like it did against Soviet invasions.
In the end it wasn’t Germany who attacked…it was the Soviets.

SO why have finns not attacked d the GErmans in the june 1941 , at the moment when GErman troops come to the Finland to start the BArbarossa?
Why instead the Finns prefered the OTHER DEVIL side instaed at least try to stay the neitral?
If you were going to resist to GErmans as well as you resisted to USSR- why the finnish govenment so easy fall down at the NAzy side?You have enough strong Army and could resist to GErmans, right.
At least the Britain and USA could help you hold the NAzis.

I have no idea what you are trying to say here?

This is not strange, becouse i 've adressed this post to Fennica:)
My thought was that Even if the Brits simply bluffed threating to Stalin with the possible attack of USSR( as suggest the Fennica), it have worked enough well - becouse Stalin actually believed in it.
So the political help of Briatain was essential though.

Yup! Great game it was. Congrats for the gold.

Thank you.

My “soviet point”?
Oh my god, every new member is going to label me as a “soviets”:slight_smile:
You guys better forget about USSR and its “World proletarian friendship”- there is no any more this bul…t:)
The Only Russia, new, better …and forewer.
My point is not for to justify something, but to EXPLAIN why the events have happend in such way.
And what were the real intention of leaders of USSR and the others.
If smaller nation could join the Big Enemy and treat the slav population with cruelty- this is all right for you, yes?
P.S. you better change you location place - you obviously have nothing common with Russia.

Chevan i am a slav and God knows Russia’s neighbours have no reason to love her, by your “soviet point of view” i was referring to you justifying russian foreign policy as noble, reasonable or pragmatic.

The bottom line is that Russia ( i’m deliberately avoiding the term USSR since the whole business revolved around Russia ) was as expansive as Nazi Germany, it was ( and still is but to a lesser degree ) a totalitarian state hellbent of theft, conquest and abuse and in the region of middle/ mid east Europe its not seen as a liberator but merely a lesser of two evils.

So much for the “soviet point of view”.

As for Petsamo, Russia’s motives were simple, a weak small state had something of value that Russia believed it could take away with little effort, there was no rationale to it apart from “we want it and we can have it so we will take it.”

Conversely this lack of consideration for international affairs led to Russia being the most distrusted country in the region ( you picked up the russians being trustworthy ).

Also Russia did not care much about fellow slavs, over half a milion polish citizens murdered between 1939 and 40, more than two milion innocents sent to Gulags, murder of cossacks after the war.

Back to Petsamo, paradoxally Russia who used “imperialism” more often than the word “vodka” was imperialistic aggresively expansive ( proven by post war years ) the landgrab was the extention of this attitude of domination and abuse of weaker neighbours, all rational reasons you’ve put here were simply side effects not intended nor cared for by the soviets.

Sorry, did not notice this thread until now…
Do not have much time right now to answer…

But here is a quick something you might find interesting - Petsamo-Pechenga maps:

[li]1670. Map of Europe, Amsterdam.[/li][li]1704 г. «Generalis totius imperii Moscovitici», Johann Baptist Homann. On the page click on: “”[/li][li]1706 г. «Atlas de Geographie», Guillaume de Lisle. On the page click on: “”[/li][/ul]

More maps here:

Great findings, but it seems that the two below wont work… just the first one.

Petsamo had no real value back then, other than perhaeps an open port.(as it wont freeze up)
Ore deposits were found only later. And that is when it suddenly became important.

-But you’ll see how we own the entire Karelia and St.Petersburg area!! yesyes!

Russians themselves say that…
Ambassador of Russia stated how Finland was just odd place. He had forgotten his gloves in a bench in the park, and as he went there the next day, gloves were right there on the bench.
(Russians actually say we are honest to the gullible… доверчивый)

Is not you the man who wrote that during the Finnish civil war the White terror have no marcy for the Red guard and their supporters?
SO why do yo think that the Soviets , backing to the Eastern Karelia will more kind toward YOUR KArelians?
Karelians were just Finns. THere was no hatred or anything like that. Those few Red Guards which managed to escape were murdered during Stalins purges.

SO in the end the the push them out was more human decision then to let the new Civil war be started.
…no. Karelians fled because otherwise massacre and annihilation would have taken place.
-And Soviets did try to kill the fleeing Karelians, bombed the columns and fighters strafed. What bravery…
During Winter War and Continuous War there were Finns against Soviets, not Reds against Whites.

It was a Allied decision ( not the Soviets) to split the GErmany.
And hardly they lost as much as the USSR ( 25 mln of lives).
At least the Germany has been saved as a Nation. Great NAtion that today is among EU.
I doubt the many states and nation could be saved in a case if Nazic won the war.
remember about it.
The many peoples and ethnical groups could be annihilated LITERALLY.
Soviets just held on to the Eastern part until there was no alternative but to split.
Nazis and Communist were just as bad. Soviets committed ethnic clensings very eagerly.

This is not true that you got nothing.
The Finland got a great investition due to the right foreigh policy.
The Finish goods have been welcomed in the both West and Eastern markets , and west even compete with Soviets for influence at Finland via the economical yieldings.
Finlans benefited a lot of this situation.
The whole half of Soviet printing industry have been printed on the finnish paper.This is much better then so called "reconstruction " in GErmany.
This is true.
But also that our entire timber industry was left behind in Karelia, and that lost territories are still in Russian hands, even though most nations have gained their possessions back.
And we had to pay you. Imagine that Russian Federation would give back lands they stole and would pay 300 million in current dollar.
-Gains from the untold injustice of the war reparations were immence, though.
Valmet machinery company and most modern heavy metal industry was created in Finland and after 1952, these companies could start producing profit.

Oh so GErmany have been annihilated?:slight_smile:
Third Reich was. And So was Germany until the unification.

But Yanks were in Allied sade and made a hell of job for our common Victory.
Their were no COMMUNIST , but they were our ALLY.
Like the Finland for the GErmany till the 1944.
Now you feel the difference.
You just admitted that you can’t ever call us Finns nazis, thank you.
And we still were no allies to Germany.

Good. SO we have a points for future agreements and good relations.
The only reson to join the NATO would be Russian Federation getting all bully again. And eve so, I don’t think that NATO helps. So yes, we agree on that.

Therefore i never USED a Stalinist figures.
The All figures that i used were from Wiki or from the Norway press ( the Egorka linked).Or from the Russian archives that as you might remember- enough well correspond to the finnsih ones ( as we saw it in a statistic of lost aircraft during the Winter war)
Stalinistic mindset… That Soviets were brave and righteous in their Great War and the Soviets fought with honour and bravery as every foe in front of them was annihilated.
THat Soviets mearly fought to defend their motherland and upheld justice and morale.
Archives opened only when SU fell. And I am glad that it did, and I am glad that we can compare numbers.
(just have to ask; what do you know about Raattee road?)

Hard to say what terror come first indeed.
Red. Without question. Old hatreds were wented to “vallas”-people.
They killed civilinas.
It does not justify the White terror though. Both were equally wrong.

SO hardly the White terror was an “equivalent” answer.
The Whites shared the terorr very well.
Beside there were a certain differences at a teror at all.
They were different and had different impact on the course of war.
Reds had prison camps where they held both captured White fighters and civilians.
Whites had prison camps which held Red fighters.

Reds were going to annihilate Helsinki, kill untold number of civilians as a revenge for White success in war.

SO if Reds killed the “class enemies” then the Whites murders had the ethnical orientation.
The WHite killed firstly the Russians.
Anyway the White terror exceed it in times.
Red Russians were considered brutal warriors and they were feared.
Not least because Red Russians were military-trained, former soldiers for the Tsar.
White Guards killed any Red Guards, ethnics had minimal impact, if any at all.

But it wasn’t legitime reason to capture the part of Russian terriroty in 1920-21, right?
Viena expeditions failed, remember? And no, it is not a legimite reason.

Now we see where the finish-german cooperation come from.
Actually you both two natural allies.
Born to be the allies:)
Even as you mention the germans with honor.
Kaisers Germany trained Jaegar to make its enemy weaker. It did not pay off, as that Germany fell.
Russians having to endure wars of independence in addition to huge war against Germany was the goal.
I still fail to see how Kaisers intrests of gaining allies in the North makes us ideal allies.

If you remember- they were mostly Finns.
The russians were no MORE the 10 000 among the 90 000 of the Red Guard.
and you killed your Kins very well.
Yes, and those scars have only now beginnig to fade.
Winter War united divided kinship better than anyhting else. But Red and White mentality was strong up to the 60’s.

Fortunatly in the past 40 years, such idiotic cut has all but vanished.

And why the Finland should be joined to the USSR?
To start the new civil war , again?
Don’t yo think the Stalin was an idiot who don’t remember the strong finnish resistense to the Reds in 1918-1919?
Lenin thought that Finland would join herself after Red victory. That is why he was one of the first to recognize our independence. But Russian Reds were unable to aid Red Finns and Whites won.

Stalin most likely could care less about the people. We would have faced extermination.
He had seen Finnish civil war, yet Finland was to be taken like any other neighbouring nation.
It failed through nial-fanatical resistance, but that did not stop him from trying again, and fail again.

Right, so “friend of my enemy” Finland describes a lot in SOviet external policy during the 1939-40.
How so?

Not to all of SOviets neighbourgs, this is wrong.
As i know the China have not received nothing simular:)
The only areas of former russian impare have been demanded. Like Western Ukraine , cuptured by Poland in 1920 due tho the failures of bolshevics policy and Bessarabia.
How many European nations did SU swallow?
And Soviet Russians then used Ukranians as cannon fodder.

And the Finland that got the Pechenega as a “military booty” in 1920.
Not military booty, because there was no military actions there. Same goes with Åland.

In this case the young nation show the good will toward neighbourd and undertstanding of thier points.
It is not good will to give into threats.
Finland, as a young nation wanted to show that it will not give up lands and will not negotiate her territoy. Puts her foot down and stands firm.

Soviets suggested not bad ex-change in sense. More then twice squares lands should be passed to Finland .
See, that is the thing we call `Stalins views´.
Those areas to be “given” to Soviets were of great importance. Strategic areas, locks of areas and habited places.
Soviets had NO right to claim those in the first place, and all who have given into those threats had been annexed.

Especially if Another Giant make to you the suggestion that you can’t refuse, right:)
He says - join with me in war against the hostile Giant or be oocuped?
So you have no choise, right?
This is your point?
“By occupied” part goes awray. Should the Germans invaded, we’d have defended. Just like against Soviets.
The offer Germans made seemed like a gift from heavens, get even against Soviets and get stolen lands back.

It is some stupid link protection or something so that people would not show the images directly on other webpages…
Anyway if you click the same links as before and then roughly in the middle of the page you will see a link to the file. Click it and picture will appear.

Petsamo had no real value back then, other than perhaeps an open port.(as it wont freeze up)

Even the icefree harbour was not that important (at least for Russia) back then. Russia had one in Murman already. It is by the way a facinating story this icefree harbour… it was a reason for a great dispute between Norway-Sweeden, England and Russia in 19 century…

-But you’ll see how we own the entire Karelia and St.Petersburg area!! yesyes!

He-he-he! :slight_smile: I knew you would say that…
But I have a surprise for you. :slight_smile:

First of all it is not “we”, i.e. Finland, but Sweden that owned that area for 40 or so years (from my memory) before the Great Nordic war.

Secondly, here is the set of maps from the book “Finland’s fight for independance 1939 - 1942”. Published in Copenhagen in 1942 by “Society for Finnish Independance” which members were f.ex. ministers Ramsay, Procope and some others.

Here is the page 4 and 5:

click to enlarge to 1412x950

The dark area represents the area that Russia would hold unreasonably compare to the 1921 borders. So the dark is “bad” from Finnish point of view. Take a look quite interesting.

Later I will translate some of it from Danish to English as the Finnish explanation of the reasons behind the border changes is quite amusing and worth to be shared among the curious public. :slight_smile:

I made a photo copy of the whole book and you can browse through it here.
There are many photografs so take a look.

More than you expect… :cool:

How is that?

Hardly mate the Petsamo as a harbor even considered by the Stalin when he demanded it back.
But stategical Nickel is the quite other matter, especially if to keep in mind the simple fact- if not Soviet, then the GErmans would had it.
Becouse as we saw the finns were not even going to trade neither with Britain nor USA.

I made a photo copy of the whole book and you can browse through it here.
There are many photografs so take a look.

Good matter thanks.

Yes, I did that. Spent a long time just skimming the maps.
They are great, amazing!
(I keep prints of old maps instead of paintings on the walls)

Even the icefree harbour was not that important (at least for Russia) back then. Russia had one in Murman already. It is by the way a facinating story this icefree harbour… it was a reason for a great dispute between Norway-Sweeden, England and Russia in 19 century…
And despite its remote location, many goods were actually rather close to it.
-Port being ice free is worth a fight.

He-he-he! :slight_smile: I knew you would say that…
But I have a surprise for you. :slight_smile:

First of all it is not “we”, i.e. Finland, but Sweden that owned that area for 40 or so years (from my memory) before the Great Nordic war.
I know!:wink:

Well, Swedes never really wanted to incorporate us into them. We were always the “east-land”, East-province" to them.
Place which produced fish and bread for Swedens army, produced soldiers for Sweden and was a buffer zone against Russians.

Secondly, here is the set of maps from the book “Finland’s fight for independance 1939 - 1942”. Published in Copenhagen in 1942 by “Society for Finnish Independance” which members were f.ex. ministers Ramsay, Procope and some others.

Here is the page 4 and 5:

click to enlarge to 1412x950

The dark area represents the area that Russia would hold unreasonably compare to the 1921 borders. So the dark is “bad” from Finnish point of view. Take a look quite interesting.

Later I will translate some of it from Danish to English as the Finnish explanation of the reasons behind the border changes is quite amusing and worth to be shared among the curious public. :slight_smile:

I made a photo copy of the whole book and you can browse through it here.
There are many photografs so take a look.
Yesh, will wait in anticipation, should prove to be intresting.
I actually see that Northern areas should belong to the Saami-folk. They live in North areas of our nations, as they had for thousands of years.