The pianist

Has anybody made a movie yet about 6 million Polish people murdered by Nazis from 1939 through 1945? No?
How about 1.2 million Polish people murdered by Soviets from 1945 through 1946? No? Nobody? hmm… maybe somebody should. Soon.

The part of the film that i like is that SS Captain towards the end… who found him in hiding yet didnt do anything about it apart from give food and his coat… Just shows that not ALL Germans were bad in the war…

The german officer wasn’t a SS-man. If he was, Spilmann wouldn’t survive the war. His name was Wilm Hosenfeld (captain of Wehrmacht). He was captured by Russians on 17th of January 1945 near Warsaw. Because Soviets suspected him being a intelligence officer, they tortured him and finally accused of war crimes. Sentenced to death he was sent to concentration camp where he died due to hard conditions. During war he helped many people. Some of them testified at his trial, proved evidence of his innocense and assured the judge that Hosenfeld really saved their lives (just like Spilmann’s). After amnesty capital punishment had been changed to 25 years of Gulag.

I only saw the last 30 minutes of this movie and it impressed me greatly. Yes perhaps one day someone will make a movie of the slaughter of Poles, Ukranians, Slavs etc. It all depends if there is money to be made in such projects.

Regards Digger

I saw this movie in my Russian History Class I give this movie 5 stars 5 stars for the impressive storyline and how this one polish guy (i could never remember or pronunce his name) who survied the slaughter of the jewish population of Warsaw.

A ‘must have in your collection’ movie !

It’s a good movie!
It’s a very good WWII movie!
It’s realistic!
It gives you a bad feeling when you watched it!

More movies like this one plz…

Nice to read about someone’s good deeds, whichever side they were on. I don’t know much about him but what has been written here but it seems to me like his ending was shameful.

From what comesyour love at the german captain of Wermaht mate?
Do you forget as those wermaht has “pacificated” the Warsaw uprising in the 1944?Whan was killed about 200 000 mostly of civils?
The portraed even in this film tells about Jewish Warsaw Getto uprising in 1943 - but almost nothing about real bloody uprising of 1944.

This film show the main hero Jew as a helpless coward who just look as his mates perished in Germans infamous terror. He did nothing coz he was a tupical coward .
It sad fact the ill imagination of Polanski has not noticed the other Jews who boldly fight with Germans in the Red Army or among the Allias.
For instance i know a few who have been awarded the highest Soviet Award- the Hero of Soviet Union. Many of them was awarded posthumously.All of them was the very bold and motivated- the best mens of their Jewish people.
The director-pedofil Roman Polanski, who was forced run away from USA to the France , being charged for the sex with teenager, chosed the cowar for his film not accidentally.The Pianist is a tupical example of man who calmly watched as their relatives perished.
He is moral degenerated man, with pretends for “greatness”.
This film is a shit IMO.

What love Chevan? :slight_smile:

As far as I remember this movie is about Spillmann, not all Jews.

And sorry to hear that you mix personal stuff and art.

Somebody should warn Polanski that Mr Chevan is disappointed.

Chevan “love” Kovalski:)
Not german oficers…

This film about jews , its fate and hard life in Warsaw . i.e this is all about Holocaust .
The jewish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman hided on the flats while other jews around him tryed to fight for his life.
He has survived the terror coz ONLY he hided himself when the other jews try to fight for their life.
According the idea of this film he “survived just to tell about what he saw” He saw the terror in Getto, mass executions of the peoples.
But inevitably has arised the other aspect- why a lot of peoples like Szpilman simply hided its skin when other jews desperatelly fight with Germans and perished ?
The answer is obvious- coz they were pitiful cowards.And some of them even colloborated with Nazy ( for instance the Jewish police in Getto)
This “genious pianist” simply last bastard who did nothing whan his family was sended in a camp to be executed.
And Polanski is idiot to make him a main hero of film.

And sorry to hear that you mix personal stuff and art.

This is very close concepts indeed.
You could not fully understand the master when you know nothing about him.

Somebody should warn Polanski that Mr Chevan is disappointed.

Oh do not worry mate.
The US court has already warned him about his “activity” in USA.
He could be sentenced for the 50 years in prison for his sexual solicitations

Polanski was initially charged with rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a controlled substance (methaqualone) to a minor, but these charges were dismissed under the terms of his plea bargain, and he pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of engaging in unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor

Not bad for the “genious” film-director :slight_smile:

Oh, Come on, Chevan. Not eveybody is a fighter.

The fact that he was a pianist implies he was ‘Arty-farty’ type, one of the ‘darlings’ (and I don’t necessarily mean homsexual).

So what if he was scared fartless,wouldn’t we all be - His survival was a good thing, he exposed a lot of atrocity.

Has a comparrison, John Wayne and Errol Flynn, neither of whom went to war, did much for the war effort at home by portraying patriotism and the true American Hero. Not a bad thing (yes, I know that Flynn has been rumoured as having had Nazi sympathies, but that was not the public image).

Everyone has their role to play one way or another.

By the way - Great film!

Well i do understand what you mean.
Sorry my friend but the WW2 was not a simple boxing ring …especially for the Jews…especially in Poland.
This was a real battle for annihilation for them.
When somebody come at you home and began to kill you perents, then your wife and children ON THE YOUR OWN EYES - will you hide coz you are “Arty-farty” type?
This is not a type of behaviour - this is idiocy. Your instinct of self-preservation should force you to protect your family by all possible methods. Not becous you are “fighter” but coz there are your children.
So this disgusting coward Szpilman who had a hands and could fight as other people - did nothing, he simply “tryed to survive”.
While the best represetives of jewish peoples fought with Nazy in Allies/ soviet army or in the undergroun- the peoples like Szpilman saved their skin, be scared for his ugly life.
While the best peoples perished fighting with Nazy till the death - the other “great pianist” succesfully survived the war.

Has a comparrison, John Wayne and Errol Flynn, neither of whom went to war, did much for the war effort at home by portraying patriotism and the true American Hero. Not a bad thing (yes, I know that Flynn has been rumoured as having had Nazi sympathies, but that was not the public image).

Everyone has their role to play one way or another.

In USSR it was a soviet spokesman- propogandist the Ilia Erenburg the jewish origin who wrote the famouse “Kill the German” aslo did much for the war incresing the Soviet patriortism and ( especially!!) rising the fierce Anti-german hate among the Russian peoples.
The historians nowadays argue - was his role positive in influence for the ability of Soviet soldiers to fight - or negative - coz as inevitably increase the nasty things commited by the Soviet soldiers in Germany?
But Ilia Erenburg was at least HONEST- he actually fight for his people as he could.
He OPENLY hated Germnas ( and from his point he was probably right).
But the Szpilman ( Pianist) is not capable even for a hate.
During all the film he just hade, he calmly look at the atrocities and EVEN do not think to do something .
Do you understand it . He did nothing not becouse he couldn’t- but coz he did not wish.
This si a great shame of this film.
Antother bad think is the God german officer - who feeded Szpilman for his personal entertainment, enjoy the music , but never forgot to call Szpilman as a “Jew”.
He openly despised Szpilman, but he like to be a good:)
Obviously he was not againts the “pacification” Warsaw Getto in 1943 as well as he was not agains the pacification Warsaw uprising next year- but he like the music and …Szpilman.
It is so touching:)

The moral of the film is- the Szpilman was a true hero ( he hided all the war and saved its skin ) the Wilm Hosenfeld was also a pretty good, but damn the evils Russian sended him in concentration camp.
This is sad fact that Roman Polansky was never in Kiev in Babij Jar or in the Warsaw Getto or in other “places” where the good germans officers killed the jews:)
THis would be better lesson for him:)

You seem to have broadened the horizon, somewhat. :slight_smile:

Also, you are very harsh. Pointless you leading a ‘hearts and Minds’ op. :slight_smile:

Some people just don’t have what comes instinctively to others. Many of the Jews were beaten and seperated from their families, without putting up much, if any, resistance. Spielman tells a story which gives us more insight into the situation, which helps prevent it happening again.

By the way, I have a friend whose surname is Babij (pronounced; Babee to we English speakers), born of Ukrainian immigrants from Kiev. What’s the significance of the name - I’m interested.

P.S. I think the moral of the film was that a lot of people were murdered by the Nazis.

Chevan, you’re my favorite ignoramus :wink:

Polanski manage to escape the Krakow Ghetto on a day of its liquidation.

But why should you even check somebody biography when you already judged him???

Chevan, you’re my favorite ignoramus :wink:

Polanski manage to escape the Krakow Ghetto on a day of its liquidation.

But why should you even check somebody biography when you already judged him???

Well the everything is changing my friend:)

Also, you are very harsh. Pointless you leading a ‘hearts and Minds’ op. :slight_smile:

Some people just don’t have what comes instinctively to others. Many of the Jews were beaten and seperated from their families, without putting up much, if any, resistance. Spielman tells a story which gives us more insight into the situation, which helps prevent it happening again.

Probably i/m harsh, however this film not TV Soap opera - but the film about fate of jews in the ww2.
So this is very character that some of jews just told a story when they succesfully survived while the REST of thier relatives died.
Is not no strange for you to make the hero of film the man who covered themself and hided all the war?
Especialy if there is a lot of other jews who fought in this war desperatevely.
Even the woman and children.
The problem of this film is not that the Szpilman was a witness of the tragedy- but that he did nothing to help his friends during the uprising.He just watch as the GErmans killed them each.
So from pure moral point to make the hero of film the coward - is not a good idia.
COz people could think that the Szpilman was a “good jew”. Indeed he was just a tupical example of that Nazy called the “low race”. The member of docile herd that goes to he death.
This is a stoopid point coz there were a lot of other jews who fought- for instance there is a list of Jew-the Hero of USSR
Most of them perished in battle or in the underground.
Why no one of them would be hero for Polanski film?The answer could give us the Kovalski in next post;).

By the way, I have a friend whose surname is Babij (pronounced; Babee to we English speakers), born of Ukrainian immigrants from Kiev. What’s the significance of the name - I’m interested.

P.S. I think the moral of the film was that a lot of people were murdered by the Nazis.

This is not a moral but sad fact my friend:)
The moral is somehting deeper - while one peoples try to fight for his life agains Nazy the other large group - colloborated with them or tryed to save their ugly life.
That’s why the Nazy killed so much.

i knew you are my lovely Wikipedia:) Therefore i do not worry to make a mistake - you always could correct me:)

Polanski manage to escape the Krakow Ghetto on a day of its liquidation.

But why should you even check somebody biography when you already judged him???

And could you enlighten us - why he so “succesfully” escaped fromt eh Getto?When rest several thousands died in here?
Was his behaviour the simular of behaviour his “hero- pianist” in Warsaw?
May be this is answer of what did inspire him to shot the film about this disgusting coward?