The Right To Bear Arms

Then, rather than responding with empty sarcasm to my request for evidence to support your claims, you should be able to provide abundant evidence of it.

The US Constitution gives the right to bear arms, not the US Government.

The US Government is subject to the Constitution, not the source of it, as the US Supreme Court had repeatedly shown.

City laws as in your quoted case, along with county and state laws, are not made or administered by the US Federal Government.

The Federal Government is not responsible for, nor a joint plaintiff with, litigants such as the city you mentioned in your quoted case.

As for being a frivolous suit, you presented such suits as being serious evidence against the right to bear arms: “if the right to bear arms is such a great idea then why are so so many cities suing the gun manufacturers?”

Why thank you for that consice and well articulated rebutel.I look forward to your many other time consuming and long phrased responses to my other comments which I am sure you will take the time to dwell into being that your efforts are put to good use. Thanks RS. I am researching the feedback you provided for my essay.

Again, empty sarcasm instead of evidence to back up your assertions, which suggests there isn’t any evidence to back them up. Or that you lack the ability to find it.

isn’t it a bit late for you to still be up?.Usually your never on in the afternoon (my time)…anyways, there not my views RS. I was merely phrasing different angles of objection to the right to bear arms since someone said before that I offer only opinion without quoting sources, so when I quote a source I am merely trying to input some objective different viewes towards an issue. Soory if I was sarcastic towards you, but i’m sure your thick Australian skin can handle my wimpy attempts to fend off your smart responses:). Do you yourself own any guns?In Canada it is so difficult. i once had a shotgun for traget practise then they came up with this stupid gun registry law and to make a long story short, i donated it to the police for scrap. I was wondering if Austrailia has easy gun laws like USA or not? I would imagine that guns are more useful for shooting off wallabee’s so perhaps many own a gun down under?:slight_smile:

look we as americans have the right to bear arms as the constitution says. but crap happens. the police do there best to stop problems. i love guns but id have to wait 3 days before i got the bolt when i buy a gun to stop me from doing something,not that i would(:(:(:

I like this story…from Toronto Star Newspaper…today!

A disturbing break-in at the home of a Scarborough gun collector this month highlights the need for a national handgun ban. Thanks to this individual’s desire to own deadly weapons, criminals have now obtained 12 firearms, including 10 handguns.

All the weapons were legally registered by a gun club member and stored in a locked cabinet. But those precautions offer little comfort to any potential victims.

A handgun enthusiast has provided a convenient arsenal for criminals to tap into. City data show about one-third of the illegal guns seized by police are from domestic sources. The rest are smuggled from the U.S., as usual.

If collectors were barred from possessing handguns, thieves would have one less source of supply. Unlike a hunting rifle or shotgun, a handgun has no practical use except to kill a human being.

Easily concealed pistols are the criminal element’s weapon of choice. And make no mistake: Gang members, drug dealers and other thugs will take extreme measures to obtain a pistol.

These guns should be denied to all except police, the military and a few top competitive shooters. Other handgun owners should be required to surrender them under a nationwide buy-back program. Depriving criminals of their supply matters more to society than indulging hobbyists.

So the fault for criminals breaking in and stealing legal owned firearms is the fault of the firearms, not the fault of the criminals?

But maybe handguns should be banned since it is common knowledge that there was never a murder before the invention of firearms…

LOL,ya eh?..I like the last comment. It makes sense…My dad always said they should ban glass cause people cut themselves with it, and ban butterknives cause they stab people…I;) see your point!

Always glad to throw in some sarcasm. It always gets me started when people blame crime on objects rather than blaming crime on the criminals.

No criminals + Firearms = No crime

Criminals + No firearms = Crime

You’ve been drinking haven’t you ?

Maybe you can have gun shows in your city, but not mine!
We not only have no right to bear arms, we can’t even see a gun on city property.
Right or wrong, that’s the law and I love it!
Mar 24, 2009
The Toronto Sportsmen’s Show is moving from Exhibition Place to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre because of a city decision to ban the sale and display of firearms at the event.
A show organizer confirmed today the decision is related to the city’s policy.
"We looked at all opportunities and our options for future growth. We made a decision to move to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre,’’ said Ray Sriubiskis, vice-president of the Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows, which runs the event.
The event featured 400 companies in 2008 that attracted almost 122,000 visitors, the show’s website states.
Sriubiskis said the city’s new policy forbidding firearms at the show "played a role’’ in that decision. The contract with the Convention Centre, a provincially owned facility, was signed on Monday, Sriubiskis said.
"It’s a great facility with regards to accessibility for out-of-town travellers. The TTC, GO, Union Station, are all right there,’’ he added.
Discussions with alternate facilities have been going on for "some time,’’ he said.
As the Star first reported last week, the future of the popular show as a tenant at Exhibition Place was in jeopardy after the city quietly decided last fall to ban the sale and display of firearms at the show.
Deputy mayor and Exhibition Place chair Joe Pantalone said last week the decision had been shared with Sportsmen’s Show organizers at that time.
But Sriubiskis last week denied any knowledge of the city’s move.
The city took the steps to conform with Mayor David Miller’s ban on the promotion of firearms on city property.
A Scarborough rifle club at a city community centre, and a gun club at Union Station were evicted last year as a result of Miller’s ban


These are the facts:
In 1994 the long troubled culture in Rwanda broke into wide scale civil unrest. Roving bands of Hutu and Tutsi reigned their murderous terror upon one another. At least half a million people were murdered, yet barely a shot was fired. The carnage was almost entirely carried out with machetes, clubs and axes.

The following report is unsubstantiated:
In the aftermath of this social tragedy, the Rwanda government appointed a committee to investigate the causes and to recommend preventative measures, to keep this from occurring again. Several Americans were invited to sit on the committee, including a Liberal Democrat politician, an Ivy League professor and a TV reporter from a major network.
The committee quickly ruled out the possibility that the culture was faulty, they specifically dismissed the following causes:

• Hatred, anger, and an inability to forgive
• Lack of childhood discipline and lack of self control
• Too much exposure to American TV
• Years of failed social policies
• Eroded values leaving a poor moral social base
• Erroneous moral education
• Mental instability
• Ethnic and religious tensions
• Disregard for the Ten Commandments and no fear of God

They concluded instead that a proliferation of weapons, and easy access to these weapons was the problem.

The committee recommended the institution of the following preventative measures:

• License should be required to own a machete, club or axe.
• Five day waiting period and background check before purchasing a machete, club or axe.
• All double bladed ax heads should be outlawed completely.
• All knives or machetes with blades in excess of 12 inches should be outlawed.
• Anyone carrying a concealed knife or hand ax should be assumed to be a criminal.
• Knife shows and other market place exhibitions of axes, clubs and machetes should be highly regulated by the government.
• If a hand ax is transported in a vehicle, the ax head should be separated from the handle and placed in the glove compartment.
• Garden tool manufactures should be held liable for many of the massacres which took place.

The National Rwanda Association attempted to oppose the committees point of view, issuing statements:

• It is people who kill people, not machetes.
• These laws take weapons out of the hands of law abiding citizens, leaving them unable to defend themselves; but the criminals just ignore the laws.

The NRA also voiced concerns over the recent interpretations of their rights, saying “At the very least, we should have the right to wear short sleeved shirts”; an apparent interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.

But the media only aired the committees point of view, so the population at large failed to understand.

A good clip that I ve uploaded just for this topic.:wink:

for this generations, even civilians carry guns…we can never tell who’s the one who carries it and who’s not…

Here are a couple videos of NY Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy ( D) Talking about her bill that wants to ban weapons. She wants to ban Barrel Shrouds…she does not even know what it is. Then the second video she thinks the 50 cal has Heat seeking bullets. LOL And she is trying to make decisions. LOL

Thanks for the videos Mike, I think that lady saw too much “terminator” :shock:.

for this generations, even civilians carry guns…we can never tell who’s the one who carries it and who’s not…

I guess the idea is that law abbiding citizens could carry weapons to defend themselves of non law-abbidding-gun-carring criminals, we are in favour of that of course.

Unfortunately in most countries of the world the picture is completely different, the law abbiding citizen had been degraded to the level of an undesarmed hand tied sheep by his beloved politicians.

Yes…It’s amazing that politicians like this with NO KNOWLEDGE of firearms are trying to make laws relating to firearms. I just wanna slap this bitch.

Well, the Minister of Health does not need to be a Doctor to qualify as Minister of Health. Laws which restrict the use of firearms is in the best interest of society which is what a politician strives to do.

That’s one of the great virtues of our democratic system. Any idiot, or crook, can be elected to run a department in an area about which they have no knowledge. Which usually is the case in most ministries in most governments here.

A few decades ago our major redneck and wholly corrupt state government had a lawyer as the minister for whatever dealt with survey and lands while the minister for justice was a surveyor. Admittedly, the chief of state police and various other people ended up covered in shit and in prison, but it was fun while it lasted.

Politicians strive to get elected. When it comes down to what really matters to them, few of them give a shit about anything but gaining power and keeping it. And that depends upon who funds their campaigns. Few of them would lose power on a point of principle, not least because most of them have no principles beyond gaining and keeping power.

I’ll leave the US gun control situation alone and illustrate my point by reference to a serious issue here, being street violence and especially knife and other blade attacks.

Most of the knife / blade attacks are related to certain ethnic groups. Most of those ethnic groups have a few leaders who are supporters of the current state governments, through various forms of electoral corruption. That corruption is by the Anglo and Euro politicians and their political parties which exploit the other ethnic groups.

So, although every man and his dog here knows who the ethnic groups are which are the main offenders in knife / blade attacks, they won’t be targeted by a government which depends upon some of the political and corrupt elements within those ethnic groups to manipulate the supposedly pure democratic process which all major political parties happily corrupt to gain power.

So, instead of (a) increasing police numbers to a realistic level and (b) actually using them as police rather than primarily as uniformed social workers and revenue raising traffic cops and (c) getting stuck into indentifiable problem ethnic and gang groups as well as people at well known problem places and (d) making carrying any blade beyond a minor pocket knife a shitload of trouble offence, our politicians just let these turds run wild.

Meanwhile our politicians express great sadness when yet another innocent is knifed by some worthless cunt who deserves Rule 303. (from being shot dead with a .303 SMLE), while carefully avoiding doing anything to stop it happening again.

It’s rare that I begin to agree with anything published in this rag but, even allowing for the understandable rage of the bereaved parents, I think they may be on the right track.,21985,25538231-2862,00.html

Yes Herman, but it’s in the best interests of society not to vote in moronic people like the one mike m is talking about. At least one should become somewhat informed on something you’re going to propose legislation on.