The Right To Offend

Argentina, apparently fearing the sky was going to attack it, entered WWII on 28 March 1945 , by declaring war on Germany and Japan, which both ignored it although Germany sent many of its best people to Argentina. Alas, that was well after the war had ended.

Hi Rising Sun,

I sincerily do not see the reason for your signature… perhaps you are a English man living in Australia and perhaps some Argentine troops “evacuated in your barn”.

YOu might be a little bit young… but you might remember, or ask your parents, that during WW II Argentina “fed” the UK for long years… Do you know how many Argentines went to fight for England during that awful war? Hundreds, maybe thousands… Where do you think the “Corned beef” was coming from?

At the end of the war… Argentina accepted as payment for an enormous debt accumulated during the conflict lots of “war surplusses” and condoned part of the debt too… Why in Gods name would we want 24 Lincoln Bombers? 100 Gloster Meteors…

And regarding the Jews, who you reffer in the paragraph that so graciously you use as a “signature”… Did you know that in Argentina we have more Jews than in Israel?:mrgreen:

Does it surprisse you? We have and had Jewish ministers of the government and believe me that there is not a single problem for being a Jew in Argentina… They are completelly integrated in the society, maybe you´ve heard the name “Daniel Baremboim”, well, an Argentine Jew…

I will not discuss the reasons why Argentina declared war to Germany at the end of the war… Germany was a friend country of Argentina as was England and France and I sincerily suspect because somebody German that was alive at the time told me… they declared war with the blessing of Germany, otherwise, all the German capital and investments, ships, etc… would be had to be given to the allies… My grandad was then"big brass" in Siemmens and he lost everything…

I do not think Argentina wanted to declare war on Germany, too much destruction already to go and predate on the ruble of a molten country.

And… if it was discovered after the war… What could Argentina know about gas chambers an holocaust? How come Jews found a safe haven for their refugees then? Why did they stay?

With respect to the “nazis” that went to Argentina… I can assure you that they were much less than the ones that went to England and USA… does Werner Von Brown ring a bell?

So, perhaps nobody told you this before, maybe you are quite ignorant about Argentina… I can not blame you as you live in the antipodes, where few thousand Argentines live since the 70´s, when Australia practically depleted the working market “inviting” there almost every machinist in the country.

And remember that sometimes… your admired ( by me too) “Wallabies”, had to “draw” on Argentine stock for some of their test matches… Check if any Argie player ever played for the Wallabies…

In any case,

If you think Argentina is a racist country… WRONG…

If you think that antisemitism is rampart there… WRONG AGAIN…

Do England owe a few “favors” from the WW II era? RIGHT…

With all due respect, I think you need to travel a bit more Sir.


If I rememeber correctly, said corned beef created a typhoid epedemic?

Yes, this was a “Nazi” bacteriological attack…

Ah ! Come on man!!!


No offence, old chap:

[b] Typhoid and corned beef

The Aberdeen outbreak was preceded by three much smaller typhoid outbreaks in England - in Harlow, South Shields and Bedford, between May and October 1963. These were all associated with corned beef from the same canning plant in Argentina, known as Establishment 25, and it was realised, soon after the first outbreak, that the plant had been using untreated cooling water, and that a typhoid outbreak had occurred in the vicinity. It was not until some five months later, however, that corned beef in circulation in Britain from Establishment 25 was withdrawn on the advice of the Ministry of Health

Argentine meat-plant hygiene and meat inspection
When the chief technical adviser on meat inspection visited Argentina in Spring 1964, he was shocked by the poor state of hygiene throughout the meat industry, and the disorganisation of the Argentine Veterinary Service.

Some of us learned exactly where the corned beef came from. :wink:


Have you noticed the dates mentioned? 1963, almost 20 years after the end of hostilities so this does not counter my argument about what Argentina did for the UK during WW II.

And with respect to errors in plant processing…

A few years ago, they used to “spray my shoes” upon coming into an Airplane… that was the “foot & mouth” outbreak… and it ws not in Argentina, it was in the UK.

Kreutzfels Jacobs spongiform brain infection… last week three people died of it in Spain… remember the cow- killings? depleted your stock?

Remember also a very famous scandal, “soda beverages” company that was selling tap water with a Fancy brand for a Pound a liter? A couple of years ago, and probably still do…

So Argentina DID help with the British war effort, NO TIFUS meat was send then … so it was not a “Nazi” bacteriological attack"…

I wonder why answer an argument with something that passed almost 20 years later? Just for fun?



Yes, I know that. I didn’t say that it was. I was merely pointing out that we were aware of where corned beef came from and the consequences of importing said corned beef. However, unless the situation with processing deteriorated between the forties and sixties, then the implication is, is that it was poor through out.

I was always rather fond of corned beef, and so I remember the time quite well as there was a ban on imports for quite some time (If I remember correctly, the main brand supplier was Fray Bentos).

Why else?

I wasn’t aware that Britain was exporting beef to Argentina?

So Argentina DID help with the British war effort, NO TIFUS meat was send then …
Argentina was helping Argentina’s economy. Looking after self interests, one might say.

… so it was not a “Nazi” bacteriological attack"…

Yes it was, but it wasn’t discovered at the time… :wink:

Originally Posted by Pánzon View Post

And with respect to errors in plant processing…

A few years ago, they used to “spray my shoes” upon coming into an Airplane… that was the “foot & mouth” outbreak… and it ws not in Argentina, it was in the UK.

Kreutzfels Jacobs spongiform brain infection… last week three people died of it in Spain… remember the cow- killings? depleted your stock?

I wasn’t aware that Britain was exporting beef to Argentina?

What I was trying to point at, was the fact that epidemies, packing errors, etc… happen everywhere, not only in Argentina 1963…


Argentina was helping Argentina’s economy. Looking after self interests, one might say.

Yes, you might say so… but what about the argument I used a couple of posts ago? How we “collected” the debt created? Remember the Lincolns, Glosters…write off of large chunks of the debt…

… so it was not a “Nazi” bacteriological attack"…

Yes it was, but it wasn’t discovered at the time…

This part of your sense of humor, made me laugh, I appreciate it as I understand it is not irony at all.



PS: And many thanks for changing your signature, I appreciate it… so I would supposse that the “antisemitism” subject has been cleared.

Thank goodness for that. :slight_smile:

PS: And many thanks for changing your signature, I appreciate it… so I would supposse that the “antisemitism” subject has been cleared.

I think that comment has been lost in translation :confused: :confused: ?

Speaking of anti-semitism, it’s not really my thing at all - try this:

He hath disgraced me, and
hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses,
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my
bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine
enemies; and what’s his reason? I am a Jew. Hath
not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as
a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison
us, do we not die?

I was always rather fond of corned beef, and so I remember the time quite well as there was a ban on imports for quite some time (If I remember correctly, the main brand supplier was Fray Bentos).

Fray Bentos is a city of U-Ru-GuAY, not argieland.

Are you sure that was Argentine corned beef ?

In any case the quality of the argentine Beef and meat ( I mean ALL the meat) is beyond discussion.

I have yet to have a steak from South America, but I hear it is above and beyond some of the best beef in the world…

Probably any from corned beef from South America, but the repport refers to Argentine beef, and Fray Bentos is just a brand name which I happen to remember from the time.

In any case the quality of the argentine Beef and meat ( I mean ALL the meat) is beyond discussion.

That bad, hey?

Is possible, is possible.

About the quality of the argentine meat…well, you should be soon capable to discern, the exportation of beef of the pampas has been reopened some days ago.

Will the people used to fish and chips capable to apreciate that ? I think so and I hope so. :mrgreen:

All of a sudden…I feel hungry :wink:

Lucky you I simply cannot eat fish, I try but failed.

Here is a better companion to the potatoes chips…:wink:

Mmmmmmmmmm Yummy.

Big bunnies you have in Argentina - which gun did you use on that one?

Yea, just that is a special kind of bunny, about 350 kilos, short ears and with horns. :roll:

Your bunnie steaks look scrumptious;):cool: