The Superbowl

What a game. What a huge upset, possibly one of the greatest in modern history…

Giants 17, previously undefeated Patriots 14…

Great game! … Sorry for the Patriots so close yet so far.

I think 32Bravo may have drowned in a vat of ale celebrating…:smiley:

that was amazing, that was so cool, haha pats, tom brady got destroyed with like 5 sacks

i am not only a giants fan, but honest to god hate the patriots (lying pack of cheaters). Its good to see the giants win under such circumstances, especially after the incident of '01

I can’t understand anyone (except a Giants fan) saying that SB XLII was great. It was the most mediocre 3 quarters of SuperBowl football I can ever remember watching, (and I’ve watched every one since XVIII) topped off with a splendid 4th quarter.
Manning’s scramble out of the grasp of the D.L on the winning drive was reminiscent of Randall Cunningham at his very best. That play alone was worth the MVP award in my opinion.

Silly Pats’s Offensive co-ordinator. The shotgun was blunting their running threat, whilst telegraphing their intentions to the Giant’s D. Doubly brain dead formation, since Brady had great success in 1st Q using 7 step drop.

As for a the greatest ever upset. Not even close! Think N.Y Jets/Baltimore Colts. (Much bigger spread & bigger winning margin too).

I manage a betting shop, and we took as much money on the Giants, as we did the Pats. (Admittedly at better odds!).

watching brady get sacked in the 4th quarter made it worthwhile to me