The Swastika? Please Vote!!!!

Seemingly I am the only one that voted to ban the swastika so I thought I ought to state my reasons for doing so.

I agree whole heartedly with the previous posters who have pointed out that it was a symbol abused by the Nazi party (along with several others), however as I am a Brit of very mixed racial origin (quarter American/quarter Polish Jew/quarter mixed British/quarter mongrel) I have always detested that symbol above all else.

I recently tried to research my family tree and came to the realisation that there had been some injudicious pruning when I came to the Polish branch. I have almost no relatives left in Poland where prior to WWII my family were all alive and well. I am very grateful that my grandfather fled the country in time. Hence my hatred of that symbol and all it represents.

I never knew him as he died before I was born (I also never knew my American grandfather) but I still hold his memory dear to me even now.

I know that the German nation has made reparations for their behaviour during the war but I still feel that the swastika is a symbol of the hatred and genocide that plunged the world into such a desperate and difficult time.

Apologies for the slightly rambling tone, but a bottle of gin does not make for cogent argument.


No need for apologies Tubs. From one mongrel to another…well said. I hope you understand my reason for leaving it on the site for the moment. Maybe that will change in the future. I voted yes because I feel it is a historical part of WW2. I think its also important to hear all sides of the symbol. What it was, what it is and what it will be. Most do not look upon it and see the ancient symbol it once was. Most, as you do, associate it with a dark period of mankind that I hope we never forget and never repeat.

Well im drinking vodka and mountain dew…so a drink to the hope that kind of evil shall be gone forever.

If the swastica is allowed,the iron cross,is allowed too,no?

I know that but I was just trying to use something off the top of my head as trying to get my point across. :lol:

Agree :smiley: 8)


I fully agree with you. I think the Swastika or the SS runes should be banned from being used as an avatar on this site. At least I would seriously question the intentions or ideology of somebody using Nazi symbols as his personal calling card, this is in the end what an avatar is.
But I wouldn´t censor it out of historical pictures.


I didn’t really make myself too clear did I?

I would not want the swastika banned when it is used in a historical context (e.g. photos) but as Jan said, I would not like to see it used as part of someones avatar or signature block.

I understand that it is part of history and that we cannot airbrush out the parts that we don’t like. However we should not celebrate the parts of it that are truly sickening. We can certainly learn from them and they should never be forgotten.

The Iron Cross is a part of Prussian military tradition and reaches back to the Prussian Army reform during the Napoleonic wars, something which changed Germany big time, by e.g. ending purchase of comissions and professionalising the miltary, including breaking down class barriers (like before the officer corps was only accessible for aristocrats, no matter how stupid they were, after the reforms anybody who passed the new entrance exams could become an officer.) The reforms also included universal conscription, to make the military a part of the people, and not anymore a toy for aristocrats. The Nazi version of the Swastika on the other hand is the symbol of the Nazi party.


Danke Jan! :smiley:
If you want you could start a topic on German military markings and symbols.

Here is an article about the Iron Cross:


I would not want the swastika banned when it is used in a historical context (e.g. photos) but as Jan said, I would not like to see it used as part of someones avatar or signature block.

I agree with this and can’t think of a better way of putting it!



the votes:

outlaw the swatica:
no : 3

yes : 16

Sorry - thick moment! I thought it might be some sort of slang that I wasn’t familiar with.

Could have been John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Could have been John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”[/quote]

Thought about that one but discounted it as a reference on a site about war! :?


Was a joke Erwin calm down. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Was a joke Erwin calm down. :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Exactly :smiley: