the US unbeatable?

Where do you think the majority of the circuit boards used in the superior technology come from?

exacly, Greece thought it could never be invaded thanks to the great walls of Constantinople and there vast military might, then looked what happened, Greece came under Ottoman oppression for 400 yrs

USA can learn alot of the past of other nations, and not making the same mistakes, i hope American attitude is like how it here, thinking its impossible to invade

It’s worth noting that the UK was the first time a Hegemon had peacefully passed it’s status as Hegemon on to another power (the US). In virtually all other cases in history this has happened as part of a rather bloody war, and I’m not aware of any other cases of cooperation. If the new hegemon is another Liberal Democracy (particularly if it is part of the Anglosphere) the US may well do the same when it’s time comes. India, anyone?

If we talk about the military manouvers, the US Army (Rangers and special forces Delta) won that battle.

With only 100 units, supported by only 4 light attack helicopters Hughes 500, confronted to more than 20.000 well armed somalies.
The Rangers and Deltas standed their positions by nearly 24 hours and the 80% of them could escape alive, with the mission, of taking prisoners, complete. More than 2000 somalies lost their lives.

The great shock was the images of TV showing to north american disabled soldiers being draged along the streets, and thinks like that which shaked to all the north american people and started to question the non-allowed by UN military movements around the world.

I wasn’t on about the battle, eagle, the war in total.

The casualties sustained in the battle made it impossible to stay.

Hence the pull out.

And it is quite telling as well taht it was the Rangers and Delta with all their technology that were so badly mauled by the “Skinnies” who had at best a mobile phone and an AK or RPG, and a handfull of caq!!!

Regards China v USA. More technology than China, so they would lose?

Have a word.

Not only are China quite technological they have an army that has more men than some armies have bullets!!!

There main problem would be finding the boats to ship 'em over. The vaunted American technology would soon be used up.

Yea but 19 US killed compared to 1000 or so Somalians killed. Pretty one sided. Outcome of the battle … no real winner or loser. Americans got out with some insignificant prisoners. But I think its safe to say that the losses on both sides were unacceptable.

At the moment no 1 country by itself could successfully invade the US. Even if you rule out nukes. A good number of combined countries could. But this is so far fetched. First NATO would need to be dissolved. Plus just as any country with nukes…we would definatly use them as a first or last resort to fuck the enemy as much as possible.

I think America could make a landing in China but I dont think there is anyway possible to hold it for very long. American Navy is far superior. However let’s not forget the Chinese have a great Air Force that can help balence this problem.

In a renewed Korean war I think again it would be a stalemate.

Here would be an interesting topic. Since Russia is still in a bit of chaos. Could a combined Euro/American alliance defeat a combined Russian/Chinese Alliance?

Nope. Not without using nukes, and then no-one is a winner.

Why did the technically superior German Army lose in Russia in WW 2?

Because there are a lot of Russians, the supply lines became overstretched and the Gemans couldn’t push far enough to get to the arms factories and win the war.

How would you invade Russia and China from Europe? Never mind the Russian army (which is still huge), look at the Chinese.

They have an Army of 2M, a militia reserve of another 1.5 M and an armed police force of 1M. This is after they’ve started a force reduction of 1/2 M, so there are at least a further 1/2 M recently left the forces, plus they have compulsory military service for 2 years between ages 18-22.

The CIA Factbook estimates they have 281 M (!!!) men fit for military service, so presumably a similar number of women as well, the bulk of whom will have had the 2 years military training.

WTF are you going to do against an army that can mobilise half a billion troops? Allied to which they have a huge and growing industrial capability that could be churning out basic tanks and guns like there was no tomorrow.

In another thread there was mention of what might happen should a SHERMAN engage an M1. What if it was 50 SHERMANS (or T 34 copies)? End of M1 I posit.

Just to add to the gloom, the Mk 1 grunt has not developed a skin proof against HE at this stage AFAIK so the PBI are just as likely to get killed by a T 34 as an M1.

If it ever did kick off (probably over Taiwan, and bear in mind what the Chinese have threatened to do to the Aussies if they join in) the Chinese will win.

all great empires fall, yes. but the USA is not an empire it cannot outgrow itself, and have to spread out its troops so much (like the Romans.) And unlike the Greeks and Romans, we are not in a constant state of war. And when i say that the US is more technologically advanced by China I am not implying that the US is going to stay a super power, that i hate the Chinese, anything else…all i am saying is a fact, that the US is more technologically advanced then the Chinese.

I really dont see a global war in the near future like WW2. Yes there might be some big bloody conflict in the future but everyone knows we dont want to go to far coz eventually someone will use nukes.

Now the modern battles are fought more economically. Remember the US helped in the collaspe of the of the USSR. Reagan drove a huge military budget and flanted a most likely impractical stars wars campaign, forcing a russian response. Which IMO ultimately drove them towards collaspe. So there are more ways to change the problems with your enemy than just going to war with them. This is nothing new. Its just more global today.

Look at the end of the American Revolution. The French didnt really do much fighting at all but it was just enough to force the British in to Peace talks. So the French got to kick the Brits in the face without sheeding much blood at all on their end.

But it is a historical fact that the US will fall or dissolve into something else in the future. How long…very hard to say? Depends how many retards we get in the future running the country.

Gen. Sandworm brings a good point, if we have retards in the White House running our country like Hillary Clinton, then we’re fucked. But either way, if we were invaded, there would be a gun behind every blade of grass. Our military is strong enough to deter any army that is crazy enough to attempt an invasion of the States.

And trust me I dont care where you are from. You dont wanna fuck with the hillbilly’s and redneck’s in this country. Imagine getting captured by a bunch of springer type people. Dont care where your from thats fucking scary. The US is armed to the teeth. Just imagine if they were legally allowed to shoot certain people. I think they would welcome it more than fear it. Forget about Geneva Conventions…these people are lucky enough if they know how to read. But im sure they can work every gun on the planet.

K…maybe they arent that bad but ive seen some pretty scary things in my day.

i dont think the US will necessarilly fall. i think its more like other countries will catch up to us/pass us, but the US is just to big to suddenly be a pushover country. but i am also curious, what countries do you guys think will catch the US? (besides china)

The British Empire covered a quarter of the globe and still fell. Every leading country is there for every other country in the world to aim at, and one day the US will fall just like every other world power in the past has. As for who will overtake you - China, India and the EU would all be good bets, as would Russia if they could find someone who could count to run the treasury and someone who wouldn’t take bribes to run the police.

The British Empire covered a quarter of the globe and still fell. Every leading country is there for every other country in the world to aim at, and one day the US will fall just like every other world power in the past has. As for who will overtake you - China, India and the EU would all be good bets, as would Russia if they could find someone who could count to run the treasury and someone who wouldn’t take bribes to run the police.[/quote]

but the British Empire has good friends,and im afraid the US hasn’t so much of those.

I think maybe US losses their power as 1st world power nation in the world like other European countries did,and that without falling!,also i think there will be a new empire which will be one of the newer non european nations,nobody thought usa could be an empire when usa was independenced,and look now!.

Britain fall?,no
Spain fall?,no
URRS fall?,no…well,the communism fall,but now they are a non communist nation! :smiley: .

i don’t think US will fall

Well, the British Empire had good friends, but it also had very powerful enemies. We came out rather well from the Napoleonic wars - largely by paying other people to fight Napoleon for us (!). The First World War caused problems in the UK that even today haven’t healed (for instance we still haven’t paid off most of our war debts), while the Second World War broke the back of the British Empire and made decolonisation inevitable. On the plus side we have finally finished paying off our war debt to the US in the past 5 years or so :smiley:
The real problem for the US is if a country of roughly the same power challenges it’s position as Hegemon. In that case, you’re back in WW1 or 2 UK position. That implies China in 20 years or so as the only plausible opponent.

Nice to know someone profited from previously unheard of levels of suffering, innit?

Absolutely. It’d be interesting to know how much better shape UK industry would have been in had the Luftwaffe posessed a competent heavy bomber force - German and Japanese industry clearly benefited from being flattened!

Many a true word!

It sounds sick & strange, but when WW 2 ended, and the Soviet Army had run off with most of the machine tools, the Germans had no choice but to buy new.

When I was an apprentice in a UK company in the 80’s, many of our milling machines and lathes were of pre-war vintage. This was not uncommon, and as we have found to our cost, you struggle to make precision items with old, worn-out tools.

Anyway, economic war is the way ahead. The Chinese are buying US companies like mad at the moment. When they own the US, they have won, even without having to fire a shot.

Don’t forget, the Chinese tend to take a very long term view of things. They would be happy to win in 100 years time, whilst most of us will be very lucky to even live that long.

Good job I like Chinese food isn’t it?

Who ever will be the number 1 super power will be the one who controls space. We don’t have a clue how advanced the US military is. Most of the weapons we see now are very old and I would bet my next paycheck the US military has something hidden up it’s sleeve.
When I left the AF in 85 they were shooting lazer beams from converted KC-135’s, from air to air & from air to ground. Its been over 20 years I wonder how much progress they have made??? I don’t think anyone will ever pass the US in technology.

Never is a long time Mike, and if there is one thing that WWII teaches us it’s that quality doesn’t always beat quantity.

Interesting point much of Americas post-war wealth came from absorbing British owned companies and trading agreements hocked to pay for the war under lend-lease and similar. It does perhaps show the folly of relying of overseas assets.