The War in Iraq

Bit of a late reply this, but it appears to be from the King’s Royal Hussars (small flag on the TOGS on the right hand side of the turret). Not done the Balkans but it looks very central European and the KRH completed at least one tour of Bos (not sure about Kosovo).

The Challenger looks like its coming up the hill leading out of Pristina in Kosovo. Hard to tell though as that bit of road is dual carrigway and I cant see if the piccie is, it could well be Bosnia but has a definate Balkans look about it.

To my opinion this war has lasted way to long. It is now getting to the point where we are losing way to many of our soldiers becdause the Iraqi government is too ustable. we shoulod be trying to help them out instead of trying to take out the Shi-ite milita.

If you look at my Avitar(little picture under my Name) That is my father Sergeant <deleted>. 10th Mountain Division age <deleted> years old and he is stationed there in Iraq right now.

I am open for opinions on the war in Iraq please if you have somting to say than by all means post. You should also check out my othe thread on The Iraq War.

Ummm… two things.

  1. It really, really isn’t a very bright idea to post personal details of serving personnell on the internet along with photos. There are terrorist nutters out there who will quite happily take all the data they can and use it against coalition forces. There have been a number of cases where families in the UK have got abusive phone calls from Iraq after their loved one used a local mobile phone service and the number he was calling in the UK was leaked to insurgents. Accordingly, I’ve deleted your father’s name and age. I didn’t do anything about the avatar as it is impossible to identify him from it.
  2. In any case, board rules are that all avatars should be WW2 related. Please change it to a more appropriate one.

I dont think we should stay there any longer than we must. Help get the Iraqis on their feet and get the hell out.

Considering pdf’s argument, I deleted you avatar.

The best way for the USA is to divide Iraq into 50-60 zones, and transfer the full authority over these zones with the the right to exploit the local resources and population to private companies or groups of individuals from Christian countries ( and perhaps Israel).

This will enable the US to withdraw its troops from Iraq, make things for Islamists in Iraq much worse, receive its share in profits generated by the owners of the zones, without undertaking any responsabilities. And what’s more important Islamists will lose their initiative and be imposed new rules of the game.

Errr… Kato, you’re a complete raving lunatic. We aren’t facing an existential, religious war right now - but doing that would set one off overnight. We’d win it, but the cost would be horrendous and what we would have to do to win it worse. The death toll would dwarf any previous event in history.

Along Katos lines but without the exploitation, GM and Ford should build a few Car Plants, hire the locals and pay them a decent wage. In a few years they would be more interested in Ipods than Insurgents…

Maybe, maybe not…

General Wal-Mart, and General McDonalds will win the war.

Errr… Kato, you’re a complete raving lunatic.

How would you call Americans and modern Brits who don’t have any idea what to do in Iraq now and what is the aim of waging war there.

We aren’t facing an existential, religious war right now

And what are you facing now?

We’d win it, but the cost would be horrendous and what we would have to do to win it worse. The death toll would dwarf any previous event in history.

Iraq was a quiet and boring British colony in past. It became British colony without religious wars or violence.

A great misconception is that Britain took the Empire by force. What we did mostly was to move in and use the locals to get what we wanted while giving the local rulers something that they wanted, whether it be power or money etc. That way they would work for themselves but in reality be working for us. It was the classic win-win scenario.

Alas the days of Empire are long gone, the principle however remains the same. We didnt so much conquer an Empire as acquire it by guile, persuasion, economic power and a good bit of luck.

Get the local leaders on your side and the rest will follow.

Odd bits and pieces of the empire were however picked up by force - Iraq is an example, we nabbed that by force of arms during WW1 and kept it as part of the informal empire postwar. We certainly kept hold of it by force of arms - reading up on the Iraqi rebellion against the British is rather illuminating, as is reading of the brutality with which we put that rebellion down.

As you may have gathered by now Firefly, I may possibly take some exception to your “Alas the days of Empire are long gone” - personally I’m very glad it’s dead and buried. It left a valuable legacy, but the same could have been achieved at far less cost.

Hello Firefly.
Nice to see you again.
Well maybe the Britain has took its colonies without force, however you widelly USED force to hold the Impir’s satellites and suppress the National movenment in the all the world ( look for instance the War for Independence with USA) or supressing the rebels in Southern Asia, India and ets.

I found a list on of things that american soldiers over in Iraq what/need you guys should check it out

I ve never seen the so biased american propogandic site;)
Sorry but it remind me the spit soviet propogandic issues of cold war times.Sure it just for domestic purposes, however in the international scene it looks foolish.


Great site sergeant…A good way for the American public to show its support for the troops and maybe a way to say thanks…I have known several people to receive a care package like this, they were very thankful for it.