'They raped every German female from eight to 80'


Erwin, if your mother, sister or daughter might have been the victims, I bet that you would be full of anger on the rapists. More, tell your opinion to your girlfriend (if any) and you’ll be alone.

Off-topic: What kind of Catholic are you then???

George Duncan’s
Massacres and Atrocities of World War II

Dedicated to all those who lost their lives through man’s inhumanity to man, which knows no bounds of race, creed, or time.

“Any war must be categorized as an “atrocity” but the war that Hitler started brought a scale of atrocity never previously known. The statistics of World War II clearly qualify it, by far, as the most heinous atrocity in all recorded history. Within this period the world has enjoyed real peace for only 268 years.” - G.D.

Erwin wrote

Hey,maybe it was a necesity,i know that raping is inhuman and a brutality,but maybe the guys after months of fighting with ice on the pants,bored,without having any sexual relation gave them a giant necesity to do “It”,just put yourself in their places,you have a year or more of not having a woman,i would feel desesperated.

This is very, very bad mate. I third what Cuts said. It is not a necesity and never will be. It is also a power thing rather than a sexual one, no matter how it is dressed up.

Please try out your opinion on a female that you know, and watch her run in to the distance mate.

rape is brutal and will leave a scar mentally.

I think it was Churchill, who after the war, at the Rise of the Sovjetunion, said
“We have slaughtered the wrong pig” meaning not that germany didnt deserve what they got, but that the russians at all times where a greater thread to UK/USA.
Interesting eh?

Russia certainly became the greater threat, and perhaps this was spotted in 1944 or earlier. It is possible, maybe, that a peace could have been brokered with Hitler in 1940. It has been indicated in the past that he would have liked to make peace with the Western Allies, although whether this was because he knew he was taking a beating on the Eastern front I don’t know.

The point is however, that the Nazis were a brutal bunch and needed stopping. After 1945, none of the Allies were in much state to carry on against each other. Brutality in Russia however has always been a way of life, but is generally turned in on themselves. Look at the treatment of the Serfs in the 1800s.


Cuts wrote:

Rape is never a necessity !

It is a brutal act against the defenceless.
It is a power crime rather than a sexual one.

Rape shows a lack of discipline at all levels.
Granted there will be some individual psychopaths that slip through the net, but rape on a scale such as this is an indictment of the soldiers, their immediate commanders and the higher staff and leaders of the regimes.
None involved can claim any reason that could make them immune from prosecution.

It is against the teachings of all the religions which the major participants may have claimed as their own.
The Communists still treated it as a crime despite their lack of religious conviction.

Some may seek to mitigate these actions because of atrocities previously witnessed, but two wrongs do not make a right.
Anyone claiming that there was a good reason for the rapes show that their own morals are deeply suspect.

Absolutely right on all points. Text book stuff. I doubt any normal thinking person would disagree.

However the hoards of Russians maurauding through berlin et al in 1945 were not “normal thinking” people. In the main they were:

1 - Very young - and therefore could be expected to have an immature sense of right/wrong. After all most (non traffic) crimes are committed by the young. Being young increases the chance of you doing stupid/illegal things. Young soldiers are no different.
2 - Very brutalised - and therefore hardened to the immoral actions they were carrying out that I - in the 21st Century in my comfortable life - consider abhorrent.
3 - Poorly lead - better supervision, control etc could have reduced the instances of these crimes. Poorly supervised young soldiers are going to get up to no good.
4 - Poorly educated - many would have no education at all other than in the Communist ideal and how the Fascist pigs must be killed at all costs.
5 - In a living hell where normal morals by necessity are put on hold. Hmmm there is a German soldier about to bayonet me, shall I shoot him? Better not as killing is morally wrong. Or I’m hungry shall I steal an apple from that orchard, hmm better not as stealing is morally wrong. Many of these soldiers for 2-3 years had suspended normal moral codes as a necessity of war.
6 - Peasant stock - many of the young Russian soldiers would have been from peasant stock and used to seeing death on a daily basis. Whether wringing chickens necks, butchering pigs or villagers dying young through lack of medical care. Life was cheaper then that it is today.

All in all I do not condone any war crime at all, but I can understand how in the hell of the Eastern front these things happened.

But who is to blame for these things? Nation “A” whose young were thrown through no fault of their own into hell and became brutalised as described in 1-6 above as a result? Or Nation “B” who started it all in the first place?

If you are going to take on a nation like the Russians in an all out war then you have got to be pretty sure of winning otherwise you can expect to reap a pretty severe penalty.

On balance though didn’t the Germans come out of the war they started far better than the Russians?:

Germans - 2 million dead + a Marshall plan + 40 yrs of division.
Russians - 20 million dead.

The German Nation reaped nothing less than they deserved despite their more modern historians portraying them more and more as the real victims of WW2.