This might be why Japanese cannot conquered China

The Japanese did NOT beat China because:

  1. Chungking stood as the war time Chinese capital to the day Hirohito announced his intent to surrender to the Allies.
  2. The Japanese troops were fighting organized Chinese military units until Japanese surrendered.
  3. Japanese troops in China surrendered to Chinese troops after Hirohito announced his intent to surrender.

Therefore, China won the war against the Japanese. Granted China needed every ounce of support the Allies could spare in order to win the war, nevertheless, she won the war against the Japanese.

I’m not sure why it is actually a controversy of any sort to you :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought we’d agreed that ‘Japs’ wasn’t to be used?

I suppose Wogs is right out then ?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The Japanese did NOT beat China because:

  1. Chungking stood as the war time Chinese capital to the day Hirohito announced his intent to surrender to the Allies.
  2. The Japanese troops were fighting organized Chinese military units until Japanese surrendered.
  3. Japanese troops in China surrendered to Chinese troops after Hirohito announced his intent to surrender.

Therefore, China won the war against the Japanese. Granted China needed every ounce of support the Allies could spare in order to win the war, nevertheless, she won the war against the Japanese.

I’m not sure why it is actually a controversy of any sort to you :P[/quote]

I’d like your thoughts TJN on whether you think the fact that the Communist Chinese never fully committed to fight the Japanese in conventional style battles and warafare contributed to the communist revolution in China later on? Were the nationalists all fought out by 1948? Or was support for them limited anyway? I know I could Google, but value your opinion on it?

What the hell is wrong with using a contrated word for Japanese when we consistantly and without offense use Brit, Slav, Aussie, Ami (the Germans called us that), Pole, Dane, Kiwi, Canuck, Saudi, Itals= eye-tal for Italians, or Charlie derived from the military phonetic alaphebet as VC Victor Charlie for Viet Cong? Does ridiculous politically corrrectness follow us everywhere? The Nipponese soldier was not short he was height challenged, right?

I think it goes something like, if they dont refer to themselves as it, dont use it on them.

We can say that Japan didn’t “beat” China due to the fact that Nipponese troops didn’t occupy the capital and every province but for all intent and purpose I sure wouldn’t call the Chinese “winners” simply because they were able to outlast the Japanese Army’s killing machine because of sheer numbers of inhabitants. :shock:

Its a bit like Korea though, numbers have their own quality sometimes. The UN Army outclassed the Chinese Army there, but still didnt win the war. I agree that militarily the Chinese were outclassed, but the Chinese had a persistence that the Japanese just couldnt match.

Yeah kinda like the Russian attitude of “let’s thow human flesh at them till they get tired of killing us.” Sad state of things when a huge population is an asset that a government chooses to sacrifice as a defensive weapon.

Captain, I was not stereotyping the japanese as fighting in the jugles o r rainforests. But i stick to my point the Japanese army was an infantry army and they planned on remaining as that. They never really showed any interest in tanks of any kind.

I have to agree, what is offensive about the word “J***” anyway? I can’t see how it could possibly be derogatory. If we all have to follow this absurd political correctness we will one day be calling World War Two the “Second International Dispute” If anyone can give me one GOOD reason why the word J*** is offensive then I’ll stop using it

back on topic - I agree with Timujin, I think the main reason the J*** struggled to conquer all of China is its sheer size. With my limited knowledge of the Chinese Civil War/Communist Revolution the size of the country was a major issue then as well. Instead of standing to face any invanders, defenders could retreat virtually forever into the large expanse of land. Add the fact that in the late 1930s/early 40s that the road system into the interior of China left a lot to be desired, supplies and armour would’ve been difficult to move around the country.

Editted by F-F.

Sorry Lemuel and Twitch1. As long as we have forum rules I would request that everyone abide by them, if you dont like it please feel free to contact any Admin.

Until then our instructions remain to edit the post.


yes, just say it in site feedback if you dont like the rules.
but please just follow the rules we set up, then we are all cool 8)

I agree with the rule, because you don’t know when people use it ina despective way or normal way.
An anecdote on this happened to me in school(im in an american school) and my teacher, said “j***” :shock: Normal to her but in a history class :shock: Well but this teacher was the same teacher who didn’t know what was Omaha being a history teacher :?

Editted by F-F


Guys, the rules are there stop saying it.

This is beginning to sound like the Life of Brian

Stop saying Jehova!

Tank is not the reason. Because the majority of the Chinese troops don’t have tanks!!! Half of the troops don’t even have rifles. They fought the japanese with only blades and spears!!!

The reason why japanese can’t conqure China is the same withe the Germans in Russia. China is vast with a huge population i.e. lots of underground resistence. Think about it a small island like japan couldn’t have enough population i.e. troops to guard all their conquered terroteries in China.

In fact werent there more Chinese troops fighting for Japan than there were Japanese?

That is quite true, if you count all the regular troops and gueriilas

If u look at pics of jap tanks they look really weak, of course they cant conquer china with those tanks(if they did conquer china would i be speaking japanese instead of chinese?)