Tigers at Prokhorovka


I KNEW I had never seen that thing before!

Full marks to the perpetrator!!!

Even Stalin could not have been that stupid…

I feel so funky/ripped off!!!

Makes me think of the recent media scandal of the “Boy with Dad’s credit card buying hookers and spending 30,000 dollars”, a story picked up by every news media online group and exposed as a front to gather interest for a media group website.

I would have liked to have read a parody of Remarques novel, too. It’s always good satire to aim at the serious literature!
The title got a laugh from me, too…“Dreadful Din On the Western Front” indeed!

Can I use the word “bastard”, please?

Show me that “russian historian” please?:slight_smile:
Or you still read the Soviet propogandics posters like an russians?
Is it not you that man who call to separate the Soviet and russian IDENTIFY in other thread?

Resun/Suvorov: i suppose:)

How can, how can…
Creat the GULAG for 40 ( better 60 mln) and Grab entire the American Industry , obligated them to supply the WHOLE Lend Lise ONLY for yourself- and you can start muss production of such devises:)

I am no fan of “Comrade Stalin”, but this is just leadership genius in complete reverse!

You haven’t seen his MOST Big airplains yet…:slight_smile:
You will be best fan of Stalin…

Now see mr JapaneBomber, why i usially carefully look at the each new members and their “fresh” ideas.
If you historical knowleges as good as your techical ones:)…soon we would learn from the “reliable” sources about plans of Soviet invasion to the Mars;)
But nevertheless, you a good lad, who gives us more fun…


And this is one great word: Geheimnisseschwererpanzerkampfwagon
I am afraid I will break my tongue if I try to pronounce it… :slight_smile:


Comes out as roughly “Secret <something> heavy armoured war vehicle” or “secret <something> heavy tank”. Any of the Germans on here able to do a better translation? My German is a tad rusty.

source for 100 Tigers and Elephanta…Gilbert, Martin “The Second World War”.

Martin Gilbert is quite “distinguished” and “reputable”, but his sources are old Soviet ones!

I claim to have no original ideas, really…most of them have been shot down in the past.
So, now I’m simply a humanist/humourist, seeking only to seperate modern Russians from their Soviet past. I grew up reading about WW2 from about 8 or 9 years of age, and have remained a staunch supporter of revisionism in the name of ACCURACY.

I want to be able to teach history, one day, so I think it’s important to get it right and correct, and to see it not in isolation from the rest of world events, but to view it as a FLOW, firmly in context. The monstrosities of the Stalin regime always made me wonder how on earth people could let themselves be so abused. Then you realise that power was and still comes out of the end of a barrel, and that sometimes people do things because they have no choice.
I used to be a socialist, but woke up to the fact that in human affairs, you could never really eliminate basic human emotions like greed and selfishness. Abuse of one’s fellow man is something that I still hate very much…perhaps I’m not ruthless enough to be a success…poor but happy is the phrase I think I’m after.
The Russian oil workers I talk to are hearty fellows, with a twinkle in their eye, and a friendly attitude in a world that is far from a friendly place.
Perhaps they learnt this from the socialist experiments of their fathers and grandfathers, how to look the world in the eye and meet it’s challenges, even when you know you are being given a raw deal.
My heart goes out to all in Eastern Europe that have been affected by The Great Experiment in Socialism…I cannot bring myself to feel that experiment was much of a success, and niether is our “wonderful” capitalism to be truthful. Both sides of the political coin tend to set one against the other, rather than mutual co-operation for the greater common good, as it should be in a Utopian world.

You Russians are such hardy people…I’m not sure whether I could do the same as those selfless Russians that gave everything and more all those years ago. I know I would have ended up in a Gulag as a “political” in a special camp, with a 30 or 40 year sentence.

Supporter of revisionism:)?
Be carefull my friend. The neo-bolshevics revisionist are not welcomed in this board:)

I want to be able to teach history, one day, so I think it’s important to get it right and correct, and to see it not in isolation from the rest of world events, but to view it as a FLOW, firmly in context. The monstrosities of the Stalin regime always made me wonder how on earth people could let themselves be so abused. Then you realise that power was and still comes out of the end of a barrel, and that sometimes people do things because they have no choice.
I used to be a socialist, but woke up to the fact that in human affairs, you could never really eliminate basic human emotions like greed and selfishness. Abuse of one’s fellow man is something that I still hate very much…perhaps I’m not ruthless enough to be a success…poor but happy is the phrase I think I’m after.
The Russian oil workers I talk to are hearty fellows, with a twinkle in their eye, and a friendly attitude in a world that is far from a friendly place.

So you are the Socialist - idealist who blame the STalin’s regime as a “wrong way of socialism”?
But just say honestly - were the Socialism able to be the more human and what kind of socialism do ou prefer?

Perhaps they learnt this from the socialist experiments of their fathers and grandfathers, how to look the world in the eye and meet it’s challenges, even when you know you are being given a raw deal.
My heart goes out to all in Eastern Europe that have been affected by The Great Experiment in Socialism…I cannot bring myself to feel that experiment was much of a success, and niether is our “wonderful” capitalism to be truthful. Both sides of the political coin tend to set one against the other, rather than mutual co-operation for the greater common good, as it should be in a Utopian world.

Now you finally admit that the “wonderful” capitalism is not such truthful indeed as it usially portrays in WESTERn mass media.
But why in this way you believe the everything that capitalists wrote about Evill USSR?
And if the West instead of integration with the East( the point that i/m agree), just prefer to “subordinate” the East and refuse all of its socialistic values ( like the free education and medical service) as “wrong”?
Is this not sort of Neo-Imperialism?
Why instead of creation the new kind of society -Social oriented Capitalism, today we have the Rought Primitive capitalism in the Eastern Europe and Russia?
Accidentally do you know the answers?

You Russians are such hardy people…I’m not sure whether I could do the same as those selfless Russians that gave everything and more all those years ago.

So help us to be more “soft”…
If you know how:)

I know I would have ended up in a Gulag as a “political” in a special camp, with a 30 or 40 year sentence.

Somethins prompts me, that in USSR you would be a great political leaders, or at least “Socialist Loudhailer from Literature”:slight_smile:
Your energy in study of matter ( althought the sources not always correct:)) and talant ( you definatelly have it) plus your ability to convince and inspire the peoples:)- would make you the bright figure in soviet life.
And hardly you would have choised to be the “soviet diccident” - the social mads , hwo have been prisoned into the Yellow Houses ( not into the Gulag that has been eliminated in the mid 1950).
Becouse you obviously have a common sense and ambitions not to choose the social starvation instead success and popularity:)