Yes he is having a wee rant because he feels that he is right and is suffering from a wee bit of a Mod persecution problem right now.

If we all lay off a bit he will calm down. Lets keep some perspective here. Hes not insulting anyone as far as I see, yet…

There is well known formula, when the number of post by 1000yds increases, the quality of the forum decreases.

All forums have a number of problem children. He is a very long way from our worst. Wait till Chevan goes off on one again and you’ll be looking back at this nostalgically!

You should see some of Chevan’s e-mails to me…

Jesus Christ!

This reminds me of a point for the new guys…just in case. PMs are not allowed in the public forum without a really good cause. Such as a spammer. In the war room you can post PMs. But Private messages are private to normal members. Gives them a place to get nasty if they wish.

Just a reminder.

Oh, I won’t post his PMs or e-mails. But let’s just say that he’s a tad dodgy as our British friends may put it!

All forums have a number of problem children. He is a very long way from our worst. Wait till Chevan goes off on one again and you’ll be looking back at this nostalgically!

Agreed, but note how his attitude changed after my “treathment” ( 15 days of vacations), I am very much convinced ( and nobody will make me think otherwise) that if I would allowed to act more freely the things will be different, but of course with a Chief Mod wich his only work seems to be reverse all my decisions, and with stupid rules that seems to protect the long lasting trolls…I cant do much.:roll:

As long this putrid structure continue I dont think the things will get better, probably going to be worst.

Now PK. If I was you I would have taken what you wrote above very literally and assumed that you were insulting me.

Then I would have been justified in awarding you an infraction, or even a small ban yourself.

As I remember, the rules that we have regarding Mods actions were established chiefly because one of our former Mods abused his powers for his own reasons. Deleting posts he didnt agree with and generally being a nuisance.

The answer is very clear to me. Either you accept the decisions made in the war room or you dont. If you dont accept the way we do things then you can lobby for changes and if we all agree that they are best for the site I’m sure that we can change the rules. Until then YOU are bound to obey the rules.

We ALL have to act to the same standards as this gives the members the knowledge that they all have parity of treatment. I wont allow the Mods the freedom to ban or suspend members without first bringing it to us for evaluation.